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引用本文:杨善民,陈美玉,陈福,陈文地. 人肝癌裸小鼠常位移植实验研究[J]. 中国实验动物学报, 1995, 0(2)
作者姓名:杨善民  陈美玉  陈福  陈文地
摘    要:采用硫贲妥钠(30mg/kg、30%乙醇配制)麻醉和蘸上立止血(250kIU/ml)的明胶海棉止血措施确保了人肝癌裸小鼠常位移植术能安全、可靠地进行。本中心建立的两株人肝癌裸小鼠移植瘤株(HHC4、HHC15)已成功地移植于裸小鼠(SPF级)肝脏内,移植瘤生长良好、传代稳定和持续分泌AFP。荷瘤(HHC15)3~6周裸小鼠血清AFP含量与瘤体积的增加呈正相关。常位移植前(7d)裸小鼠皮下注射0.1ml0.5%CC1(V/V。橄榄油配制)能明显提高HHC4常位移植的成功率(X2检验、P<0.01);在微量CCl4作用下,裸小鼠肝细胞受损伤,发生肝硬化,在此基础上所移植和生长的人肝癌常位移植瘤与大多数人肝癌病变发生的肝脏病理生理学特点相似,本模型的建立更适用于抗肝癌药物的模拟治疗和筛选。

关 键 词:人肝细胞癌,裸小鼠,常位移植,四氯化碳中毒

Experiment of Orthotopic Transplantation ofHuman Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Yang Shanmin,et al. Experiment of Orthotopic Transplantation ofHuman Hepatocellular Carcinoma[J]. Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica, 1995, 0(2)
Authors:Yang Shanmin  et al
Abstract:he orthotopic transplantion of human hepatocellular carcinoma wascarried out effectively and safely by adnministering with thiopentalsodium (30mg/kg) dissolved in 30% alcohol for anaesthesia and withspongia gelatinosa absorbentia soaked in Reptilase (250 ki U/ml) forcoaguiation in nude mice. Two human hepatocellular carcinoma celllines (HHC4 and HHC15) set up in nude mice were orthotopic-ally transp lanted into liver of nude mice successfully underSPF conditions. Orthotopic xenograftes grew well and propagatedsteadily and secreted AFP consistently in correspondence with theincreased volume of tumor. The rate of orthotopic propagation inHHC4 was increased (P<0.01) by administration of CCl4 ( 0.5% )0.1ml dissolved in olive oil before a week of xenograft. Withoutany treatment, HHC15 orthotopic transplantation had higher rate ofinoculation ( 100%) than that of HHC15 subcutaneous transplantation(93.3%), Based on the hepatocellular necrosis damaged by CCl4,the orthosopic model of hepatocellular carcinoma in nude mice wassimilar to the pathophysiological characteristics of pathogenesis ofthe hunfian hepatocellular carcinoma. These models will contribute tothe screening antitumor drugs.
Keywords:Human hepatocellular carcinoma Nude micepic Transplantation CCl4
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