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Retinoic acid stimulates growth hormone synthesis in human somatotrophic adenoma cells: Characterization of its nuclear receptors
Authors:Jean Guibourdenche,Charlotte Djakouré  ,Dominique Porquet,Patrick Pagé  sy,Cé  cile Rochette-Egly,Franç  oise Peillon,Jacques Yuan Li,Daniè  le Evain-Brion
Abstract:In order to gain a better understanding on the possible role of retinoic acid (RA) on human GH secretion, we have characterized the expression of its nuclear receptors in somatotropic adenoma cell extracts. By immunoblotting with rabbit polyclonal antibodies directed against RARα, β, and γ and RXRα and β, we could only detect the presence of RARα and RXRα proteins. The predominant expression of RXRα was confirmed at the mRNA level by Northern and slot-blot analysis. When then investigated the effect of RA on GH synthesis in cell culture of adenomatous somatotrophs. In cultured cells, RA (1 μM) stimulated GH secretion, increased intracellular GH content and GH mRNA levels within 72 h, suggesting a modulation of GH synthesis by RA. J. Cell. Biochem 65:25–31. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Keywords:growth hormone  retinoic acid  retinoic acid nuclear receptors  pituitary adenomas  human pituitary
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