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Mitochondrial haplotype variability of brown trout populations from Northwestern Iberian Peninsula,a secondary contact area between lineages
Authors:Carmen Bouza  Román Vilas  Jaime Castro  Paulino Martínez
Affiliation:(1) Departamento de Xenética, Facultade de Veterinaria, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, 27002, Spain
Abstract:Previous studies using mitochondrial markers and microsatellites revealed a new highly differentiated Atlantic lineage of brown trout in the Iberian Peninsula mainly confined to the Upper Duero Basin. Data suggest that Duero lineage (DU) hybridizes with previously described Atlantic (AT) lineages in that basin. However, nuclear and cytogenetic data suggest another hybrid zone between divergent lineages might be present in the Miño Basin, another Atlantic drainage located to the north. Here, we extend those studies by analyzing the mitochondrial haplotype variability of brown trout populations from northwestern Spain, a poorly studied area, to obtain an accurate picture of the distribution of DU. Results show that the DU haplotype is fixed in several isolated populations from the upper course of the Miño River and its main tributary the Sil River. DU haplotype co-occurs with two related AT haplotypes in the Miño Basin revealing a new secondary contact zone. The identification of both longtime stable populations of DU and several other populations showing introgression with widespread AT lineages will be useful for the management and conservation of such an endemic lineage.
Keywords:mtDNA   Salmo trutta   Endemic lineage  Hybrid zone  Conservation genetics
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