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Evolution of a hybrid zone of two willow species (Salix L.) in the European Alps analyzed by RAD-seq and morphometrics
Authors:Pia Marinček  Loïc Pittet  Natascha D. Wagner  Elvira Hörandl
Affiliation:Department of Systematics, Biodiversity, and Evolution of Plants (with Herbarium), University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
Abstract:Natural hybridization of plants can result in many outcomes with several evolutionary consequences, such as hybrid speciation and introgression. Natural hybrid zones can arise in mountain systems as a result of fluctuating climate during the exchange of glacial and interglacial periods, where species retract and expand their territories, resulting in secondary contacts. Willows are a large genus of woody plants with an immense capability of interspecific crossing. In this study, the sympatric area of two diploid sister species, S. foetida and S. waldsteiniana in the eastern European Alps, was investigated to study the genomic structure of populations within and outside their contact zone and to analyze congruence of morphological phenotypes with genetic data. Eleven populations of the two species were sampled across the Alps and examined using phylogenetic network and population genetic structure analyses of RAD Seq data and morphometric analyses of leaves. The results showed that a homoploid hybrid zone between the two species was established within their sympatric area. Patterns of genetic admixture in homoploid hybrids indicated introgression with asymmetric backcrossing to not only one of the parental species but also one hybrid population forming a separate lineage. The lack of F1 hybrids indicated a long-term persistence of the hybrid populations. Insignificant isolation by distance suggests that gene flow can act over large geographical scales. Morphometric characteristics of hybrids supported the molecular data and clearly separated populations of the parental species, but showed intermediacy in the hybrid zone populations with a bias toward S. waldsteiniana. The homoploid hybrid zone might have been established via secondary contact hybridization, and its establishment was fostered by the low genetic divergence of parental species and a lack of strong intrinsic crossing barriers. Incomplete ecological separation and the ability of long-distance dispersal of willows could have contributed to the spatial expansion of the hybrid zone.
Keywords:hybridization  introgression  morphology  next-generation sequencing  population genomics
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