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Herbivore feeding preferences as measured by leaf damage and stomatal ingestion: a mangrove crab example
Authors:Amy A. Erickson  Mark Saltis  Susan S. Bell  Clinton J. Dawes
Affiliation:Department of Biology, SCA 110, University of South Florida, 4202 East Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33620-5200, USA
Abstract:The diet of the mangrove crab, Aratus pisonii, was assessed by determining the percent of damaged leaves at selected mangrove communities and by examining herbivore gut contents. This study compared the utility of both methods and tested if comparable levels of damage and dietary preference occurred using the methods. Percent of damaged leaves was determined for the three species of mangroves within Tampa Bay, FL, USA, including: the red, black, and white mangroves (Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, and Laguncularia racemosa, respectively) in four 5×10-m quadrats during summer 2001. For each species, in each of the quadrats, 200 leaves per tree were assessed for the presence or absence of crab damage. A. pisonii were sampled from the same quadrats from which leaf damage data were collected. Stomach contents were dissected and food items were classified into a number of categories.Species damaged and preferred were determined by comparing relative numbers of mangrove leaf stomata from the three mangrove species in gut contents. Results suggested that both methods provide similar estimates of preference. R. mangle leaves were preferred over those of A. germinans and L. racemosa. The percent of R. mangle leaves with damage was about 20-30 times greater than the other species, and R. mangle leaf stomata were 3 to 20 times more abundant in crab guts compared to leaf stomata of the other species. Gut contents indicated that A. pisonii is omnivorous, that average-sized adult crabs (1.4-1.7-cm width) prefer R. mangle, and that the diet of males is more varied than of females. While use of both percent leaf damage and crab gut contents reliably indicates preference, gut contents may describe better the actual diet and elucidate trends for different size or sex classes within a population.
Keywords:Aratus pisonii   Crab   Gut content analysis   Herbivore   Mangrove   Rhizophora mangle   Stomata
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