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Shoot apical meristems were used to establish regenerative axillary bud cultures of 9 muscadine grape cultivars. Meristems taken from 10 cm long shoots had less contamination (3%) and a higher survival rate (94%) than those from shorter or longer shoots. Of media tested, MS, 1/2 MS, and C2D resulted in equivalent shoot proliferation rates, whereas, WPM produced stunted shoots. When pooling results for 3 cultivars, 5, 10 and 20 M BA and 5 M TDZ produced the highest average number of shoots per cultured apex (3.4–3.8). However, shoots produced with TDZ were stunted and did not root well. For rooting of shoots directly in potting mix, a rooting powder pretreatment significantly increased the number of roots per shoot but did not affect percent rooting or root length. For rooting in vitro, 1 M NAA significantly increased all parameters measured. Although more shoots rooted in vitro than in vivo (77% vs. 46%), the latter was judged preferable since acclimatized plants were produced in less time and a major culture step was eliminated. Significant differences among cultivars were noted for measured responses in all experiments.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - Kin kinetin - MS Murashige & Skoog (medium) - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - TDZ thidiazuron - WPM woody plant medium  相似文献   
Understanding the dynamics of pest insect populations in relation to the presence of non‐crop habitats and infestation levels of adjacent crops is essential to develop sustainable pest management strategies. The invasive pest species Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is able to utilize a broad range of host plants. In viticulture, scientific risk assessment for D. suzukii has only recently started and studies assessing the effects of field margins containing wild host plants on D. suzukii population dynamics and on infestation risks in adjacent vineyards are lacking. Thus, in a one‐year field study, the role of different field margins on fly abundance and crop infestation in adjacent vineyards of Vitis vinifera, variety “Pinot Noir,” were investigated. Different monitoring methods were conducted to assess fly distribution, sex ratio and grape infestation in 14 vineyards adjacent to field margins containing either blackberry (BB) Rubus spp. or non‐host (NH) plants. Our results show that blackberries strongly enhanced D. suzukii abundance within field margin vegetation all year long, whereas fly abundance in vineyards adjacent to BB margins was just enhanced in some seasonal periods. Moreover, the influence of BB margins was limited by distance. However, high fly numbers in BB field margins did result in zero egg infestation of “Pinot Noir” berries. These results may have important implications for winegrowers to make efficient management decisions: regardless of high abundance of adult D. suzukii, only grape berry monitoring can assess the actual infestation risk and the potential need to take management action.  相似文献   
Bois noir is an important grapevine yellows disease that can cause serious economical losses in European grapevine production. Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret (Hemiptera, Cixiidae) is the principal vector of bois noir in Switzerland and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is its favourite host plant species in vineyards. As bois noir disease can hardly be cured and direct control measures against H. obsoletus are ineffective, viticultural control practices target stinging nettle, the actual reservoir and source of both the pathogen and its vector. Currently, it is recommended to apply herbicides against stinging nettle at the end of the season to kill developing H. obsoletus nymphs. To verify if this late period of herbicide application is justified, stinging nettle patches were treated with glyphosate in the autumn, in the spring or were left untreated as a control. Herbicide applications at both dates controlled the growth of stinging nettle very well in the subsequent summer, although the autumnal treatment was slightly more efficient. To study glyphosate’s direct impact on the development of H. obsoletus nymphs, emergence traps were placed directly in the centre of treated and untreated stinging nettle patches. There was no significant difference among the three treatments in the total number of adults emerging. Thus, an aerial application of glyphosate in either spring or autumn did not inhibit the nymphs’ development on the roots of stinging nettle in the soil. Our results challenge current recommendations of applying herbicides against stinging nettle at the end of the season and suggest that stinging nettle could also be controlled in spring, alike other viticultural weeds.  相似文献   
We analysed symptoms, wood lesions and fungi associated with esca in mature organic vineyards in the Languedoc‐Roussillon region. Most previous surveys concerning esca syndrome were conducted in conventionally managed vineyards in other regions. We first found that esca may be present at a very low level in vineyards that were not treated with sodium arsenite. Affected vines displayed three types of symptoms: leaves with interveinal necrosis, wilt of entire branches and these two symptoms in combination. During the 3‐year survey, not all affected vines displayed symptoms every year and the same vine rarely displayed the same symptom or combination of symptoms in successive years. The incidence of esca appeared to be correlated with the percentage of vines that died during the survey but no correlation was found with either mortality before the survey or with the age of the vineyard. Observation of cross‐sections of a total of 210 vines with esca symptoms and isolation of fungi from the wood lesions led to similar results to those obtained in conventionally managed vineyards. Four different lesions were identified: a white rot lesion, a brown lesion in a central position, a brown lesion in a sectorial position and a scattered black spotting in healthy wood. The most frequently observed fungal species were Fomitiporia mediterranea (Fom), Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Phaeoacremonium aleophilum and Eutypa lata. The white rot lesion caused by Fom was generally accompanied by one or more other lesions in the same vine. Similarly, Fom was generally isolated with one or several other fungi. No relationship was detected between the expression of external symptoms and any specific lesion or fungus. Our study also showed that esca and Eutypa dieback are often superimposed in our region of sampling.  相似文献   
Recent advances in distributed information technologies are providing the means to capture and process abundant data, and to reveal associations between variables describing the crop-environment-management interaction. This review describes the determinants and moderating factors influencing how much value a crop producer and his or her advisor can derive from data, and information derived from data. We describe the social, technological, and entrepreneurial processes needed to progress the nonlinear pathway from data to an on-farm decision, and explore the meaning of actionable knowledge; that is, knowledge that can be acted upon and applied to solve a real-world problem. We argue that effective decision support is also a system that supports the learning needs of crop producers and their transactions with trusted advisors. Crop protection, the sub-set of crop management used to mitigate crop loss, is used to illustrate current approaches and technologies to support farmers' decisions. We describe how situational awareness and actionable knowledge could be improved through use of emerging platform technologies, advances in artificial intelligence, consideration of farmer decision style, knowledge capture and maintenance, and embedding technology in human-centered services. Implications for the conduct of research and development are discussed.  相似文献   
1 The intra‐plot spatial distribution of the green leafhopper Empoasca vitis (Goethe) (Cicadellidae, Empoascini) was assessed over three successive growing seasons in a Bordeaux vineyard. Weekly measurements of adult trappings and nymphal counts were performed in a 1.7‐ha plot on 130 sampling points. 2 Statistical and geostatistical analyses revealed inconsistent spatial distributions of adults and nymphs in spring, but consistent spatial distributions in summer, which were identical every year. 3 Similarities between spatial distributions of the mobile adults and the sedentary and aggregated nymphs strongly suggest that adults disperse inside the plot to areas preferred for egg deposition. 4 The similarity of summer populations among years suggests that this insects distribution is based on (perennial) differences in plot characteristics.  相似文献   
Togninia minima is the main fungal species associated with grapevine leaf stripe disease worldwide. This species is mainly known from its asexual state in nature; nevertheless, a biallelic heterothallic mating strategy has been confirmed for this species based on in vitro crossing studies. There are no data available on the incidence of an active sexual cycle within the populations of this species in many grapevine‐producing countries as well as Iran. The possibility of a clandestine sexual cycle within the Iranian isolates of T. minima was evaluated by analysing the distribution and frequency of the mating‐type alleles on a microspatial and a macrogeographical scales. Towards this aim, a total of 90 T. minima isolates were recovered from grapevines with esca disease from the vineyards in north and north‐western Iran. A multiplex PCR method previously designed by authors was applied for simultaneous identification and determination of the mating‐type alleles in T. minima populations. The results on the screening of mating‐type alleles using multiplex PCR method revealed the mating‐type identity of 77 isolates as Mat1‐2 and 23 isolates as Mat1‐1. Our results showed that both Mat1‐1 and Mat1‐2 isolates are present in a single vineyard and even on single vines. The distribution of mating‐type alleles in the sampled area skewed from the 1 : 1 ratio (77 : 23); however, co‐occurrence of both mating types in a single vineyard and even on single vines is suggestive for the presence of an active sexual cycle for T. minima in north‐western Iran.  相似文献   
  • 1 Spatial distributions of adults and nymphs of Empoasca vitis were assessed during 3 years inside two adjacent vine plots having considerable intra‐plot variability, diversified natural ground cover and surrounding vegetation, and no insecticide application.
  • 2 Geostatistical analysis confirmed that, in spite of repeated adult migrations, spatial distributions of summer populations were highly aggregated, similar every year and similar between adults and nymphs. Comparison of insect distribution with intra‐plot characteristics, such as vine plant vigour (leaf density and leaf chlorophyll concentration) and phenology, plot topography and surrounding vegetation, revealed that E. vitis clearly aggregates in areas with the most vigorous vine plants.
  • 3 Even though the presence of natural enemies in the surrounding vegetation was confirmed by specific observations, we did not observe significant population decrease at the contiguous plot edges. Natural ground cover, together with the absence of insecticide, might allow the spreading and perennial conservation of E. vitis natural enemies inside the plots.
  • 4 Clear adult aggregations observed along downwind woodlands suggest that this vegetation acts as a barrier and intercepts the adults flying passively across the plot. However, this surrounding vegetation could also serve as an alternative refuge when vine water deficit and vine foliage temperature increase.
An extensive assessment of historical trends in winegrape maturity dates from vineyards located in geographically diverse winegrape growing regions in Australia has been undertaken. Records from 44 vineyard blocks, representing a range of varieties of Vitis vinifera L., were accessed. These comprise 33 short‐term datasets (average 17 years in length) and 11 long‐term datasets, ranging from 25 to 115 years in length (average 50 years). Time series of the day of the year grapes attain maturity were assessed. A trend to earlier maturity of winegrapes was observed in 43 of the 44 vineyard blocks. This trend was significant for six out of the 11 long‐term blocks for the complete time period for which records were available. For the period 1993–2009, 35 of the 44 vineyard blocks assessed displayed a statistically significant trend to earlier maturity. The average advance in the phenology was dependent on the time period of observation, with a more rapid advance over more recent decades. Over the more recent 1993–2009 period, the average advance was 1.7 days year, whereas for the period 1985–2009 the rate of advance was 0.8 days yr?1 on average in the 10 long‐term vineyard blocks assessed for cross‐regional comparison. The trend to earlier maturity was associated with warming temperature trends for all of the blocks assessed in the study.  相似文献   
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