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In the present study the sexually dimorphic, androgen-sensitive flexor carpi radialis muscle (FCR) in male Xenopus laevis was viewed repeatedly in vivo to assess the influence of testosterone on muscle fiber size over a period of up to 12 weeks. Regions of the muscle innervated by different spinal nerves responded differently to testosterone treatment. Muscle fibers innervated by spinal nerve 2 (SN2) hypertrophied within 7 days in frogs that had been castrated and given testosterone-filled implants. This initial hypertrophy was followed by a return to normal fiber size a week late, after which fiber size slowly increased again. In castrated males with empty implants, muscle fibers innervated by SN2 gradually atrophied. Fibers innervated by spinal nerve 3 (SN3) were not affected by androgen replacement or withdrawal. The sartorius, a control muscle that is neither sexually dimorphic nor particularly androgen sensitive, was also unaffected. The in vivo observations were confirmed by measurements of muscle fiber cross-sectional areas in frozen sections of whole forelimbs. At 8 and 12 weeks after castration, cross-sectional areas of fibers innervated by SN2 were significantly larger in frogs provided with testosterone than in castrates without testosterone. No difference was found in the SN2 region or in the anconeus caput scapulare (triceps), another control muscle. Immunocytochemistry employing an antibody against the androgen receptor (AR) indicated that the receptor is present in myonuclei of all muscles of the forelimb. While no difference in labeling intensity was detected, the number of AR-containing nuclei per muscle fiber cross-section was higher in fibers innervated by SN2 than in those innervated by SN3, and was yet lower in the triceps. This suggests that regulation of androgen sensitivity may occur via muscle fiber. ARs, although an influence of the nerve may also contribute. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Rhodamine 123, a membrane potential-specific dye, has been evaluated as a probe to monitor the function of the mitochondrion in long slender bloodstream and procyclic trypomastigotes of several Trypanosoma brucei spp. By epifluorescence microscopy, mitochondrial development has been followed in long slender bloodstream and procyclic organisms stained with rhodamine 123. to photograph stained long slender bloodstream forms, it was necessary to develop a method to completely immobilize viable organisms. In both parasite forms, as the cell cycle progressed, the mitochondrion developed from a thread-like structure to a highly branched organelle. A dramatic reorganization occurred preceding cytokinesis to produce two progeny thread-like structures which were partitioned into newly formed daughter cells. the organelle within the long slender trypomastigote was found to stain optimally at 0.3 μ/ml of rhodamine 123, while the procyclic form required 3.0 μ/ml. the results suggest that the plasma membrane potential is higher in the long slender parasite than in the procyclic form. the effects of inhibitors that disrupt mitochondrial function were examined in long slender and procyclic parasites, and some of these agents were shown to affect rhodamine 123 accumulation and retention. In long slender trypomastigotes the trypanosome alternative oxidase does not appear to be coupled to proton pumping, whereas in procyclic organisms the effects of inhibitors indicate that this oxidase may be coupled to a pathway that is branched preceding an antimycin A1-sensitive site.  相似文献   
Information garnered from the capture and handling of free-ranging animals helps advance understanding of wildlife ecology and can aid in decisions on wildlife management. Unfortunately, animals may experience increased levels of stress, injuries, and death resulting from captures (e.g., exertional myopathy, trauma). Partial sedation is a technique proposed to alleviate stress in animals during capture, yet efficacy of partial sedation for reducing stress and promoting survival post-capture remains unclear. We evaluated the effects of partial sedation on physiological, biochemical, and behavioral indicators of acute stress and probability of survival post-capture for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) that were captured via helicopter net-gunning in the eastern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Wyoming, USA. We administered 10–30 mg of midazolam and 15 mg of azaperone intramuscularly (IM) to 32 mule deer in 2016 and 53 mule deer in 2017, and maintained a control group (captured but not sedated) of 38 mule deer in 2016 and 54 mule deer in 2017. To evaluate indicators of acute stress, we measured heart rate, blood-oxygen saturation, body temperature, respiration rate, and levels of serum cortisol. We recorded number of kicks and vocalizations of deer during handling and evaluated behavior during release. We also measured levels of fecal glucocorticoids as an indicator of baseline stress. Midazolam and azaperone did not reduce physiological, biochemical, or behavioral indicators of acute stress or influence probability of survival post-capture. Mule deer that were administered midazolam and azaperone, however, were more likely to hesitate, stumble or fall, and walk during release compared with individuals in the control group, which were more likely to trot, stot, or run without stumbling or falling. Our findings suggest that midazolam (10–30 mg IM) and azaperone (15 mg IM) may not yield physiological or demographic benefits for captured mule deer as previously assumed and may pose adverse effects that can complicate safety for captured animals, including drug-induced lethargy. Although we failed to find efficacy of midazolam and azaperone as a method for reducing stress in captured mule deer, the efficacy of midazolam and azaperone or other combinations of partial sedatives in reducing stress may depend on the dose of tranquilizer, study animal, capture setting, and how stress is defined. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Current understanding of life‐history evolution and how demographic parameters contribute to population dynamics across species is largely based on assumptions of either constant environments or stationary environmental variation. Meanwhile, species are faced with non‐stationary environmental conditions (changing mean, variance, or both) created by climate and landscape change. To close the gap between contemporary reality and demographic theory, we develop a set of transient life table response experiments (LTREs) for decomposing realised population growth rates into contributions from specific vital rates and components of population structure. Using transient LTREs in a theoretical framework, we reveal that established concepts in population biology will require revision because of reliance on approaches that do not address the influence of unstable population structure on population growth and mean fitness. Going forward, transient LTREs will enhance understanding of demography and improve the explanatory power of models used to understand ecological and evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   
We provide guidance for monitoring whether human activities affect the physiology or behavior of marine mammals and, if so, whether those effects may lead to changes in survival and reproduction at the population level. We suggest that four elements be included in designing and implementing such a monitoring program. The first is development of a theory of change: a set of mechanistic hypotheses that outline why a given activity might be expected to have one or more measurable effects on individuals and populations, and ideally the magnitude, timing, and duration of the effects. The second element, definition of biologically meaningful effect sizes, ultimately facilitates the development of a monitoring program that can detect those magnitudes of effect with the desired levels of precision. The third element, selection of response variables for monitoring, allows inference to whether observed changes in the status of individuals or populations are attributable to a given activity. Visual observations, passive acoustic and tagging instruments, and direct physical measurements all can provide data that facilitate quantitative hypothesis testing. The fourth element is specification of the temporal sequence of monitoring. These elements also can be used to inform monitoring of the responses of other taxonomic groups to human activities.  相似文献   
Nonhuman primates are an essential part of tropical biodiversity and play key roles in many ecosystem functions, processes, and services. However, the impact of climate variability on nonhuman primates, whether anthropogenic or otherwise, remains poorly understood. In this study, we utilized age‐structured matrix population models to assess the population viability and demographic variability of a population of geladas (Theropithecus gelada) in the Simien Mountains, Ethiopia with the aim of revealing any underlying climatic influences. Using data from 2008 to 2019 we calculated annual, time‐averaged, and stochastic population growth rates (λ) and investigated relationships between vital rate variability and monthly cumulative rainfall and mean temperature. Our results showed that under the prevailing environmental conditions, the population will increase (λ s = 1.021). Significant effects from rainfall and/or temperature variability were widely detected across vital rates; only the first year of infant survival and the individual years of juvenile survival were definitively unaffected. Generally, the higher temperature in the hot‐dry season led to lower survival and higher fecundity, while higher rainfall in the hot‐dry season led to increased survival and fecundity. Overall, these results provide evidence of greater effects of climate variability across a wider range of vital rates than those found in previous primate demography studies. This highlights that although primates have often shown substantial resilience to the direct effects of climate change, their vulnerability may vary with habitat type and across populations.  相似文献   
Low power millimeter wave (LP-MW) irradiation has been successfully used in clinical practice as an independent and/or supplemental therapy in patients with various diseases. It is still not clear, however, whether exposed skin is directly affected by repeated LP-MW irradiation and whether cells of the epidermis can be activated by the absorbed energy. Keratinocytes, the most numerous component of the epidermis are believed to manifest functional responses to physical stimuli. In this study we analyzed whether LP-MW irradiation modulated the production of chemokines, including RANTES and IP-10 of keratinocytes in vitro. We also investigated whether LP-MW irradiation induces a heat stress reaction in keratinocytes, and stimulates heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) production. Vital staining of keratinocytes with carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester and ethidium bromide was used to analyze the MW effect on the viability of adherent cells. In addition, we studied the effect of LP-MW irradiation on intercellular gap junctional communication in keratinocyte monolayers by Lucifer yellow dye transfer. We found no significant changes in constitutive RANTES and inducible IP-10 production following LP-MW irradiation. LP-MW exposure of keratinocyte monolayers did not alter Hsp70 production, unlike exposure to higher power MWs (HP-MW) or hyperthermia (43 degrees C; 1 h). LP-MW irradiation and hyperthermia did not alter the viability of adherent keratinocytes, while HP-MW irradiation induced cellular damage within the beam area. Finally, we found no alteration in the gap junctional intercellular communication of keratinocytes following LP-MW irradiation, which on the other hand, was significantly increased by hyperthermia. In summary, we detected no harmful effect of LP-MW irradiation on both keratinocyte function and structure in vitro, although these cells were sensitive to higher MW power that developed heat stress reaction and cellular damage. Our results provide further evidence that LP-MW irradiation does not induce evidence of skin inflammation or keratinocyte damage and that its clinical application appears to be safe.  相似文献   
Allsopp  N. 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(1):117-124
The effect of different frequencies of defoliation on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) colonization and external hyphae production of three perennial grass species growing in pot culture in a non-sterile soil was investigated. Roots were assessed by acid fuschin staining and succinate dehydrogenase activity to obtain measurements of total and metabolically active AMF colonization. The grass species, Digitaria eriantha, Lolium perenne and Themeda triandra are of similar bunch morphology and responded to defoliation with massive root death. In Themeda defoliation was also associated with a decline in leaf growth rate, phosphorus accumulation in new leaf tissue, AMF colonization and external hyphae densities. In Digitaria and Lolium, AMF colonization declined but external hyphal densities were unaffected by defoliation frequency. In these two species phosphorus accumulation and leaf regrowth rates were also unchanged by defoliation. Only in Lolium did defoliation result in slightly more inactive AMF colonization. The results suggest that Lolium and Digitaria which are pasture species are better able to compensate for root loss following fairly frequent defoliation by maintaining an external AMF hyphal network. Themeda, a rangeland grass, which is more intolerant of grazing, has a lower capacity for sustaining its hyphal network when defoliated. Grazing is therefore likely to affect community dynamics because of variable effects of defoliation frequency on the mycorrhizal symbiosis of different plant species.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess and monitor airway exhalation and deposition of particulate matter (PM). After standardizing inspiratory/expiratory flow and volumes, a novel device was tested on a group of 20 volunteers and in a field study on workers exposed to cristobalite. Both male and female subjects showed a higher percentage of deposition in the 0.5?μm channel than in the 0.3?μm channel on a laser particle counter, but it was higher in the males because of their higher exhaled lung volumes. The device was tested on a wider range of particles (0.3–0.5–1.0–2.5?μm) in the cristobalite productive division. The device has low intrasubject variability and good reproducibility, with geometric mean of %CV?相似文献   
王道富  刘慧  胡彬  冷军  孙振宇 《生物磁学》2013,(26):5099-5101,5164
目的:探讨老年人活髓隐裂牙应用金属烤瓷全冠修复临床效果及适应症。方法:选取本院2006年1月至2011年1月期间收治的356例老年活髓隐裂牙合计621颗为研究对象,根据患牙疼痛程度随机将患者分为咬合疼痛组(A组)104例合计215颗患牙,咬合伴过敏性冷热刺激痛组(B组)122例合计232颗患牙,咬合伴延续性冷热刺激疼痛组(C组)130例合计174颗患牙,所有患者均接受金属烤瓷全冠修复,观察患者在治疗后1个月、6个月、12个月、18个月、24个月治愈情况以及牙髓及根尖周病变及牙髓发生情况。结果:与C组相比,A组、B组术后1个月、6个月、12个月、18个月、24个月治愈率以及总有效率较高,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:金属烤瓷全冠修复适合于轻微咬合疼痛以及咬合伴过敏性冷热刺激痛的患者,而对于咬舍伴延续性冷热刺激疼痛的患者则宜先行根管治疗术再进行全冠修复。  相似文献   
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