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Sardinero  Santiago 《Plant Ecology》2000,148(1):81-103
An analysis of vegetation along an altitudinal gradient on the Presidential Range, New Hampshire, USA, using the Braun–Blanquet approach followed by multivariate data analysis is presented. Twelve main plant communities have been distinguished. Floristic information is presented in twelve tables and one appendix. The relationships of the communities to complex environmental gradients are analyzed using Correspondence Analysis. Floristic composition and community structure are controlled primarily by the altitudinal gradient (temperature, precipitation), and by mesotopographic conditions (snow accumulation, exposure and cryoturbation, slope position, and soil moisture).  相似文献   
1. The Qilian Mountains represent one of the key livestock‐raising grasslands in China. The two main herbivore species raised in this area – yaks and sheep – are of critical economical value. Grasshoppers compete with these animals for available nutrients, creating multifaceted relationships between livestock, grasshoppers and plants. A clear understanding of such relationships is lacking and is urgently needed to guide conservation efforts. 2. This study aims to document the effects of yak and sheep grazing on grasshopper assemblages and to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of such effects. 3. It is shown here that yaks and sheep impact grasshopper assemblages differently. Grasshopper assemblages exhibited lower density, biodiversity, richness, and evenness of distribution in yak‐grazed pastures than in grazing‐free grasslands. Sheep‐grazed pastures exhibited a dramatically divergent picture, with elevated density, biodiversity and richness, and a slightly decreased evenness of distribution. Grasshoppers were generally larger in grazed pastures than in grazing‐free grasslands, especially in yak‐grazed plots. 4. The present study suggests that differences between yak and sheep pastures in plant assemblage structure and plant traits are probably the underlying forces driving the differences in grasshopper assemblage structure and grasshopper traits, respectively. 5. The study shows that the grasshopper habitat indicator species differ between yak and sheep pastures, raising the possibility that such indicators can be used to monitor grassland usage and degradation in the Qilian Mountains. 6. These results provide novel insights into the dynamic interactions of common domesticated herbivore species, grasshoppers and plants in Qilian Mountains, which augment current knowledge and may ultimately lead to better conservation practices.  相似文献   
Forty-five populations of Pentanema corresponding to seven species included in the Pentanema conyzae clade have been studied using AFLP fingerprinting. The results show that allopolyploidization could have been involved in the diversification of this group, specifically in species P. langeanum and P. maletii. Molecular data confirm the presence of P. britannicum in the Iberian Peninsula and key steps are provided to identify the species that are morphologically the most challenging.  相似文献   
Feces of wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania, were inspected for intestinal parasites under a compound microscope. Eggs or larvae ofOesophagostomum, Strongyloides, Trichuris, Prosthenorchis, andBertiella were found. Intestinal nematodes significantly increased in the mid-rainy season. This finding supports (or, at least, is not in conflict with) the hypothesis thatAspilia leaves which are occasionally swallowed by chimpanzees may function as a vermicide, since ingestion of such leaves also increases significantly in the mid-rainy season.  相似文献   
Aerial dispersal of the phytoseiid Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt) was evaluated as a component in managing pesticide-resistant populations established in California almond orchards. Peak dispersal occurred in late July and early August during 1982 and 1983. Most predators (and spider mites) left the orchards on the prevailing winds from the northwest. Within the orchard, the prevailing winds had less influence, and dispersal was usually random. Both spider mites and predators dispersed randomly with regard to height from the almond trees, but data obtained during one 24-h interval suggest they do not disperse randomly throughout the day. Most aerial movements occurred between 16–22 h when relative humidity and wind speeds increased and temperatures decreased. Spider mites and predators were trapped on panels located 200 m from the orchard. A survey of carbaryl resistance levels in M. occidentalis collected from almond orchards surrounding the release sites indicates that carbaryl-resistant M. occidentalis dispersed at least 800 m between 1981–83. However, growers wishing to use the resistant strains should release them in their orchards as natural dispersal appears to be too slow. Migration of native M. occidentalis into the release sites appeared to be sufficiently rare that dilution of carbaryl-resistant populations was minimal during a 2–4 year period.
Résumé La dispersion aérienne du phytoseïdae, M. occidentalis (Nesbitt), a été estimée comme élément de la lutte contre les populations résistantes aux insecticides établies dans les vergers de Californie. La dispersion maximale s'est produite fin juillet et début a oût en 1982 et 1983. La plupart des prédateurs (et des acariens) quittent les vergers avec les vents dominants du nordouest. Dans le verger, les vents dominants sont moins importants et la dispersion est généralement au hasard. Tant les acariens que les prédateurs se dispersaient au hasard par rapport à la taille des amandiers, mais les relevés sur 24 heures laissent supposer qu'il n'y a pas une distribution aléatoire pendant la journée. La plupart des mouvements aériens se produisirent entre 16 et 22 heures quand HR et vitesse du vent augmentaient et température diminuait. Les acariens et prédateurs ont été piégés sur des panneaux à 200 m du verger.
Vegetation change over a nine-year period was studied in Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. Permanent transects in desert shrub vegetation were sampled in 1972 and 1980. Emphasis was given to shrubs because of their importance to big game diets. Univariate paired t-tests and reciprocal averaging ordination were used to detect and display coordinated changes in species composition over time. Despite apparently less browsing pressure in desert shrub vegetation in 1980 there were few significant changes in species composition. In addition, preferred forage species showed reduced reproduction while species of intermediate and poor forage value dis-played increased reproduction during this time. These data do not support traditional rangeland succession theory which states that enhanced reproduction of preferred species should follow grazing or browsing pressure reduction.  相似文献   
Previously, a ferredoxin-type iron-sulfur protein, frx B protein, was identified in a high-salt extract of the purified thylakoid membrane of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a unicellular green alga. Polyclonal antibody was raised against a synthetic pentadecameric peptide with an amino acid sequence corresponding to the highly conserved region of the putative frx B proteins of 3 land plants [21]. In this report, protein(s) reacting strongly and specifically with this antibody was detected in the equivalent high-salt extract prepared from purified chloroplast of spinach and tobacco. One strong reaction polypeptide band from tobacco chloroplast was purified from SDS-polyacrylamide gel and subjected to endoproteinase lys C digestion. The resulting polypeptides were separated by reversed-phase chromatography. N-terminal sequencing of 3 purified polypeptides revealed that the protein is encoded by the frxB gene identified from DNA sequence analysis.  相似文献   
Leaf tolerance to high temperatures, as determined by electrolyte leakage and chlorophyll a fluorescence, was compared for Artemisia tridentata (Asteraceae), a widespread shrub of the Great Basin, Colorado Plateau, and western slope of the Rocky Mountains, and Potentilla gracilis (Rosaceae), a herbaceous forb common to high-elevation meadows of the western United States. Species-specific and treatment-specific differences in leaf temperature, high-temperature tolerance and chlorophyll a fluorescence from photosystem II were compared, to test the hypothesis that plants at ecosystem borders will exhibit species-specific responses to climate change. Measurements were made for plants exposed to a climate change warming manipulation on a major ecosystem border at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Colorado, United States, in July and August 1995. In July, daily maximal leaf temperatures were significantly higher for P. gracilis than for A. tridentata. Leaf temperatures were slightly lower in August than July for leaves of both species, on control and heated plots, despite the fact that daily maximum air temperatures were not significantly different for the two months. High-temperature tolerance was determined for leaves treated for 1 h at temperatures ranging from 15°C to 65°C. LT50 was approximately 46°C for both species on control plots, but was 43°C for leaves of both species from heated plots, contrary to the predictions of the hypothesis. No shift in LT50 (acclimation) was apparent between July and August. Changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence from photosystem II (F V /F M ) were used to characterize the photosynthetic response to high temperatures. For both A. tridentata and P. gracilis in July, F V /F M was about 0.7, but decreased for temperatures above 40°C. The results suggest that plant responses to global warming at ecosystem borders may be influenced by factors other than leaf-level physiological tolerance to elevated temperatures.  相似文献   
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