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Most male frogs in the genus Physalaemus produce a whine-like advertisement call. Male P. pustulosus , however, add chucks to the call. This enhances the attractiveness of the call to females, and has evolved under the influence of sexual selection despite the increased predation risk from the frog-eating bat ( Trachops cirrhosus ). This complex call is unusual, if not unique, among anurans because the two call components overlap in time. Here we investigate the morphological changes responsible for the production of complex calls.
The Physalaemus purtulosus species group consists of four species. Physalaemus pustulosus and P. petersi are sister species, and recently it has been shown that P. petersi produces chucks. Physalaemus coloradorum and P. purtulatus are sister species and neither is known to produce chucks. Two laryngeal characters vary within the species group. Physalaemus pustulosus has a large fibrous mass (FMI), whose vibration is responsible for production of the chuck. This mass is much smaller in the other three species. In P. pustulosus and P. petersi the FMI is anchored dorsally, deep within the bronchial process, the attachment is more extensive in P. pustulosus. Neither P. pustulatus nor P. coloradorum have such a dorsal attachment associated with their FMI. This character is responsible for allowing the FMI to vibrate independently of the vocal cords, that is, for the production of the complex call. Thus the morphological changes responsible for the evolution of this unusual behavioural innovation, the complex call, are gradual, and almost trival, in nature. This study also shows that the primitive condition of the larynx of the P. pustulosus and P. petersi ancestor, was predisposed to the production of complex calls.
We also document ontogenetic and sexually dimorphic patterns in larynx structure.  相似文献   
Signalers that misinform sufficiently open may become devalued as sources of information; however, “skepticism” and any comparison involved in testing reliability entail a cost that involves delays and energy expenditure. Skepticism may be less costly though, if, as a rule, animals are not equally skeptical of the signals of all conspecifics. Animals with the ability to recognize individual conspecifics and to recall past encounters with them may have the capacity to restrict skepticism to subsets of animals that are most likely to benefit from deception. We played tape-recorded alarm calls of high- and low-ranking rhesus monkeys(Macaca mulatta) to their groups in a feeding context once daily over 8 consecutive days at the Yerkes Primate Center Field Station. Over the sequence of playbacks, response was greater to the calls of high-ranking monkeys, adult response patterns were different from those of juveniles, and for adults especially, decline in responsiveness was punctuated by partial resurgences of response. These differences may be the consequence of the adults’ more extensive histories of interaction with group members that, though generally reliable, vary with respect to the potential benefits of deceptive signaling.  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to describe the treatment of a 45-year-old male with a hyperfunctional voice disorder by a biofeedback therapist and a speech-language pathologist. The interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of this voice disorder involved the combined use of traditional voice therapy techniques and EMG biofeedback procedures together with cognitive behavioral therapy. Voice therapy was facilitated through the use of a computer-based, speech-monitoring system. The remediation of this voice disorder was attributed to the collaborative efforts of two professionals representing diverse professional training and treatment protocols. The results showed reductions in muscle activity in the infrahyoid and laryngeal areas as well as improved use of proper breathing and voicing onset behaviors. Follow-up at 10 and 15 months posttreatment intervals indicated that the client had retained all target voice skills and the tension reduction/biofeedback skills. Results suggest that interdisciplinary, collaborative efforts using biofeedback and voice therapy can prove beneficial in the treatment of hyperfunctional voice disorders.Note: Neither author has been compensated in any way for the use of the CAFET System nor does either have any financial interest in the company.  相似文献   
Male zebra finches normally learn their song from adult models during a restricted period of juvenile development. If song models are not available then, juveniles develop an isolate song which can be modified in adulthood. In this report we investigate the features of juvenile experience that underly the timing of song learning. Juvenile males raised in soundproof chambers or in visual isolation from conspecifics developed stable isolate song. However, whereas visual isolate song notes were similar to those of colony-reared males, soundproof chamber isolates included many phonologically abnormal notes in their songs. Despite having stable isolate songs, both groups copied new notes from tutors presented to them in adulthood (2.7 notes per bird for soundproof chamber isolates, 4.4 notes per bird for visual isolates). Old notes were often modified or eliminated. We infer that social interactions with live tutors are normally important for closing the sensitive period for song learning. Lesions of a forebrain nucleus (IMAN) had previously been shown to disrupt juvenile song learning, but not maintenance of adult song for up to 5 weeks after surgery. In this study, colony-reared adult males given bilateral lesions of IMAN retained all their song notes for up to 4–7.5 months after lesioning. However, similar lesions blocked all song note acquisition in adulthood by both visual and soundproof chamber isolates. Other work has shown that intact hearing is necessary for the maintenance of adult zebra finch song. We infer that auditory pathways used for song maintenance and acquisition differ: IMAN is necessary for auditorily guided song acquisition—whether by juveniles or adults—but not for adult auditorily guided song maintenance. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This study is a preliminary assessment of the potential of long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) calls to operate in systems of within-group spacing. Covariation in the rate of occurrence of calls with party spread, size, and activity among wild individuals of one group suggested that four classes of calls may function in intragroup spacing. Two of them are “clear” calls of long duration and pronounced frequency modulation. Calling rate increased with party spread for low- and high-frequency variants of these calls during resting and feeding respectively, suggesting possible utility in maintenance of spatial relations over moderately long distances. A third “harsh” call was negatively correlated with party spread during foraging and may thus function to increase dispersion among foraging individuals. Another harsh call with a tonal onset was unique among all calls in the vocal repertoire in being more frequently performed by lone, isolated individuals than by macaques accompanied by others, suggesting a possible function in reestablishing contact that has been severed. The functional significance of these calls with respect to their acoustic structures is discussed. Macaques that use calls to regulate intragroup spacing can control communication distance and direction by their choice of acoustically different vocalizations. This choice may be affected not only by varying environmental constraints on sound transmission, but also by social and ecological factors such as intragroup competition.  相似文献   

A new portable digital sound emitter (DSE) for normal and interactive playback of sound signals in the field and in the laboratory is described together with two examples of applications of the DSE in interactive field experiments. The DSE may be loaded with a broad spectrum of digitised sounds, e.g. artificial signals or natural animal vocalisations, and it is controlled via the keyboard of a portable PC running a dedicated program. This program, which can be tailored to support a vast number of different demands, enables the experimenter to start and stop the analog output from the DSE at any time and to choose freely between the available sounds and playback modes. The use of the DSE for interactive playback experiments therefore is only limited by the ability of the operator to perceive the vocalisations of the participating animal and to operate the keyboard of the PC.  相似文献   
Capsule Radiotracked male Corncrake often intruded on the territories of neighbouring males.

Aims To test that intruders' visits are goal-directed, not just a by-product of extended spatial activity during daylight hours.

Methods Using radiotelemetry, we sampled a total of 20 three-day home ranges from 11 tagged males. We recorded daily vocal activity and used a permutation test to see if the movements of tracked males were independent of the position of neighbouring males.

Results The majority of males who had a neighbouring male, up to approximately 600 m from their night calling site, undertook goal-directed visits to the neighbour's territory. Males undertook these visits every day, or every other day, when the neighbours were close. Males undertook visits approximately once every three days when they were more distant. The time spent in the neighbour's territory was longest where the distance between night calling sites was about 200 m. Males tended to be silent in neighbour's territory, apparently to prevent confrontation. Otherwise the distance of neighbouring males did not significantly affect daytime vocal activity. Visiting males tended to sing more often in their home territories.

Conclusions Daily movement of the majority of males was towards the neighbouring male's calling site. We suggest that the purpose of these visits was to seek females. These males may try to drive a female into their territory or gain extra-pair copulation.  相似文献   
The trunk-like nose of the saiga antelope Saiga tatarica is a striking example of an exaggerated trait, assumed to having evolved as a dust filter for inhaled air. In addition, it functions to elongate the vocal tract in harem saiga males for producing low-formant calls that serve as a cue to body size for conspecifics. This study applies the source–filter theory to the acoustics of nasal, oral and nasal-and-oral calls that were recorded from a captive herd of 24 mother and 32 neonate saigas within the first 10 days postpartum. Anatomical measurements of the nasal and oral vocal tracts of two specimens (one per age class) helped to establish the settings for the analysis of formants. In both mother and young, the lower formants of nasal calls/call parts were in agreement with the source–filter theory, which suggests lower formants for the longer nasal vocal tract than for the shorter oral vocal tract. Similar fundamental frequencies of the nasal and oral parts of nasal-and-oral calls were also in agreement with the source–filter theory, which postulates the independence of source and filter. However, the fundamental frequency was higher in oral than in nasal calls, probably due to the higher emotional arousal during the production of oral calls. We discuss production mechanisms and the ontogeny of formant patterns of oral and nasal calls among bovid and cervid species with and without a trunk-like nose.  相似文献   

In auditory research, the manipulation of signals by filtering with analog electronic filters plays an important role. Recently, digital filters that compute signal modifications in realtime became available. They can mimic all functions of analog filters, and additionally make possible new experimental concepts.

This tutorial paper introduces the concept of digital filters by using analogies from acoustics. Even complex acoustical environments can be simulated with digital filters, as they allow the programming of almost arbitrary frequency and phase responses.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus produce individually distinctive signature whistles. Dolphins recognize the signature whistles of animals with which they share a social bond. Signature whistles develop within the first few months of life and are stable for a lifetime. Vocal learning appears to play a role in the development of signature whistles in bottlenose dolphins. The signature whistles of most female dolphins and about half of male dolphins differ from those of their mothers. Some dolphin calves born in captivity develop a signature whistle that matches either man-made whistles or those of an unrelated dolphin. Dolphins retain the ability as adults to imitate the whistles of animals with which they share strong individual-specific social relationships, bonds which may change throughout their lifetime. The exceptional imitative abilities of dolphin infants and the retention of this ability in adults may be related to the maintenance of changing individual specific social relationships. Individual recognition by the voice may differ in marine vs terrestrial mammals. Diving marine mammals may not be able to rely upon involuntary voice cues for individual recognition, but rather may require vocal learning to maintain a stable signature as their vocal tract changes shape with increasing pressure during a dive.  相似文献   
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