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Maximum Vegetative Growth Potential and Seasonal Patterns of Resource Dynamics during Peach Growth
Authors:Grossman  Yaffa L; Dejong  Theodore M
Institution: Department of Pomology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Abstract:The maximum vegetative growth potential of two peach Prunuspersica (L.) Batsch] cultivars that differ in the timing ofresource demand for reproductive growth was determined in termsof stem extension, stem and leaf dry weight accumulation, andtrunk radial increment on defruited trees. The maximum vegetativegrowth potentials were similar on the two cultivars indicatingthat the greater partitioning of dry weight to vegetative growthfrequently observed on early maturing cultivars compared tolate maturing cultivars is the result of a shorter period ofcompetition between reproductive and vegetative growth, ratherthan a genetic difference in vegetative growth potential. Onboth cultivars, stem extension and leaf dry weight accumulationceased in mid-summer, however stem dry weight accumulation andtrunk radial increment increase continued through the autumn. The presence of fruit did not have a detectable effect on thefinal stem length, stem dry weight or leaf dry weight on theearly maturing cultivar, but it reduced final stem length anddry weight by 43 and 56%, respectively on the late maturingcultivar. The presence of fruit did decrease stem length, stemdry weight and leaf dry weight on the early maturing cultivarfor 1 month prior to and 1 month after fruit harvest. Fruitdecreased final trunk radial increment by 42 and 77% on theearly and late maturing cultivars, respectively. These reductionsin vegetative growth indicate that resource partitioning tovegetative growth was reduced by competition with fruit growth. Comparison of stem relative extension rates and stem and leafrelative growth rates on fruited and defruited trees indicatedthat vegetative growth was resource-limited shortly after vegetativebud break on fruited trees of both cultivars. This period ofresource-limited vegetative growth corresponded to a periodof resource-limited fruit growth identified in an earlier study.During the period of resource-limited vegetative growth, assimilatesupply was low due to low leaf area index, and carbohydratedemand was relatively high due to high vegetative and reproductivegrowth potentials, creating resource-limited growth conditions.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Maximum vegetative growth potential, carbon economy, partitioning, resource availability, resource limitation, source-limited growth, growth analysis, relative growth rate, peach, Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
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