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  1. Urban areas are often considered to be a hostile environment for wildlife as they are highly fragmented and frequently disturbed. However, these same habitats can contain abundant resources, while lacking many common competitors and predators. The urban environment can have a direct impact on the species living there but can also have indirect effects on their parasites and pathogens. To date, relatively few studies have measured how fine‐scale spatial heterogeneity within urban landscapes can affect parasite transmission and persistence.
  2. Here, we surveyed 237 greenspaces across the urban environment of Edinburgh (UK) to investigate how fine‐scale variation in socio‐economic and ecological variables can affect red fox (Vulpes vulpes) marking behavior, gastrointestinal (GI) parasite prevalence, and parasite community diversity.
  3. We found that the presence and abundance of red fox fecal markings were nonuniformly distributed across greenspaces and instead were dependent on the ecological characteristics of a site. Specifically, common foraging areas were left largely unmarked, which indicates that suitable resting and denning sites may be limiting factor in urban environments. In addition, the amount of greenspace around each site was positively correlated with overall GI parasite prevalence, species richness, and diversity, highlighting the importance of greenspace (a commonly used measure of landscape connectivity) in determining the composition of the parasite community in urban areas.
  4. Our results suggest that fine‐scale variation within urban environments can be important for understanding the ecology of infectious diseases in urban wildlife and could have wider implication for the management of urban carnivores.
The need to integratein situ conservation into the planning process is outlined, and the importance of vegetation survey to determine conservation priorities and to identify areas suitable forin situ conservation is stressed. A case is presented, drawing on experience gained in Zimbabwe, of how a botanical institute can become an integral part of biological conservation. The institute should consist of a herbarium, a botanical garden, a gene bank and a vegetation survey unit. The function of each section, how they interlink, and how they can be integrated are discussed.  相似文献   
The biomechanical model of human coronary arteries was modified for improving the quality of diagnosis and surgical treatment for coronary heart disease. The problem of hemodynamics in the left coronary artery with multivessel bed disease – 45% stenosis of the anterior descending branch and 75% stenosis of the circumflex branch – was particularly considered. Numerical simulation of the coronary arterial bypass of the main trunk was carried out to estimate the functional condition of the coronary arteries after restoring myocardial blood supply by surgery.  相似文献   
Research on visual blight has been predominantly qualitative and has pointed out salient attributes of blight: that it is durable, visually demeaning, and somehow aesthetically depressing. Data from a national sample (n=3005) are used in this study to measure the effect of demographic variation on the perception of visual blight. The perception of blight shows marked and regular variation with socioeconomic status, marital status, and religiosity.Harris data for this study was purchased with funds from the Shell Foundation. The author wishes to acknowledge Robert Q. Hanham, whose assistance proved invaluable.  相似文献   
In urban areas with a separate sewerage system, the stormwater runoff is discharged into surface waters. A study on the effects of stormwater sewer discharges on the composition of the aquatic community in urban waters was carried out in two areas with a primarily residential use in the new town of Lelystad. The aquatic organisms considered included hydrophytes, epiphytic diatoms, filamentous algae and macroinvertebrates.The results indicate that the stormwater sewer discharges cause a slight change in the composition of the aquatic community. The water in the urban surface waters can be characterized as eutrophic and - toa-mesosaprobic. Near stormwater sewer outfalls the water tends to the more polluteda-mesosaprobic state. The shifts in the composition of the aquatic community could be traced primarily on the basis of a number of epiphytic diatoms and macroinvertebrates (in particular some Diptera and Trichoptera). Most hydrophytes, filamentous algae and the remaining epiphytic diatoms and macroinvertebrates (in particular water beetles and water mites) turned out to be of little or no use in this respect.Because the investigation was carried out in an unusually dry summer, the results probably underestimate the effects of stormwater discharges on the aquatic community.  相似文献   
P. R. Burbridge 《Hydrobiologia》1994,285(1-3):311-322
Freshwater habitats play a very important role in sustaining human activities. Natural functions of wetlands, and other freshwater habitats, generate a wide array of resources that directly or indirectly support the economic and social welfare of diverse groups of people. This role is being seriously weakened as a result of inappropriate planning and management approaches which fail to maintain the functional integrity of the freshwater ecosystems with the result that the flow and quality of resources is degraded. This paper illustrates some of the major functions of wetlands and presents a case for developing integrated planning and management practices that protect the health and productivity of freshwater wetlands and seek to optimise the sustainable use of the flows of resources they generate.  相似文献   
The methodology and conclusions of this workshop arc reported here because the problems requiring solution are not unique to Israel. They will increasingly have wide geographical and political application. The population of Israel since its establishment in 1948 has increased about sixfold. The numbers of the elderly (65+) have increased about tenfold. The current situation must be examined and estimates obtained for the next ten years. Only thus can the system be enabled to cope with the problem as it develops. The chosen method was a carefully preplanned, multisectorial workshop. Recommendations were discussed, amended and finalised. The recommendations of the workshop included: Baseline national data is urgently required. Guidelines are required for selecting specific target populations to which priority should be given. The current favourable situation of adequate oral health manpower in Israel makes it possible to encourage providers of oral health care towards treatment for the elderly. It is essential that the appropriate health authorities allocate sufficient funds for the following urgent purposes: the conduct of a national survey of the elderly population; the establishment of oral health units on a trial basis in some selected hospitals; support institutions of higher education to facilitate training in geriatric dentistry. Conclusions. The workshop was multidisciplinary because it was necessary to include all the expertise and experience available as vital elements of the policy making process. This type of workshop was found to be an effective tool for planning oral health services.  相似文献   
Climate change and urbanisation are among the most pervasive and rapidly growing threats to biodiversity worldwide. However, their impacts are usually considered in isolation, and interactions are rarely examined. Predicting species' responses to the combined effects of climate change and urbanisation, therefore, represents a pressing challenge in global change biology. Birds are important model taxa for exploring the impacts of both climate change and urbanisation, and their behaviour and physiology have been well studied in urban and non-urban systems. This understanding should allow interactive effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation to be inferred, yet considerations of these interactions are almost entirely lacking from empirical research. Here, we synthesise our current understanding of the potential mechanisms that could affect how species respond to the combined effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation, with a focus on avian taxa. We discuss potential interactive effects to motivate future in-depth research on this critically important, yet overlooked, aspect of global change biology. Increased temperatures are a pronounced consequence of both urbanisation (through the urban heat island effect) and climate change. The biological impact of this warming in urban and non-urban systems will likely differ in magnitude and direction when interacting with other factors that typically vary between these habitats, such as resource availability (e.g. water, food and microsites) and pollution levels. Furthermore, the nature of such interactions may differ for cities situated in different climate types, for example, tropical, arid, temperate, continental and polar. Within this article, we highlight the potential for interactive effects of climate and urban drivers on the mechanistic responses of birds, identify knowledge gaps and propose promising future research avenues. A deeper understanding of the behavioural and physiological mechanisms mediating species' responses to urbanisation and rising temperatures will provide novel insights into ecology and evolution under global change and may help better predict future population responses.  相似文献   
Now is the time to refocus efforts in urban research and design. A changing climate and extreme weather events are presenting unique challenges to urban systems around the world. These challenges illuminate the social barriers that accompany disruptive events such as resource inequities and injustices. In this perspective, we provide three research priorities for just and sustainable urban systems that help to address these matters. The three research priorities are: (1) social equity and justice, (2) circularity, and (3) digital twins. Conceptual context and future research directions are provided for each. For social equity and justice, the future directions are mandatory equity analysis and inclusionary practices, understanding and reconciling historical injustices, and intentional integration with diverse community stakeholders. For circularity applications, they are better metrics for integration, more robust evaluation frameworks, and dynamic modeling at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Future directions for digital twins include developing principles to reduce complexity, integrating model and system components, and reducing barriers to data access. These research priorities are core to meeting several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (i.e., 1—No Poverty, 8—Decent Work and Economic Growth, 10—Reduced Inequalities, and 11—Sustainable Cities and Communities). Useful social and technical matters are discussed throughout, where we highlight the importance of prioritizing localized research efforts, provide guidance for community-engaged research and co-development practices, and explain how these priorities interact to align with the evolving field of industrial ecology.  相似文献   
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