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Decision rules of reciprocity include ‘I help those who helped me’ (direct reciprocity) and ‘I help those who have helped others’ (indirect reciprocity), i.e. I help those who have a reputation to care for others. A person''s reputation is a score that members of a social group update whenever they see the person interacting or hear at best multiple gossip about the person''s social interactions. Reputation is the current standing the person has gained from previous investments or refusal of investments in helping others. Is he a good guy, can I trust him or should I better avoid him as a social partner? A good reputation pays off by attracting help from others, even from strangers or members from another group, if the recipient''s reputation is known. Any costly investment in others, i.e. direct help, donations to charity, investment in averting climate change, etc. increases a person''s reputation. I shall argue and illustrate with examples that a person''s known reputation functions like money that can be used whenever the person needs help. Whenever possible I will present tests of predictions of evolutionary theory, i.e. fitness maximizing strategies, mostly by economic experiments with humans.  相似文献   
我国是世界上植物多样性最丰富的国家之一, 1999年发布的《国家重点保护野生植物名录》(下称《名录》(第一批))明确了国家重点保护野生植物的范围, 为依法强化保护、规范无序开发利用、提高公众保护意识奠定了基础。20多年来, 我国野生植物多样性保护形势发生了很大变化, 需要对《名录》进行调整。2018年, 国家林业和草原局、农业农村部启动《名录》调整工作, 物种的遴选遵循了5条基本原则和4条补充性原则, 这些原则主要涉及中国珍稀濒危物种, 具有重要经济、文化、科研、生态等价值物种的入选以及部分物种的排除。经国务院批准, 2021年9月7日, 国家林业和草原局、农业农村部发布了调整后的《名录》, 包括真菌类、藻类、苔藓、石松类和蕨类植物、裸子植物和被子植物, 共计约1,101种(455种和40类)野生植物列入其中。本文简要介绍了《名录》调整的必要性、原则和程序及调整后的情况。  相似文献   
世界竹子清单更新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
编研世界竹子清单(World Checklist of Bamboos,WCB)是竹学的一项基础性工作。文中更正了2016年由世界禾草权威英国皇家植物园——Kew园领衔出版的World Checklist of Bamboos and Rattans竹子部分统计数据,实际为1665种,而非其自述的1642种;持续汇集全球竹种,时间更新至2018年底,WCB(2018)已禀赋计130个竹属,包含1700个竹种。  相似文献   
1. Animals usually require information about the current state of their habitat to optimize their behaviour. For this, they can use a learning process through which their estimate is continually updated according to the cues they perceive. Identifying these cues is a long-standing but still inveterate challenge for ecologists. 2. The use of plant cues by aphid parasitoids for the assessment of habitat profitability and the adaptation of patch exploitation was studied. Grounding on predictions from optimal foraging theory, we tested whether parasitoids exploited host patches less intensively after visiting heavily infested plants than after visiting plants bearing fewer aphids. 3. As predicted, after visiting heavily infested plants parasitoids reduced their residence time and attacked fewer hosts in the next patch. This was the case regardless of whether the aphids were actually present on the first plant, indicating that the cue came from the plant. Moreover, the level of infestation of a plant at some distance from the first plant visited affected parasitoid patch exploitation on the second plant in a similar manner, indicating that the cue was volatile. 4. These results highlight a novel role of herbivore-induced volatiles in parasitoid foraging behaviour, different from the widely studied attraction at a distance.  相似文献   
Two important human action selection processes are the choice by citizens of parties to support in elections and the choice by party leaders of policy 'packages' offered to citizens in order to attract this support. Having reviewed approaches analysing these choices and the reasons for doing this using the methodology of agent-based modelling, we extend a recent agent-based model of party competition to treat the number and identity of political parties as an output of, rather than an input to, the process of party competition. Party birth is modelled as an endogenous change of agent type from citizen to party leader, which requires describing citizen dissatisfaction with the history of the system. Endogenous birth and death of parties transforms into a dynamic system even in an environment where all agents have otherwise non-responsive adaptive rules. A key parameter is the survival threshold, with lower thresholds leaving citizens on average less dissatisfied. Paradoxically, the adaptive rule most successful for party leaders in winning votes makes citizens on average less happy than under other policy-selection rules.  相似文献   
This ERP study used electrophysiological technique to examine how individual differences in the speed of working memory updating influence the use of syntactic and semantic information during on-line sentence argument interpretation, and the time course of that working memory updating effect. The basic structure of the experimental sentences was “Noun + Verb + adverb + ‘le’ + a two-character word”, with the Noun being the sentence initial argument. This initial argument is animate or inanimate and the following verb disambiguates it as an agent or patient. The results at the initial argument revealed that, the quick-updating group elicited a larger positivity over the frontal cortex (within 500–800 ms post-noun onset) as compared with the slow-updating group. At the following disambiguating verb, the slow-updating group only showed a word order effect, indicating that the patient-first condition elicited a larger P600 (within 500–1,000 ms post-verb onset) than the agent-first one; for the quick-updating group, at the early stage of processing, the patient-first sentences elicited a larger N400 (within 300–500 ms post-verb onset) than the agent-first ones only when the initial argument was inanimate; however, at the late stage, the patient-first sentences elicited an enhanced P600 (within 800–1,000 ms post-verb onset) only when the initial argument was animate. These results suggested that the speed of working memory updating not only influences the maintenance of sentence argument when the contents of working memory change but also influences the efficiency of integrating that argument with the verb at a late time point. When integrating the argument with the disambiguating verb, individuals with quick-updating ability can combine multiple sources of information (both noun animacy and word order), and conduct rapid and fine-grained two-stage processing; individuals with slow-updating ability, however, only rely on one dominant source of information types (word order), and conducted slow and course-grained processing.  相似文献   
Summary Using a direct Monte Carlo simulation, population growth of helper T-cells (N H) and viral cells (N v) is studied for an immune response model with an enhanced spatial inter-cellular interaction relevant to HIV as a function of viral mutation. In the absence of cellular mobility (P mob=0), the helper T-cells grow nonmonotonically before reaching saturation and the viral population grows monotonically before reaching a constant equilibrium. Cellular mobility (P mob=1) enhances the viral growth and reduces the stimulative T-cell growth. Below a mutation threshold (P c), the steady-state density of helper T-cell (p H) is larger than that of the Virus (p v); the density difference Δp o(=pV−pH) remains a constant at P mob=1 while −Δp o→0 as P mutP c at P mob=0. Above the mutation threshold, the difference Δp o in cell density, grows with ΔP=P mutP c monotonically: ΔP o ∞ (ΔP)β ≃ with β≈0.574±0.016 in absence of mobility, while Δp o≈6(ΔP) with P mob=1.  相似文献   
Ecological studies are increasingly considering phylogenetic relationships among species. The phylogeny is used as a proxy or filter to improve statistical tests and retain evolutionary elements, such as niche conservation. We used the phylogenetic topology to improve the model for occurrence of Trichoptera genera in Cerrado (Brazilian Savanna) streams. We tested whether parameters generated by logistic models of occurrence, using phylogenetic signals, are better than models generated without phylogenetic information. We used a model with Bayesian updating to examine the influence of stream water pH and phylogenetic relationship among genera on the occurrence of Trichoptera genera. Then, we compared this model with the logistic model for each Trichoptera genus. The probability of occurrence of most genera increased with water pH, and the phylogeny‐based explicit logistic model improved the parameters estimated for observed genera. The inferred relationship between genera occurrence and stream pH improved, indicating that phylogeny adds relevant information when estimating ecological responses of organisms. Water with elevated acidity (low pH values) may be restrictive for the occurrence of Trichoptera larvae, especially if the regional streams exhibit neutral to alkaline water, as is observed in the Cerrado region. Using phylogeny‐based modeling to predict species occurrence is a prominent opportunity to extend our current statistical framework based on environmental conditions, as it enables a more precise estimation of ecological parameters.  相似文献   
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