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Small vertebrates were inventoried within three habitat types in a degraded dry forest region of Panama. Animals were classified as frugivorous if they were observed foraging on fruit or if fecal samples contained mostly or exclusively seeds. Overall, we found that eight bat species and 21 bird species consumed fruit. The greatest numbers of birds were observed within live fences and bird species richness was greatest within riparian forests. Bat assemblages were not significantly different between habitats. The implication is that ecosystem services such as seed dispersal may still be functional in this landscape.  相似文献   
1. Until the late 1960s, Euterpe edulis was the most important edible palm species in the Brazilian markets. Since then, overharvesting of natural stands and the limited scope of plantations have caused the industry to shift to the multistemmed E. oleracea from the Amazon river estuary.
2. As a result of the relocation of the industry, the structure of the palm harvesting industry has changed and illegal trade has continued to exploit the remaining natural stands of E. edulis .
3. It is suggested that, to avoid the total harvesting of E. edulis and to achieve sustainable management of the palm heart, it will be necessary to diversify the local economy, create incentives for small land owners to improve their management practices, while keeping their competitiveness against the illegal trade, create the incentive of new sources of palm hearts and create a 'green stamping' for management palms.
4. Transformation of the illegal structure of the palm heart industry is probably the only solution to avoid the total depletion of the wild stands of E. edulis .  相似文献   
Effective management and conservation of an ecosystem requires information on species assemblages as well as reliable estimates of population sizes to plan, implement and evaluate management strategies. The Brazilian Pantanal is one of the world's largest freshwater wetlands and considered a priority landscape for wildlife conservation. It is subject to pluri-annual extreme dry and wet periods, which cause extreme flood and drought events, which strongly affect wildlife. Using the line-transect method, this study examined the distribution of densities and metabolic biomass of medium- to large-sized nonvolant mammals in forest, cerrado and floodplain landscapes, in an area with low anthropogenic influence, in the central area of the Brazilian Pantanal during a prolonged drought. Comparisons with a previous survey conducted during years of average rainfall in part of the study area suggest that population fluctuations of certain species are closely associated with water due to the drought. Results from this study showed that mammal assemblages varied between landscapes. Forested landscapes have the highest densities of mammals and are the most important in terms of relative energy consumption. In addition, at the time of the study, frugivores were found to have higher energy consumption than browser/grazers across the three landscapes; most fruits are produced in forested areas stressing their importance. By converting forested landscapes into grasslands, the intensification of ranching practices seriously threatens biodiversity and ecological processes in the region.  相似文献   
Many primates exhibit behavioral flexibility which allows them to adapt to environmental change and different habitat types. The golden monkey (Cercopithecus mitis kandti) is a little-studied endangered primate subspecies endemic to the Virunga massif and the Gishwati forest in central Africa. In the Virunga massif, golden monkeys are mainly found in the bamboo forest, while in the Gishwati forest they live in mixed tropical montane forest. Here we describe and compare the diet of golden monkeys in both fragments. Over 24 consecutive months from January 2017 we used scan sampling to record feeding and ranging behavior of two Virunga groups and one Gishwati group totaling ca. 240 individuals. We also examined the phenology of bamboo and fruit trees, key seasonal food plant species for the monkeys. Golden monkeys fed on more than 100 plant species. The Virunga groups were mostly folivorous (between 72.8% and 87.16% of the diet) and fed mostly on young bamboo leaves and bamboo shoots, while 48.69% of the diet of the Gishwati group consisted of fruit from 22 different tree and shrub species. Bamboo shoots and fruit are seasonally available foods and were consumed regularly throughout the period when they were available. Despite being the smallest of the three study groups, the Gishwati group had a larger home range area (150.07 ha) compared to both Virunga groups (25.24 and 91.3 ha), likely driven by the differences in availability and distribution of fruit and bamboo in the habitats. Like other blue monkey subspecies, golden monkeys appear to have a flexible dietary strategy enabling them to adjust diet and ranging behavior to local habitats and available food resources. Additional studies and continuing conservation efforts are needed to better understand how variation in feeding and ranging ecology affects reproduction, population growth, and carrying capacity.  相似文献   
Over 2 months, seven feeding trials were conducted at St. Catherines Island, GA, to quantify protein intake and utilization in captive mature nonreproducing Aceros (n=3 spp.) and Buceros (n=2 spp.) Hornbills were fed homogeneous isocaloric diets. A mixture of Bird of Paradise pellets, grapes, and raisins was offered to the birds as grape‐sized balls, supplemented with diced cantaloupe melon to maintain hydration. To vary the protein level (range 10.8–22.6%) within the diets, different amounts of a powdered soy protein supplement were added to the mixture. Test diets were fed for 3 consecutive days. Birds were weighed to test for differences among diets. All excreta and diet samples were collected for nitrogen (N) analysis. Feeding trials were separated by a 4‐day period, in which the bird's regular diet was fed. Data were analyzed for N balance, N equilibrium (regression of N intake vs. N excretion) and body mass. Regression analysis of N balances of the nine birds showed that the N equilibriums ranged from 0.081 to 0.595 g N/kg0.75/d with an average of 0.387±0.298. No differences in N balances were found between Aceros and Buceros hornbills. The methodology of this study suggested a dietary crude protein (CP) requirement of 7.3±3.0% dry matter (DM) in a diet containing 4.0 kcal. However, this value was determined by extrapolation and has not been experimentally determined to be adequate. In this study, the hornbills maintained body mass on a diet containing 10.8% CP (with energy at 4.0 kcal/g DM). Zoo Biol 27:282–293, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Forest vertebrate fauna provide critical services, such as pollination and seed dispersal, which underpin functional and resilient ecosystems. In turn, many of these fauna are dependent on the flowering phenology of the plant species of such ecosystems. The impact of changes in climate, including climate extremes, on the interaction between these fauna and flora has not been identified or elucidated, yet influences on flowering phenology are already evident. These changes are well documented in the mid to high latitudes. However, there is emerging evidence that the flowering phenology, nectar/pollen production, and fruit production of long‐lived trees in tropical and subtropical forests are also being impacted by changes in the frequency and severity of climate extremes. Here, we examine the implications of these changes for vertebrate fauna dependent on these resources. We review the literature to establish evidence for links between climate extremes and flowering phenology, elucidating the nature of relationships between different vertebrate taxa and flowering regimes. We combine this information with climate change projections to postulate about the likely impacts on nectar, pollen and fruit resource availability and the consequences for dependent vertebrate fauna. The most recent climate projections show that the frequency and intensity of climate extremes will increase during the 21st century. These changes are likely to significantly alter mass flowering and fruiting events in the tropics and subtropics, which are frequently cued by climate extremes, such as intensive rainfall events or rapid temperature shifts. We find that in these systems the abundance and duration of resource availability for vertebrate fauna is likely to fluctuate, and the time intervals between episodes of high resource availability to increase. The combined impact of these changes has the potential to result in cascading effects on ecosystems through changes in pollinator and seed dispersal ecology, and demands a focused research effort.  相似文献   
The life history of figs (Ficus, Moraceae) involves pollination by specialized insects and seed dispersal by vertebrate frugivores. This three-way interaction raises the possibility of conflict between pollinators and seed dispersers over fig resources. The conflict might be mediated in dioecious figs by the segregation of inflorescences with specialized male and female sexual functions, termed gall figs and seed figs, on separate trees. In dioecious figs, pollinators are intimately associated with gall figs, whereas vertebrate frugivores prefer seed figs and disperse the seeds they contain. Optimal foraging theory predicts that frugivore preference for ripe seed figs is associated with superior nutritional quality when compared to gall figs. We tested this prediction comparing nutrient and mineral properties of ripe figs in 12 functionally dioecious and two monoecious species from New Guinea. Analyses of variance indicated that gall figs contain more fiber and minerals, whereas seed figs contain significantly more carbohydrates and fat. Fruit bats, the primary dispersers of dioecious figs in New Guinea, prefer carbohydrate-rich diets, and from this perspective, seed figs offer a greater nutritional reward than gall figs. More nondigestible fiber in gall figs than seed figs would appear to discourage frugivory. Parallel differences between ripe gall figs and seed figs occur in each independent dioecious lineage whereas nutritional content in monoecious figs is more similar to seed figs. This suggests that sexual dimorphism in nutritional quality might be adaptive and associated with the maintenance of functional dioecy in figs.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution and abundance of animals are in part determined by the distribution and abundance of their resource base. In the Central Andes of Colombia, monospecific tree plantations have been used to recover vegetative cover in watershed protection programs, but these plantations differ from natural forests in structure, composition, and resources available to wildlife. To evaluate these plantations as habitat for wildlife, we compared the diversity and abundance of understory birds, flowers, and fruits between juxtaposed 40‐yr‐old patches of exotic Chinese ash (Fraxinus chinensis) plantations and naturally regenerated forest of the same age. We observed more fruiting species in the regenerated forest, but there were no differences in total flower and fruit availability between habitat types. We also observed differences between habitats in the size of some understory shrubs, but these differences did not lead to differences between habitats in the diversity and abundance of birds. Capture rates of nectarivores correlated with resource abundance at sampling plot scale, but no such correlation was found for frugivores. Understory frugivorous birds are apparently functioning at a larger spatial scale than the patchiness created by the two habitats. Nectarivorous birds are responding to small‐scale patchiness in resource availability, but not to the different habitats. These results indicate that at small scales, the ash plantation understory provides adequate habitat for birds.  相似文献   
  1. Bats in the family Phyllostomidae exhibit great diversity in skull size and morphology that reflects the degree of resource division and ecological overlap in the group. In particular, the subfamily Stenodermatinae has high morphological diversification associated with cranial and mandibular traits that are associated with the ability to consume the full range of available fruits (soft and hard).
  2. We analyzed craniodental traits and their relationship to the bite force in 343 specimens distributed in seven species of stenodermatine bats with two foraging strategies: nomadic and sedentary frugivory. We evaluated 19 traits related to feeding and bite force in live animals by correcting bite force with body size.
  3. We used a generalized linear model (GLM) and post hoc tests to determine possible relationships and differences between cranial traits, species, and sex. We also used Blomberg''s K to measure the phylogenetic signal and phylogenetic generalized least‐squares (PGLS) to ensure the phylogenetic independence of the traits.
  4. We found that smaller nomadic species, A. anderseni and A. phaeotis , have a similar bite force to the large species A. planirostris and A. lituratus; furthermore, P. helleri registered a bite force similar to that of the sedentary bat, S. giannae. Our study determined that all the features of the mandible and most of the traits of the skull have a low phylogenetic signal. Through the PGLS, we found that the diet and several cranial features (mandibular toothrow length, dentary length, braincase breadth, mastoid breadth, greatest length of skull, condylo‐incisive length, and condylo‐canine length) determined bite force performance among Stenodermatiane.
  5. Our results reinforce that skull size is a determining factor in the bite force, but also emphasize the importance of its relationships with morphology, ecology, and phylogeny of the species, which gives us a better understanding of the evolutionary adaptions of this highly diverse Neotropical bat group.
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