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A faster rate of nuclear DNA evolution has recently been found for plants occupying warmer low latitudes relative to those in cooler high latitudes. That earlier study by our research group compared substitution rates within the variable internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal gene complex amongst 45 congeneric species pairs, each member of which differed in their latitudinal distributions. To determine whether this rate differential might also occur within highly conserved DNA, we sequenced the 18S ribosomal gene in the same 45 pairs of plants. We found that the rate of evolution in 18S was 51% faster in the tropical plant species relative to their temperate sisters and that the substitution rate in 18S correlated positively with that in the more variable ITS. This result, with a gene coding for ribosomal structure, suggests that climatic influences on evolution extend to functionally important regions of the genome.  相似文献   
Summary A protocol for in vitro propagation of Rollinia mucosa, an important medicinal plant, was developed. The presence of 500 mg l−1 polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) during explant excision was important to avoid browning. Axillary buds, adventitious buds, and shoot cluster proliferation were achieved from epicotyl and hypocotyl explants from nursery-grown seedlings. The highest direct organogenesis percentage from hypocotyl explants was obtained upon culture of explants on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 2.2 μM benzyladenine (BA) plus 2.32 μM kinetin. Epicotyl explants display highest regeneration frequency on a medium containing 8.8 μM BA and 0.54 μM naphthaleneacetic acid. Gibberellic acid was necessary for shoot elongation. Root induction was observed when shoots were pretreated with activated charcoal for 7 d in the dark before culture on Woody Plant Medium supplemented with 49.21 μM indolebutyric acid for 10 d. Root development was observed when 20 g l−1 sucrose was used. Rooted plantlets were acclimatized and grown in the greenhouse.  相似文献   
We previously reported the identification of DP-1 isoforms (α and β), which are structurally C-terminus-deleted ones, and revealed the low-level expression of these isoforms. It is known that wild-type DP-1 is degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system, but few details are known about the domains concerned with the protein stability/instability for the proteolysis of these DP-1 isoforms. Here we identified the domains responsible for the stability/instability of DP-1. Especially, the DP-1 “Stabilon” domain was a C-terminal acidic motif and was quite important for DP-1 stability. Moreover, we propose that this DP-1 Stabilon may be useful for the stability of other nuclear proteins when fused to them.  相似文献   
Aim  The aim of this study was to assess the causal mechanisms underlying populational subdivision in Drosophila gouveai , a cactophilic species associated with xeric vegetation enclaves in eastern Brazil. A secondary aim was to investigate the genetic effects of Pleistocene climatic fluctuations on these environments.
Location  Dry vegetation enclaves within the limits of the Cerrado domain in eastern Brazil.
Methods  We determined the mitochondrial DNA haplotypes of 55 individuals (representing 12 populations) based on sequence data of a 483-bp fragment from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) gene. Phylogenetic and coalescent analyses were used to test for the occurrence of demographic events and to infer the time of divergence amongst genetically independent groups.
Results  Our analyses revealed the existence of two divergent subclades (G1 and G2) plus an introgressed clade restricted to the southernmost range of D. gouveai . Subclades G1 and G2 displayed genetic footprints of range expansion and segregated geographical distributions in south-eastern and some central highland regions, east and west of the Paraná River valley. Molecular dating indicated that the main demographic and diversification events occurred in the late to middle Pleistocene.
Main conclusions  The phylogeographical and genetic patterns observed for D. gouveai in this study are consistent with changes in the distribution of dry vegetation in eastern Brazil. All of the estimates obtained by molecular dating indicate that range expansion and isolation pre-dated the Last Glacial Maximum, occurring during the late to middle Pleistocene, and were probably triggered by climatic changes during the Pleistocene. The current patchy geographical distribution and population subdivision in D. gouveai is apparently closely linked to these past events.  相似文献   
By using newly hatched (approximately 2 weeks old) brown trout(Salmo trutta) from six families of wild and six families ofsea-ranched origin (seventh generation), we tested the hypothesesthat (1) the hatchery environment selects for increased boldness,and (2) boldness predicts dominance status. Sea-ranched troutspend their first 2 years in the hatchery before being releasedinto the wild at the onset of seaward migration. Trout werepresented with a novel object (tack) and with food (brine shrimp),and their responses were measured and scored in terms of boldness.Siblings with increasing difference in boldness were then pairedin dyadic contests. Fish of sea-ranged origin were on averagebolder than were fish of wild origin, and bolder individualswere more likely to become dominant regardless of origin. Boldnesswas not related to RNA levels, indicating that bold behaviorwas not a consequence of higher metabolism or growth rate. Neitherwas size a predictor of bold behavior or the outcome of dyadiccontests. These results are consistent with studies on olderlife stages showing increased boldness toward predators in hatchery-selectedfish, which suggests that behavioral consequences of hatcheryselection are manifested very early in life. The concordancebetween boldness and dominance may suggest that these behaviorsare linked in a risk prone-aggressive phenotype, which may bepromoted by hatchery selection. However, we also found significantvariation in behavioral and growth-related traits among families,suggesting that heritable variation has not been exhausted bysea-ranching procedures.  相似文献   
The non‐toxic compound N‐acetyl‐L‐phosphinothricin (N‐Ac‐L‐PPT) is used in a so‐called deacetylation system to induce male sterility in transgenic plants by tapetum specific deacetylation to the herbicide L‐phosphinothricin (L‐PPT). A procedure was developed to produce pure racemic and L‐isomeric N‐Ac‐PPT containing less than 30 ppm residual PPT. Experiments applied to wild type tobacco and PPT‐resistant tobacco showed that the maximal tolerated N‐Ac‐PPT concentration would be less than 45 mM of the L‐isomer. Otherwise unspecific deacetylation by several acylases, as well as by environmental conditions like higher temperatures or pHs beyond neutrality, increased the residual L‐PPT content to toxic concentrations. In contrast, N‐acetyl‐L‐phosphinothricyl‐alanyl‐alanine (N‐Ac‐L‐PPTT), a substance also occurring during the biosynthesis of phosphinothricyl‐alanyl‐alanine (PPTT) by some Streptomyces species, was tolerated up to 274 mM by wild type tobacco plants. However, the ArgE deacatylase from Escherichia coli originally used in the deacetylation system, as well as some other acylases, showed no activity towards N‐Ac‐L‐PPTT.  相似文献   
We have compared the species richness of medicinal plants and the differential patterns of use amongst settlements in the Andean communities of Northwest Argentina which have differing levels of isolation. About 259 ethnoespecies, belonging to 74 plant families, were included, representing between 70 and 80% of the total estimate. The results indicate that Coronopus didymus is the most relevant and important species. The method of use of medicinal plants and the ailments treated by rural doctors compared to those of the layperson is different. Native and exotic plants are used differently according to the body system treated. There are some relationships between internal and external use and body systems and recipes. The greater medicinal species richness found in the less isolated locations is due to external enriching cultural influences.  相似文献   
Summary A protocol for rapid in vitro propagation using nodal explants obtained from 2-yr-old, field-grown medicinal plants of Plumbago zeylanica L. belonging to the family Plumbaginaceae is described. High frequency bud break and fast development of shoots were induced on Murashige and Skoog's basal medium supplemented with 27.2 μM adenine sulfate +2.46 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Induction of rooting was achieved by transferring the shoots to the same basal medium containing 4.92 μM IBA. Using our protocol from one twig of P. zeylanica (eight responsive nodes per explant shoot) within a period of 5 mo., eight plantlets could be raised. After a hardening period of 4 wk, there was a 90% transplantation success in the field compared to the 60–65% survival of plantlets recorded in the experiments of previous workers. The plantlets derived through in vitro propagation mimic the growth and morphological characteristics of the donor plants.  相似文献   
Frankia is the diverse bacterial genus that fixes nitrogen within root nodules of actinorhizal trees and shrubs. Systematic and ecological studies of Frankia have been hindered by the lack of morphological, biochemical, or other markers to readily distinguish strains. Recently, nucleotide sequence of 16 S RNA from the small ribosomal subunit has been used to classify and identify a variety of microorganisms. We report nucleotide sequences from portions of the 16 S ribosomal RNA from Frankia strains AcnI1 isolated from Alnus viridis ssp. crispa (Ait.) Turrill and PtI1 isolated from Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC. The number of nucleotide base substitutions and gaps we find more than doubles the previously reported sequence diversity for the same variable regions within other strains of Frankia.  相似文献   
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