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Effects of combination alfaxalone and alfadolone, anesthetic derivatives of pregnanedione, on cerebral hemodynamics in cats]
Authors:M Baldy-Moulinier  J Besset-Lehmann  P Passouant
Abstract:Intravenous injection of CT 1341 (a mixture of alphaxalone and alphadolone dissolved in cremophor el) induced a decrease in cerebral blood flow (CBF) measured by 133Xe clearance in cats with artificial respiration (the mean reduction in CBF was 2 ml/100 g/mn for 1,2 mg/kg or CT 1341. So, CBF was decreased by 22% when CT 1341 (7,2 mg/kg) was intravenously injected, (mean Pa CO2 equals 30 mm Hg). Changes in CBF following CT 1341 intravenous injection seems to be caused by cerebral vascular constriction evidenced by the direct observation of pial vessels. Following intravenous injection of CT 1341 (from 7, 2 mg/kg to 19,2 mg/kg), the cerebrovascular reactivity to hypercapnia or hypocapnia was not affected, but autoregulation of cerebral blood flow was transiently abolished. In animals with free respiration, CBF was increased in relation with the elevation in Pa CO2 caused by the depression of respiration.
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