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The use of miniaturized video cameras to study the at‐sea behavior of flying seabirds has increased in recent years. These cameras allow researchers to record several behaviors that were not previously possible to observe. However, video recorders produce large amounts of data and videos can often be time‐consuming to analyze. We present a new technique using open‐source software to extract bank angles from bird‐borne video footage. Bank angle is a key facet of dynamic soaring, which allows albatrosses and petrels to efficiently search vast areas of ocean for food. Miniaturized video cameras were deployed on 28 Wandering Albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) on Marion Island (one of the two Prince Edward Islands) from 2016 to 2018. The OpenCV library for the Python programming language was used to extract the angle of the horizon relative to the bird’s body (= bank angle) from footage when the birds were flying using a series of steps focused on edge detection. The extracted angles were not significantly different from angles measured manually by three independent observers, thus being a valid method to measure bank angles. Image quality, high wind speeds, and sunlight all influenced the accuracy of angle estimates, but post‐processing eliminated most of these errors. Birds flew most often with cross‐winds (58%) and tailwinds (39%), resulting in skewed distributions of bank angles when birds turned into the wind more often. Higher wind speeds resulted in extreme bank angles (maximum observed was 94°). We present a novel method for measuring postural data from seabirds that can be used to describe the fine‐scale movements of the dynamic‐soaring cycle. Birds appeared to alter their bank angle in response to varying wind conditions to counter wind drift associated with the prevailing westerly winds in the Southern Ocean. These data, in combination with fine‐scale positional data, may lead to new insights into dynamic‐soaring flight.  相似文献   
The ploidy profiles of benign and malignant tumours can be obtained using image analysis. However, the results of ploidy studies have varied according to the type of specimen used. We compared the ploidy profiles of paraffin embedded thin sections, cytospin preparations of disaggregated cells, and cytological smears from the same specimen as defined by image analysis. Ten benign breast lesions, 10 breast carcinomas and 10 malignant melanomas were investigated in this way. Preparations stained by the Feulgen technique were examined using the MD20 video image analysis densitometry system. Ploidy profiles were obtained by measuring the integrated optical density of at least 200 nuclei. By paying proper attention to the quality of fixation and presence or absence of cytoplasm around cells, comparable results were found for all preparations in each case. We therefore conclude that if careful attention is paid to the technical quality of the material, reliable ploidy results can be obtained by image analysis.  相似文献   
The daily activity of the slug Arion lusitanicus was studied using time‐lapse video analysis in the laboratory. Under constant temperature (18°C) and 16–h photoperiod, the activity of slugs was measured in half‐hourly periods as locomotor activity, feeding or resting. Track lengths were determined using image analysis. Locomotion of A. lusitanicus was greatest at 5:30, 1.5 h after sunrise, and at 20:30, 1 h after sunset; least locomotor activity occurred between 13:00 and 14:00. The mean distance travelled by A. lusitanicus in 24 h was 10.8 m. The largest slug was the most active and the smallest the least. Slugs spent 68% of 24 hours resting, mainly under artificial shelter traps, 27% in locomotion and 4% feeding. Feeding occurred mainly during the hours of dakness (76%). All categories of behaviour investigated varied greatly between individuals and also between times of day. Homing to artificial shelters and other roost sites was regularly observed within 24 h (41%), but decreased considerably thereafter. The behavioural patterns proved to be in agreement with those found in a previous field investigation and are therefore also discussed with a view to their importance in pest control.  相似文献   
Understanding the effect of ground types on foraging movements of ground‐dwelling arthropods is a key step to managing their spatial distribution as required for successful conservation biological control. Indeed, fine movements at the centimeter scale can strongly influence the foraging ability of pest predators. However, because radio frequency identification or harmonic tracking techniques are not yet suitable for small species and video tracking focuses on uniform and light backgrounds, foraging movements have rarely been studied in relation to ground types. We present a method to track a ground‐dwelling arthropod (the earwig Euborellia caraibea) at night, walking on two contrasted ground types: bare soil and soil partly covered with a stratum of banana plant residues allowing individuals to hide periodically. The tracking of individuals within these ground types was achieved by infrared light, tagging individuals, video treatments, and semi‐automatic cleaning of trajectories. We tested different procedures to obtain segments with identical durations to quantify speeds and sinuosities. These procedures were characterized by the junction time gap between trajectory fragments, the rediscretization time of trajectories, and whether or not to use interpolation to fill in missing points in the trajectories. Earwigs exhibited significantly slower and more sinuous movements on soil with banana plant residues than on bare soil. Long time gaps for trajectory junction, extended rediscretization times, and interpolation were complementary means to integrate concealed movements in the trajectories. The highest slowdown in plant residues was detected when the procedure could account for longer periods under the residues. These results suggest that earwigs spent a significant amount of time concealed by the residues. Additionally, the residues strongly decreased the earwigs'' movement. Since the technical solutions presented in this study are inexpensive, easy to set up, and replicate, they represent valuable contributions to the emerging field of video monitoring.  相似文献   
Extreme climatic events can trigger abrupt and often lasting change in ecosystems via the reduction or elimination of foundation (i.e., habitat‐forming) species. However, while the frequency/intensity of extreme events is predicted to increase under climate change, the impact of these events on many foundation species and the ecosystems they support remains poorly understood. Here, we use the iconic seagrass meadows of Shark Bay, Western Australia – a relatively pristine subtropical embayment whose dominant, canopy‐forming seagrass, Amphibolis antarctica, is a temperate species growing near its low‐latitude range limit – as a model system to investigate the impacts of extreme temperatures on ecosystems supported by thermally sensitive foundation species in a changing climate. Following an unprecedented marine heat wave in late summer 2010/11, A. antarctica experienced catastrophic (>90%) dieback in several regions of Shark Bay. Animal‐borne video footage taken from the perspective of resident, seagrass‐associated megafauna (sea turtles) revealed severe habitat degradation after the event compared with a decade earlier. This reduction in habitat quality corresponded with a decline in the health status of largely herbivorous green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the 2 years following the heat wave, providing evidence of long‐term, community‐level impacts of the event. Based on these findings, and similar examples from diverse ecosystems, we argue that a generalized framework for assessing the vulnerability of ecosystems to abrupt change associated with the loss of foundation species is needed to accurately predict ecosystem trajectories in a changing climate. This includes seagrass meadows, which have received relatively little attention in this context. Novel research and monitoring methods, such as the analysis of habitat and environmental data from animal‐borne video and data‐logging systems, can make an important contribution to this framework.  相似文献   
利用数码相机和Photoshop软件非破坏性测定叶面积的简便方法   总被引:67,自引:1,他引:67  
采用数码相机获取叶片的数字图像,用Photoshop图像处理软件计算叶面积,并与目前常用的剪纸法和叶面积仪测定法进行比较分析。结果表明,本方法和上述传统测定方法测定结果存在极显著线性相关;不同拍摄分辨率、单位叶面积存贮像素个数和拍摄角度对测定结果无显著影响。和其它方法相比,本方法具有准确、快速、成本低廉、适合非破坏性动态连续观测等优点,适用于植物生理生态学研究中叶面积的测定。  相似文献   
Seasonal and diel migration timing of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts and adults were investigated annually (2001–2004) in the subarctic River Utsjoki, a tributary of the large River Teno (70° N), using underwater video monitoring. Submerged video cameras provided information on the exact timing and intensity of both migrations in a natural river channel, without disturbing the fish. In contrast to the mainly nocturnal migration pattern described from temperate rivers, the River Utsjoki smolts and adults migrated throughout the day. Smolts migrated most intensively during hours of rising (0300–0900 hours) and high sun (0900–1500 hours), while adults favoured the period of low sun (2100–0300 hours). Smolt migrations started in June and lasted on average 42 days. Adults usually ascended the site 2–3 weeks before the first descending smolts were observed and the adult migrations extended to the end of August. Seasonal synchrony was observed between smolt and adult migrations in years of slowly warming water, whereas in a year of exceptionally warm early summer (2002), smolts migrated earlier than adults. Thus, water temperature seemed to be an important environmental factor triggering the smolt migration, while the migration of adults was probably more fixed to a certain season. Weak positive correlations between fish counts and water temperature were observed, indicating that increasing water temperature may have promoted both smolt and adult migrations. The influence of discharge was negligible, although increasing discharge late in the season may have activated the remaining individuals in both groups.  相似文献   
2017至2020年,在浙江九龙山国家级自然保护区内及周边网格化布设63台Ltl-6210MC红外相机,对区内的黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)及其同域物种进行调查。监测期间,5台红外相机共拍摄到9张黑熊活动照片和6次黑熊活动视频,提取到7次黑熊有效照片。根据本次监测到的黑熊位点与文献记录,共确定华东地区黑熊出现位点14个。基于黑熊栖息地特征选择土地利用和7个生境因子为预测背景,利用物种分布模型预测黑熊在华东地区的潜在分布区。为提高预测的精准度,采用了biomod 2软件包中的10种模型算法,并用真实技能统计值(TSS)和曲线下面积值(AUC)来评估这10种算法,只有当TSS值超过0.8且AUC值大于0.9时,才使用该模型算法预测物种的潜在分布区。结果表明:(1)推测保护区内现存2或3只黑熊;(2)最冷月份最低温(Bio6)和最湿季节降水量(Bio16)是限制黑熊分布的主要环境因子;(3)黑熊在华东地区存在3个主要潜在分布区,即浙–赣潜在分布区、浙–赣–皖潜在分布区和浙–皖潜在分布区,适生区面积约为317km~2。综上所述,这些结果可为加强华东地区黑熊的保护提供一定的资料。  相似文献   
兔狲(Otocolobus manul)、藏狐(Vulpes ferrilata)和赤狐(V. vulpes)是青藏高原三江源区域分布的重要小型食肉兽。本研究于2014年6月至2019年9月在青海省长江源区沱沱河和通天河沿岸选取208个位点布设红外相机, 通过所获取的时空分布数据比较了上述3种同域分布小型食肉兽的时空利用情况。通过空间重叠度系数的比较分析, 兔狲和藏狐、兔狲和赤狐以及藏狐和赤狐之间的空间重叠度系数分别为0.25、0.48和0.17, 这表明兔狲、藏狐和赤狐三者在空间利用上存在一定的差异。通过核密度估计方法分析, 兔狲和藏狐属典型的昼行性动物, 而赤狐以夜行性活动为主。兔狲、藏狐和赤狐每个物种在冷暖两季的日活动节律重叠指数分别为0.83、0.78和0.88。两两比较分析表明, 兔狲和藏狐二者的日活动节律重叠指数最高(0.84), 兔狲和赤狐在夜间活动时段存在一定重叠(0.63), 而藏狐和赤狐的时间生态位分化最明显, 重叠指数最低(0.48)。此外, 在暖季, 两两物种之间的日活动节律重叠指数均小于其冷季的重叠指数。综上所述, 长江源区兔狲、藏狐和赤狐3种小型食肉兽可通过空间和时间资源的利用差异来降低物种间的干扰和竞争, 从而达到同域物种共存的目的。  相似文献   
We present a multimodal in vivo skin imaging instrument that is capable of simultaneously acquiring multiphoton and reflectance confocal images at up to 27 frames per second with 256 × 256 pixel resolution without the use of exogenous contrast agents. A single femtosecond laser excitation source is used for all channels ensuring perfect image registration between the two‐photon fluorescence (TPF), second harmonic generation (SHG), and reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) images. Images and videos acquired with the system show that the three imaging channels provide complementary information in in vivo human skin measurements. In the epidermis, cell boundaries are clearly seen in the RCM channel, while cytoplasm is better seen in the TPF imaging channel, whereas in the dermis, SHG and TPF channels show collagen bundles and elastin fibers, respectively. The demonstrated fast imaging speed and multimodal imaging capabilities of this MPM/RCM instrument are essential features for future clinical application of this technique. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
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