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Stability and Inhibitory Activity of Pediocin PA-1 Against Listeria sp. in Simulated Physiological Conditions of the Human Terminal Ileum
Authors:Gwena?lle Le Blay  Riadh Hammami  Christophe Lacroix  Isma?l Fliss
Affiliation:3. Laboratoire de Microbiologie des Environnements Extr??mes (LMEE), Universit?? de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO, UEB), IUEM-UMR 6197, Place Nicolas Copernic, 29280, Plouzan??, France
2. Dairy Research Centre STELA, INAF, Pavillon Paul Comtois, Universit?? Laval, Qu??bec (QC), G1K 7P4, Canada
1. Laboratory of Food Biotechnology, Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, ETH Zurich, 8092, Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract:Listeria monocytogenes is responsible for severe foodborne infections, which can be life-threatening especially for infants and elderly populations. The emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens has stimulated the search for new strategies, such as the use of bacteriocins, to prevent or cure foodborne infectious diseases in the intestine. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of the bacteriocin pediocin PA-1 from Pediococcus acidilactici UL5 to inhibit Listeria ivanovii, used as a surrogate for L. monocytogenes, under physiological conditions of the terminal ileum, simulated in a continuous in vitro fermentation model. A fecal sample from a healthy adult was immobilized and propagated for 30?days in a continuous stirred tank reactor, fed with a nutritive medium simulating the ileal chime (pH 7.5). After reaching a pseudo-steady state, the reactor was inoculated five times with L. ivanovii to reach a final concentration of 107 CFU/ml within the reactor. Two spikes of L. ivanovii without adjunction of pediocin PA-1 served as control assays, and three other spikes were done to test the effects of three concentrations of pediocin PA-1 corresponding to 2, 3, and 5× the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) active against L. ivanovii. The concentration of L. ivanovii in the reactor was followed for 8?h using the PALCAM selective medium. The different groups of commensal bacteria were enumerated on selective medium or using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Our data showed that pediocin PA-1 is stable in the ileum conditions and that it is able to exert its inhibition activity against L. ivanovii in a dose-dependent manner. The addition of pediocin PA-1 at 5?×?MIC induced a complete disappearance of L. ivanovii (5 log reduction) within 5?h, compared to a reduction of 2 logs, corresponding to the washout phenomenon, when no pediocin PA-1 was added. Reduction of 0.8 and 1.3 logs within 8?h was also obtained with the addition of 2 and 3?×?MIC, respectively. The same experiment has shown that addition of pediocin-PA1 in the reactor had a negligible effect on the balance of commensal bacteria.
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