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Polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of the N2-fixing bacterial diversity in soil under Acacia tortilis ssp. raddiana and Balanites aegyptiaca in the dryland part of Senegal
Authors:Demba Diallo Moudjahidou  Willems Anne  Vloemans Nele  Cousin Sylvie  Vandekerckhove Tom T  de Lajudie Philippe  Neyra Marc  Vyverman Wim  Gillis Monique  Van der Gucht Katleen
Affiliation:Laboratorium voor Microbiologie (WE10V), Universiteit Gent, K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.
Abstract:Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of amplified nifH gene fragments was used to study the diazotrophic community of soil samples under Acacia tortilis ssp. raddiana (legume tree) and Balanites aegyptiaca (non-legume tree), two dominant plant species growing naturally in the dryland part of Senegal. Samples were taken along transects from the stem up to 10 m distance from it, at depths of 0-0.25 m and 0.25-0.50 m. Sampling was done in the dry season (25 June 1999) and in the rainy season (28 August 1999). The community structure and diversity of the bacterial groups from the different samples was analysed further using different techniques, such as statistical analysis and diversity index evaluation of the band patterns. Diazotrophic diversity was lower under B. aegyptiaca than under A. tortilis ssp. raddiana. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis and ANOSIM tests showed a significant effect of the tree on the diazotroph assemblages. SIMPER analysis showed that the major elements responsible for the dissimilarity are a member of the genus Sinorhizobium, which is characteristic of the samples taken under A. tortilis ssp. raddiana and a member of the cluster Bradyrhizobium for the samples taken under B. aegyptiaca. Forty-four major bands were partially sequenced, yielding 33 different nifH sequences, which were used in phylogenetic reconstructions. Most sequences were affiliated with the alpha- beta- and gamma-proteobacteria. Five nifH sequences were identical to those of Pseudomonas stutzeri, and one sequence showed 100% similarity to that of Azotobacter vinelandii. Four bands were affiliated with the Cyanobacteria and a single one with the Firmicutes. For both trees, there were also clear differences between the samples taken in the dry and rainy seasons. Only for the samples taken under A. tortilis ssp. raddiana was a significant difference found between the two sampling depths.
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