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Summary The sporophores of Pleurotus are gymnocarpous and continuously release spores in the atmosphere causing respiratory allergies like hay fever and farmer’s lung disease among workers. The allergy is caused by the antigens present on the walls of the spores. Apart from this, during commercial production, these spores settle on the fruit bodies, germinate and form a velvety film which gives an unpleasant appearance to the mushrooms. The spores emitted may include new genotypes likely to attack wood or trees. Spore allergy is one of the most important limiting factors for the large scale cultivation of this species. Different approaches are being adopted at IIHR for the production of commercial sporeless/low-sporing strains of Pleurotus to alleviate the spore allergy problem. Attempts were made during the present investigation to produce sporeless or low-sporing mutants through u.v. mutation. Mutation of the mycelium did not yield the desired results. Mutation of the spores of Pleurotus sajor-caju yielded an extremely low-sporing mutant after 75 min exposure. The character has been found to be stable for more than 10 generations of subculturing.  相似文献   
Calli were initiated from flower buds, gynoecia and inflorescence segments of Haworthia magnifica v. Poelln. and subcultured on solid medium. Two liquid culture steps were necessary to prepare the calli for the isolation of protoplasts capable of sustained cell divisions. Plants were regenerated from protoplast-derived calli. The influence of both the osmolality of the culture media and exudates on the viability of protoplasts and protoplast-derived cell colonies is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
A gene (Bmn) with a major effect on -mannosidase activity in kidney and liver of the house mouse was revealed by assay with the synthetic substratep-nitrophenyl--d-mannoside. Activity is low in DBA/2J and CSB mice and high in C57BL/6J mice. By the use of the BXD series of recombinant inbred strains and by crosses between C57BL and CSB, it was possible to map the gene to the distal part of chromosome 3 by demonstration of linkage to a gene for cadmium resistance,cdm, as well as to theAdh-3 locus.This work was supported by Swedish Natural Science Research Council Project B-BU 2992-108.  相似文献   
Summary Dissociated single cells from chicken retina or tectum kept in rotation-mediated cell culture aggregate, proliferate and establish a certain degree of histotypical cellto-cell relationships (sorting out), but these systems never form highly laminated aggregates (nonstratified R- and T-aggregates). In contrast, a mixture of retinal plus pigment epithelial cells forms highly stratified aggregates (RPE-aggregates, see Vollmer et al. 1984). The present comparative study of stratified and nonstratified aggregates enables us to investigate the process of cell proliferation uncoupled from that of tissue stratification. Here we try to relate these two basic neurogenetic processes with patterns of expression of cholinesterases (AChE, BChE) during formation of both types of aggregates.During early aggregate formation, in both stratified and nonstratified aggregates an increased butyrylcholinesterase activity is observed close to mitotically active cells. Quantitatively both phenomena show their maxima after 2–3 days in culture. In contrast, AChE-expression in all systems increases with incubation time. In nonproliferative areas, in the center of RPE-aggregates, the formation of plexiform layers is characterized initially by weak BChE and then strong AChE-activity. These areas correspond with the inner (IPL) and outer (OPL) plexiform layers of the retina in vivo. Although by sucrose gradient centrifugation we find that the 6S- and the fiber-associated 11S-molecules of AChE are present in all types of aggregates, during the culture period the ratio of 11S/6S-forms increases only in RPE-aggregates, which again indicates the advanced degree of differentiation within these aggregates.It is thus demonstrated that cholinesterases first correlate with neuronal cell proliferation and later with stratification, which indicates functions of both enzymes during both developmental periods.Abbreviations AChE acetylcholinesterase - BChE butyrylcholinesterase - iso-OMPA specific inhibitor of BChE - BW 284C51 specific inhibitor of AChE - IPL inner plexiform layer - OPL outer plexiform layer  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of middle repetitive sequences in the genic and extragenic regions of the rat albumin and -fetoprotein genes was analyzed. Their presence was determined by probing Southern blots of restriction fragments of albumin and -fetoprotein genomic subclones with 32P-labeled total rat DNA. Repetitive sequences were detected in both genes. They were classified as weak, moderate and intense hybridizing elements according to the intensity of hybridization. Weak repetitive sequences were characterized as dG·dT repeats by using 32P-labeled poly-(dG·dT)(dC·dA) oligomer probe. They occurred in 5 and 3 extragenic regions of the two genes and in introns 4 and 5 of the albumin gene. The moderate repetitive sequence present in intron 6 of the albumin gene was identified as the rat SINES element, 4D12. The intense repetitive sequence, localized in the 3 non-coding region of the albumin gene, corresponded to the terminal segment of a rat high repeat long interspersed DNA family, L1Rn. 4D12 and L1Rn sequences were also scattered throughout the -fetoprotein locus as moderate and intense repetitive elements, respectively, but their distribution was different from that of the albumin genomic region. These results indicate that repetitive sequences invaded the two loci in a non-conservative manner.  相似文献   
The Na+-independent binding of [3H]-alanine to rat brain stem plus spinal cord was reinvestigated, in order to study in more detail the characteristics of previously described -alanine binding processes. Binding was absent when amino acid-free postnuclear supernatants or crude synaptic membranes were used. Experiments performed with several other Na+-free preparations showed a sole binding component, irrespective of the preparation used. Biochemical characterization of this Na+-independent binding, using frozen/thawed/washed synaptosomal-mitochodrial fractions, showed that binding reached a plateau between 7 min and 13 min, increasing thereafter. Binding was linear with fraction protein over a range of 200–415 g/ml incubation medium. Binding was completely inhibited by glycine, alanine, -aminobutyric acid, -aminoisobutyric acid, hypotaurine and strychnine, and to a lesser extent by 2,2-dimethyl--alanine, brucine and gelsemine. It was insensitive to taurine, -aminobutyric acid (GABA), 2-guanidinoethanesulfonic acid (GES), carnosine, and bicuculline methiodide. Binding was reversible, saturable (K D 20 M), and heat sensitive.  相似文献   
The proteolytic specificity of chicken cathepsin L was studied using bovine -casein as substrate. The peptide mixtures obtained after various times of hydrolysis were separated by RP-HPLC and ten peptides were identified. Chicken cathepsin L accepts proline residues in all positions except P 1 . Looking at the amino acid residues on the amino side of the scissile bond we found three times the Tyr-Pro pair at P 1 –P 2 positions and that the S 1 subsite can interact with modified amino acids such as phosphoserine.Abbreviations RP-HPLC reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography - NMec N-methyl coumarylamide - TEA triethylamine - TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   
Summary The effect of monensin on polysaccharide slime secretion by root tips of corn (Zea mays) was studied. Various treatment times and ionophore concentrations were tested: none resulted in inhibition of slime secretion. Because monensin changes the pH of the medium, its effect was also monitored in strongly buffered media and at different pH's. Even in such media, monensin did not inhibit slime secretion. We also measured the effect of the drug after a pulse with [3H]fucose or a pulse followed by a chase. The amount of labeled slimed secreted was not altered by the ionophore. However, 10M monensin affected the development of root tips and drastically reduced their growth. We showed that monensin inhibits the secretion of -amylase by the scutellum of the same plantlet. The importance of the nature of the secretory compound in relation to monensin inhibition of its secretion is discussed.Abbrevations Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane-sul-fonic acid - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethane-sulfonic acid  相似文献   
The relative contributions made by the l-arginine/agmatine/N-carbamoylputrescine/putrescine and the l-ornithine/putrescine pathways to hyoscyamine formation have been investigated in a transformed root culture of Datura stramonium. The activity of either arginine decarboxylase (EC or ornithine decarboxylase (EC was suppressed in vivo by using the specific irreversible inhibitors of these activities, dl--difluoromethylarginine or dl--difluoromethylornithine, respectively. It was found that suppression of arginine decarboxylase resulted in a severe decrease in free and conjugated putrescine and in the putrescine-derived intermediates of hyoscyamine biosynthesis. In contrast, the suppression of ornithine decarboxylase activity stimulated an elevation of arginine decarboxylase and minimal loss of metabolites from the amine and alkaloid pools. The stimulation of arginine decarboxylase was not, however, sufficient to maintain the same potential rate of putrescine biosynthesis as in control tissue. It is concluded that (i) in Datura the two routes by which putrescine may be formed do not act in isolation from one another, (ii) arginine decarboxylase is the more important activity for hyoscyamine formation, and (iii) the formation of polyamines is favoured over the biosynthesis of tropane alkaloids. An interaction between putrescine metabolism and other amines is also indicated from a stimulation of tyramine accumulation seen at high levels of dl--difluoromethylornithine.Abbreviations ADC arginine decarboxylase - DFMA dl--dif-luoromethylarginine - DFMO dl--difluoromethylornithine - MPO N-methylputrescine oxidase - ODC ornithine decarboxylase - PMT putrescine N-methyltransferase We are indebted to Dr. E.W.H. Bohme of Merrell Dow Research Laboratories (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) for kind gifts of DFMO and DFMA and to Dr. M.J.C. Rhodes for helpful advice and discussion.  相似文献   
Endochitinases (E.C. 3.2.14, chitinase) are believed to be important in the biochemical defense of plants against chitin-containing fungal pathogens. We introduced a gene for class I (basic) tobacco chitinase regulated by Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S-RNA expression signals into Nicotiana sylvestris. The gene was expressed to give mature, enzymatically active chitinase targeted to the intracellular compartment of leaves. Most transformants accumulated extremely high levels of chitinase-up to 120-fold that of non-transformed plants in comparable tissues. Unexpectedly, some transformants exhibited chitinase levels lower than in non-transformed plants suggesting that the transgene inhibited expression of the homologous host gene. Progeny tests indicate this effect is not permanent. High levels of chitinase in transformants did not substantially increase resistance to the chitin-containing fungus Cercospora nicotiana, which causes Frog Eye disease. Therefore class I chitinase does not appear to be the limiting factor in the defense reaction to this pathogen.  相似文献   
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