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Polynuclear water-soluble dinitrosyl iron complexes with cysteine or glutathione ligands: Electron paramagnetic resonance and optical studies
Authors:Anatoly F. Vanin  Alexander P. Poltorakov  Vasak D. Mikoyan  Lyudmila N. Kubrina  Dosymzhan S. Burbaev
Affiliation:N.N. Semyonov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Abstract:Electron paramagnetic resonance and optical spectrophotometric studies have demonstrated that low-molecular dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNICs) with cysteine or glutathione exist in aqueous solutions in the form of paramagnetic mononuclear (М-DNICs) and diamagnetic binuclear complexes (B-DNICs). The latter represent Roussin’s red salt esters and can be prepared by treatment of aqueous solutions of Fe2+ and thiols (рН 7.4) with gaseous nitric oxide (NO) at the thiol:Fe2+ ratio 1:1. М-DNICs are synthesized under identical conditions at the thiol:Fe2+ ratios above 20 and produce an EPR signal with an electronic configuration {Fe(NO)2}7 at gaver. = 2.03. At neutral pH, aqueous solutions contain both M-DNICs and B-DNICs (the content of the latter makes up to 50% of the total DNIC pool). The concentration of B-DNICs decreases with a rise in pH; at рН 9–10, the solutions contain predominantly M-DNICs. The addition of thiol excess to aqueous solutions of B-DNICs synthesized at the thiol:Fe2+ ratio 1:2 results in their conversion into М-DNICs, the total amount of iron incorporated into M-DNICs not exceeding 50% of the total iron pool in B-DNICs. Air bubbling of cys-М-DNIC solutions results in cysteine oxidation-controlled conversion of М-DNICs first into cys-B-DNICs and then into the EPR-silent compound Х able to generate a strong absorption band at 278 nm. In the presence of glutathione or cysteine excess, compound Х is converted into B-DNIC/M-DNIC and is completely decomposed under effect of the Fe2+ chelator о-phenanthroline or N-methyl-d-glucamine dithiocarbamate (MGD). Moreover, MGD initiates the synthesis of paramagnetic mononitrosyl iron complexes with MGD. It is hypothesized that compound Х represents a polynuclear DNIC with cysteine, most probably, an appropriate Roussin’s black salt thioesters and cannot be prepared by simple substitution of М-DNIC cysteine for glutathione. Treatment of М-DNIC with sodium dithionite attenuates the EPR signal at gaver. = 2.03 and stimulates the appearance of an EPR signal at gaver. = 2.0 with a hypothetical electronic configuration {Fe(NO)2}9. These changes can be reversed by storage of DNIC solutions in atmospheric air. The EPR signal at gaver. = 2.0 generated upon treatment of B-DNICs with dithionite also disappears after incubation of B-DNIC solutions in air. In all probability, the center responsible for this EPR signal represents М-DNIC formed in a small amount during dithionite-induced decomposition of B-DNIC.
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