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Authors:Cristian A. Solari  Richard E. Michod  Raymond E. Goldstein
Affiliation:1. CONICET Researcher, Laboratorio de Biología Comparada de Protistas, Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental (FCEyN), Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina C1428EHA;2. Author for correspondence: e‐mail .;3. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA;4. Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB3 0WA, UK
Abstract:Volvox barberi W. Shaw is a volvocalean green alga composed of biflagellated cells. Vovocales with 16 cells or more form spherical colonies, and their largest members have germ‐soma separation (all species in the genus Volvox). V. barberi is the largest Volvox species recorded in terms of cell number (10,000–50,000 cells) and has the highest somatic to reproductive cell ratio (S/R). Since they are negatively buoyant, Volvocales need flagellar beating to avoid sinking and to reach light and nutrients. We measured V. barberi swimming speed and total swimming force. V. barberi swimming speeds are the highest recorded so far for volvocine algae (~600 μm · s?1). With this speed, V. barberi colonies have the potential to perform daily vertical migrations in the water column at speeds of 2–3 m · h?1, consistent with what has been reported about Volvox populations in the wild. Moreover, V. barberi data fit well in the scaling relationships derived with the other smaller Volvox species, namely, that the upward swimming speed VupN0.28 and the total swimming force FSN0.77 (N = colony cell number). These allometric relationships have been important supporting evidence for reaching the conclusion that as size increases, colonies have to invest in cell specialization and increase their S/R to increase their motility capabilities to stay afloat and motile.
Keywords:hydrodynamics  motility  multicellularity  swimming speeds  Volvocales  Volvox barberi
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