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As livestock disease control programs in Africa begin to rely more upon para-professionals and livestock producers as deliverers of animal health care services, understanding the role different household members play in providing animal health care becomes increasingly important. This paper presents a framework for the analysis of gender aspects of livestock disease control based on a similar framework developed by Feldstein and Poats (1989). The utility of this framework is illustrated using household-level data collected from a district in central Kenya. Adult women and elderly men in the sample have primary responsibility for livestock care, and are therefore well placed to diagnose illness. Dipping and spraying of animals to prevent tick-borne and other diseases is the primary responsibility of adult males. Decisions regarding use of milk from the morning milking are more likely to be made by adult men. It is morning milk that is most often sold. Adult women, however, make decisions about use of evening milk, which is most often kept for household consumption. Knowledge of livestock diseases did not appear to vary significantly by gender, although some elderly men did possess extensive knowledge of indigenous disease categories and traditional remedies. The importance of recognizing gender issues in planning and implementing livestock disease control programs is discussed.  相似文献   
The shared diseases between animals and humans are known as zoonotic diseases and spread infectious diseases among humans. Zoonotic diseases are not only a major burden to livestock industry but also threaten humans accounting for >60% cases of human illness. About 75% of emerging infectious diseases in humans have been reported to originate from zoonotic pathogens. Because antibiotics are frequently used to protect livestock from bacterial diseases, the development of antibiotic‐resistant strains of epidemic and zoonotic pathogens is now a major concern. Live attenuated and killed vaccines are the only option to control these infectious diseases and this approach has been used since 1890. However, major problems with this approach include high cost and injectable vaccines is impractical for >20 billion poultry animals or fish in aquaculture. Plants offer an attractive and affordable platform for vaccines against animal diseases because of their low cost, and they are free of attenuated pathogens and cold chain requirement. Therefore, several plant‐based vaccines against human and animals diseases have been developed recently that undergo clinical and regulatory approval. Plant‐based vaccines serve as ideal booster vaccines that could eliminate multiple boosters of attenuated bacteria or viruses, but requirement of injectable priming with adjuvant is a current limitation. So, new approaches like oral vaccines are needed to overcome this challenge. In this review, we discuss the progress made in plant‐based vaccines against zoonotic or other animal diseases and future challenges in advancing this field.  相似文献   

Studies in human medicine show that care of chronically ill family members can affect the caregiver's life in several ways and cause “caregiver burden.” Companion animals are offered increasingly advanced veterinary treatments, sometimes involving home care. Owners choosing such treatments could thus face similar challenges when caring for their animals. This qualitative study uncovers impacts on an owner's life, when attending to the care of an aged or chronically ill dog and reflects on the differing roles of caregivers with animal and human patients. Twelve dog owners were selected for in-depth interviews based on the dogs' diagnoses, and the choice of treatments and care expected to affect the owner's life. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed qualitatively. The dog owners reported several changes in their lives due to their dog's condition: practicalities like extra care, changes in use of the home, and restrictions relating to work, social life, and finances. These were time-consuming, tough, and annoying, but could often be dealt with through planning and prioritizing. Changes in the human–dog relationship and activities caused sadness and frustration, which in turn led to feelings of guilt, and in some cases created a feeling of loss. Also, concerns about the progress of the dog's condition, it's welfare, and euthanasia brought emotional distress and many doubts. The owners did, however, respond to the changes differently and as a result experienced different effects on their own life. This study confirms that the situations of caregivers with human and animal patients are in some ways similar, yet the study also identifies and reflects on some of the differences. These include the caregiver role and the options of assistance as well as euthanasia. Veterinary staff are urged to inform owners about possible impacts on their lives when considering careconsuming treatments, and to be aware of the need for support during treatment as well as in decisions about euthanasia.  相似文献   
Professional phagocytic cells such as macrophages are a central part of innate immune defence. They ingest microorganisms into membrane‐bound compartments (phagosomes), which acidify and eventually fuse with lysosomes, exposing their contents to a microbicidal environment. Gram‐positive Rhodococcus equi can cause pneumonia in young foals and in immunocompromised humans. The possession of a virulence plasmid allows them to subvert host defence mechanisms and to multiply in macrophages. Here, we show that the plasmid‐encoded and secreted virulence‐associated protein A (VapA) participates in exclusion of the proton‐pumping vacuolar‐ATPase complex from phagosomes and causes membrane permeabilisation, thus contributing to a pH‐neutral phagosome lumen. Using fluorescence and electron microscopy, we show that VapA is also transferred from phagosomes to lysosomes where it permeabilises the limiting membranes for small ions such as protons. This permeabilisation process is different from that of known membrane pore formers as revealed by experiments with artificial lipid bilayers. We demonstrate that, at 24 hr of infection, virulent Requi is contained in a vacuole, which is enriched in lysosome material, yet possesses a pH of 7.2 whereas phagosomes containing a vapA deletion mutant have a pH of 5.8 and those with virulence plasmid‐less sister strains have a pH of 5.2. Experimentally neutralising the macrophage endocytic system allows avirulent Requi to multiply. This observation is mirrored in the fact that virulent and avirulent Requi multiply well in extracts of purified lysosomes at pH 7.2 but not at pH 5.1. Together these data indicate that the major function of VapA is to generate a pH‐neutral and hence growth‐promoting intracellular niche. VapA represents a new type of Gram‐positive virulence factor by trafficking from one subcellular compartment to another, affecting membrane permeability, excluding proton‐pumping ATPase, and consequently disarming host defences.  相似文献   
The Primate Aging Database (PAD) is being developed to assist research using nonhuman primate models for various gerontological applications. We provide now an update of an earlier report providing data on hematological and blood chemistry values for rhesus monkeys across the adult lifespan. These data were collected from several research colonies and have been submitted to rigorous statistical analyses to identify relationships with chronological age.  相似文献   
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