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Abstract:Bannikov , A.G. (ed.) 1983. Biological Bases for the Utilization and Conservation of Wild Animals. Breen , K.H. 1989. Photographing Waterfowl. Techniques for the Advanced Amateur and Professional. Brunov , V.V. 1988. A Bibliograpliical and Geographical Register of Works on the Bird Population of the USSR. Camphuysen , C.J. 1989. Beached Bird Surveys in the Netherlands 1915–1988. Seabird mortality in the southern North Sea since the early days of oil pollution. Chandler , W.J. (ed.) 1989. Audubon Wildlife Report. Cooper , J. (ed.) 1989. Disease and Threatened Birds. Earl of Cranbrook (ed.) 1988. Key Environments: Malaysia. Edwards , E.P. 1989. A Field Guide to the Birds of Mexico. Emel'yanova , L.E. & Brunov , V.V. 1987. Register and Maps of Mammal and Bird Population Studies Evans , S. & Fidler , M. 1990. Parrot Finches, the Aviculturist's Guide. Fitzharris , T. 1989. Wild Birds of Canada. Gattiker , E. & L. 1989. Die Vögel im Volksglauben. Halle , L.J. 1989. The Appreciation of Birds. Hiller , I. 1989. Introducing Birds to Young Naturalists. Hoeher , S. 1989. Guide des Oisillons et Poussins des Oiseaux d'Europe. Ilyichev , D.D. (ed.) 1988. Bird Ecology and Behaviour. Jaensch , R.P., Vervest , R.M. & Hewish , M.J. 1988. Waterbirds in Nature Reserves of South-western Australia 1981–1985: Reserve Accounts. Jennings , M.C. & AI. Salama , M.I. 1989. Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Arabia: Survey no. 6. Results of an ornithological survey of the Northern Asir and Southern Hedjaz Region of Saudi Arabia, 25 June to 16 July 1988. Lotz , A.R. 1987. Birding Around the World. A guide to observing birds everywhere you travel. Mc Allan , I.A.W. & Bruce , M.D. 1988. (1989) The Birds of New South Wales. Mc Cabe , R.E. (ed.) 1989. Transactions of the Fifty-fourth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. Mayer , G. 1987. Atlas der Brutvögel Oberösterreichs. Morozov , V.I. & Ostapenko , V.A. 1988. Weavers. Morrison , R.I.G. & Ross , R.K. 1989. Atlas of Nearctic Shorebirds on the Coast of South America. Neufeldt , I.A. & Keskpaik , J.E. (eds) 1989. Recommended Methods for the Study of Cranes. Neufeldt , I.A. & Keskpaik , J.E. (eds) 1989. Common Crane Researches in the USSR. Communic. Balt. Commiss. Study Bird Migr. 21. Ostapenko , V.A. (ed.) 1989. Ecology and Conservation of m'ild Animals. Pravdivaya , E.F. & Zubakin , V.A. 1989. Bulletin of the All-Union Ornithological Society No. 5. Pushchino. Raffaele , H.A. 1989. A Guide to the Birds of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Ramsar Convention Bureau 1988. Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties. Remsen , J.V. & Traylor , M.A. Jr. 1989. An Annotated List of the Birds of Bolivia. Rogacheva , E.V. (ed.) 1988. Conservation and Rational Use of the Fauna and Ecosystems of the Yenisey North. Rogacheva , E.V. (ed.) 1988. Papers on the Fauna of Central Siberia and Adjacent Regions of Mongolia. Thibault , J.-C. & Rives , C. 1988. Oiseaux de Tahiti.
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