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A method for the analysis of multiple forms of glucan-degrading enzymes is described. The procedure consists of the separation of the proteins by electrophoresis or isoelectric focusing in glucan-free polyacrylamide gels followed by the nondenaturing electrophoretic transfer into a second polyacrylamide layer which contains immobilized glucans. The method combines the resolving power of electrophoretic separations in glucan-free media with the sensitivity of amylase activity detection in amylose-containing polyacrylamide gels. The procedure is especially useful when samples containing low amylase activity, but a large number of multiple enzyme forms, are to be analyzed.  相似文献   
A new strain of the green sulfur bacteria was isolated from the monimolimnion of Buchensee (near Radolfzell, Lake Constance region, FRG). Single cells were rod-shaped, nonmotile and contained gas vacuoles. Typical net-like colonies were formed by ternary fission of the cells. As photosynthetic pigments bacteriochlorophylls a, e, isorenieratene and -isorenieratene were present. Sulfide, sulfur and thiosulfate were used as electron donors during anaerobic phototrophic growth. Besides carbon dioxide, acetate and propionate could serve as carbon sources under mixotrophic conditions in the light. Like all other members of the green sulfur bacteria, the new bacterium is strictly anaerobic and obligately phototrophic. The possession of gas vacuoles and the formation of net-like colonies and the guanine plus cytosine content of the DNA (47.9 mol% G+C) are typical characteristics of the genus Pelodictyon. Because of its photosynthetic pigments which differ from those of Pelodictyon clathratiforme, strain BU 1 represents a new species, P. Phaeoclathratiforme sp. nov.  相似文献   
Four new strains of Thiopedia rosea were isolated in pure culture from blooms of platelet-forming purple sulfur bacteria in the top layers of the anoxic hypolimnia of two freshwater lakes. Individual cells of the new strains as well as of T. rosea strain 4211 were spherical to oval, nonmotile and contained gas vesicles in the central part. The predominant photosynthetic pigments were bacteriochlorophyll a and okenone. All strains were strictly anaerobic and obligately phototrophic. Optimal growth occurred at low light intensities of 100 E · m-2 s-1 (tungsten lamp); intensities above 150 E · m-2 s-1 inhibited growth completely. Photoautotrophic growth was possible at sulfide concentrations up to 0.6 mM; higher concentrations were inhibitory. Acetate, butyrate and valerate supported photoorganotrophic growth in the presence of bicarbonate and sulfide concentrations below 1 mM. Sulfide was required as a source of cellular sulfur because assimilatory sulfate reduction is lacking. All strains were assigned to the species Thiopedia rosea with strain 4211 as a neotype.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. G. Schlegel on the occasion of his 66th birthday  相似文献   
Gold-labeled insulin is bound first of all to the cilia of the oral field of Tetrahymena. A primary treatment (hormonal imprinting) with insulin increases the binding capacity even after 24h and makes it more sensitive for appearance a week later, within a minute of giving insulin-gold. The food vacuoles contain insulin-gold in pretreated cells or without pretreatment as well, though in imprinted situations the label can be found in pinocytotic vesicles at the bases of cilia in the oral field. Altogether, a functional difference can be observed between the cilia of the oral and non-oral surfaces of Tetrahymena and hormonal imprinting has a specifying effect on the binding of labeled hormone.  相似文献   
When zymogen granules, the secretion granules of pancreatic acinar cells, fill, secretory product is accumulated in immature granules, condensing vacuoles. Mature granules are formed when this product (protein) condenses into an osmotically inactive aggregate and, bulk water is expelled. This hypothesis for granule morphogenesis has two elements. The first is that immature granules are precursors to mature granules. The second is that a particular maturational event, condensation, which involves the aggregation of protein, takes place. These hypotheses lead to two straightforward predictions. One, that condensing vacuoles on average, should contain less protein than filled or mature granules. And two, that, due to condensation, mature granules should contain protein at a common concentration. In the current work, both of these predictions were tested using measurements of the protein content of individual granules acquired by X-ray microscopy. Neither prediction was affirmed by the experimental results. First, there was no distinguishable difference in the distribution of protein between immature and mature granules. Second, the protein concentration of mature granules varied widely between preparations, although granules from the same preparation had similar concentrations. From the data we conclude that: 1) mature granules and condensing vacuoles are different, though not necessarily unrelated, types of secretory vesicle, and not two forms of the same object; 2) as such, condensing vacuoles are not precursors to mature granules; 3) all granules do not contain protein at one particular concentration when full, or mature; 4) granule maturation does not involve a condensation step; 5) concentration is not determined by such physical limits as the space available for protein packing or condensation; and 6) the amount of protein contained is physiologically regulated.  相似文献   
Abstract Acid phosphatase activity was measured in individual cells by determining their optical densities through a scanning confocal laser microscope. The naphthol AS-TR (3-hydroxy-2-naphtoic acid 4'-chloro-2'-methylanilide) phosphate-hexazotized para-rosanilin method was used to visualise the acid phosphatase content in the light microscope. Evidence was obtained that the amount of enzyme varied in exponential growth phase cells as the fission age increased. By comparing the acid phosphatase activity with the rate of food vacuole formation, it appeared that the amount of enzyme inside the cells decreased in early clonal life, whereas the rate of food uptake increased. It was assumed that the reduction of acid phosphatase content could lead to a more extended life of vacuoles and to a decreased membrane recycling rate. In turn, the reduced supply of membrane available for food vacuole formation could partly be responsible for the decrease of the food uptake rate observed after the initial increase.  相似文献   
The role of gas vacuoles in the vertical stratification of planktonic bacteria is analysed. Measurements made with certain gas-vacuolate bacteria in laboratory culture suggest that only colonial forms could sink or float fast enough to form population maxima in lakes by vertical migration from other depths. It is suggested that in the case of individual cells the importance of the buoyancy provided by gas vacuoles is to minimise sinking rates and thereby to increase residence times of the organisms at depths where conditions support their growth.Changes in the vertical distribution of a number of gas-vacuolate bacteria were followed throughout the year in a monomictic, eutrophic lake (Crose Mere, Shropshire). All were restricted to the anaerobic hypolimnion which developed in summer. The various species formed maxima at different depths and times. With some of them (e.g. species of Thiopedia, Pelonema and Brachyarcus) growth was necessary to explain their development. In others (e. g. species of Pelodictyon and two colourless bacteria) vertical migrations might also have contributed to their development.  相似文献   
A new phototrophic bacterium was isolated from Jordanian and Kenyan alkaline salt lakes. Cells are rod shaped, 1.5 m wide and 2–4 m long, and motile by polar flagella. They divide by binary fission, and possess photosynthetic membranes as lamellar stacks similar to those in the other species of the genus Ectothiorhodospira and the brown colored Rhodospirillum species. The presence of bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the normal spirilloxanthin series is indicated by the absorption spectra of living cells. Under certain growth conditions the cells form gas vacuoles, may become immotile and float to the top of the culture medium. Sulfide and thiosulfate are used as photosynthetic electron donors. During the oxidation of sulfide to sulfate, elemental sulfur is formed, which is accumulated outside the cells. The organisms are strictly anaerobic, do not require vitamins, are moderately halophilic and need alkaline pH-values for growth. The new species Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata is proposed.  相似文献   
Using an electric field pulse technique, we induced fusion between vacuoles and protoplasts of Kalanchoë daigremontiana , between protoplasts from etiolated and green leaf mesophyll, and between mesophyll protoplasts from plants of different physiological properties ( Avena sativa : C3 mechanism of photosynthesis, Kalanchoë daigremontiana : crassulacean acid metabolism). Close membrane contact amongst protoplasts or between protoplasts and vacuoles (as required for fusion) was achieved by the application of an alternating, non-uniform electric field to the suspension. Due to the dielectrophoresis effect the cells attach to each other along the field lines. The fusion process is initiated by the injection of an electric field pulse of high intensity and short duration (μs range). The field intensity has to be sufficiently high to induce reversible breakdown in the area of close membrane contact. After the application of the field pulse, the fusion process is initiated and completed within seconds to a few minutes, depending on the material investigated.
Fusion occurs between protoplasts and vacuoles as well as between protoplasts of different species. Both tonoplast and plasma membranes completely intermingled, indicating that in contrast to suggestions in the literature these membranes are compatible. Furthermore the cytoplasms of etiolated and green protoplasts obviously do not mix after fusion is completed, as etioplasts and chloroplasts kept separated from each other. In all experiments the volume of the fusion product equalled the sum of the compartments that underwent fusion. The wide spectrum of possible applications resulting from these fusion experiments in relation to metabolic problems is discussed.  相似文献   
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