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The establishment of teaching laboratories for botany in the United States was strongly influenced in the early part of the 19th century by the founding of a laboratory of natural history at the Rensselaer School by Amos Eaton who inspired numerous educators, particularly women. By midcentury and later, botany programs were established at land-grant colleges and the so-called “new Botany” movement spread from them. In the latter part of the century additional changes were brought about by the influence of German laboratory activity and botanists’ reactions to the introduction of the Huxley-Martin biology programs to America. During these times, Americans were improving their own manufactured microscopes, laboratory supplies, and equipment capabilities. By the beginning of the 20th century, laboratory teaching of botanical subjects was widely accepted as normal in universities and colleges, as well as in some high schools.  相似文献   
本科教学实验室是开展本科生实验教学的主要场所,如何通过实验室的管理有效提升学生实验素养值得探索。文中主要介绍了将“6S (整理 (Seiri)、整顿 (Seiton)、清扫 (Seiso)、清洁 (Seiketsu)、素养 (Shitsuke)、安全 (Safety) 六项要素) 管理”理念引入本科教学实验室管理的应用实践与效果,特别是实验室环境管理、实验室安全管理、物品定位管理、试剂和耗材管理、学生培训和考核等方面的具体做法。通过实施“6S管理”,实验室环境得以改善,学生的实验素养得到提高,本科实验教学的质量得到改善和提高,达到环境育人的目的。这为高校教学实验室的建设和有效管理提供可推广、可操作的经验。  相似文献   
朱本伟  倪芳  熊强  姚忠  孙芸 《生物工程学报》2021,37(7):2571-2580
生物反应工程作为一门理论性与应用性都很强的专业课程,在生物工程等相关专业的课程设置中处于桥梁和纽带地位,对新型应用型工科人才的培养发挥着重要的作用。但由于该课程中公式等抽象理论知识过多,导致学生学习效率十分低下。因此,为了适应新工科教育背景下对创新型人才培养的需求,提高学生的学习兴趣和积极性,并培养学生的自主学习等创新能力,教学团队在课程教学中通过引入虚拟仿真技术、开展微课教学、采用案例式教学模式、利用科研平台等多元化方式,对该课程的教学模式、方法和手段尝试改革和探索,取得了一定的教学效果,并就此进行了一些探讨,以期能为相关课程的教学改革提供一些思路和启示。  相似文献   
CRISPR/Cas9是新兴的基因编辑技术,在生命科学研究中发挥着重要的作用。将它引入本科生的实验教学,使本科生了解这项前沿科研技术很有意义。我们创建了一个基于CRISPR/ Cas9技术的本科教学实验体系。该实验体系侧重CRISPR/Cas9技术在哺乳动物细胞中的应用,选用一株基因组上被插入mCherry基因的小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞为实验材料,命名为STO-82。首先设计靶向mCherry的sgRNA,构建CRISPR-Cas9/sgRNA共表达质粒。经测序验证无误后,转染到STO-82细胞。采用流式细胞仪分析检测mCherry阴性和阳性两群细胞,分选出阴性单细胞并扩大培养。最后用测序检验单克隆细胞中靶标DNA序列的编辑情况。结果显示,靶位点有插入或缺失突变,说明体系创建成功。该实验体系将sgRNA设计、CRISPR-Cas9/sgRNA共表达质粒的构建、细胞转染、单细胞分选、单克隆细胞培养、测序序列分析等内容融合为一个综合实验,用于高年级本科生的实验教学。根据实际情况,将教学实践内容分解分块教学,也可以做完整性项目教学。本教学实践采用10人左右的小班分块教学,2人一组,经过3个班(共13组)的实践,绝大部分学生都能完成实验,得到预期结果。通过这个实验,学生加深了对CRISPR/Cas9技术的原理和实验流程的理解,锻炼了实验操作能力和严谨的科研思维,也使学生对该技术的医疗应用风险有了一些认识。  相似文献   
《生物化学》以生物体为对象,研究其生命的化学本质,是生命科学领域的核心课程。长期以来,由于生物化学课程知识点多、范围广和内容抽象,在一定程度上会影响学生学习的自信心,压抑其学习过程中的兴趣,致使学习的积极性不高。最近10~20年里,国外将科学(science)、技术学(technology)、工程学(engineering)及数学(mathematics)的教育与艺术学(arts),特别是与艺术学中的音乐结合实施教学,形成一种所谓的STEAM (STEM + Arts) 策略,对STEM教育进行辅助,取得了不错的效果。基于以上情况,结合国内生物化学教学实际,笔者尝试将生物化学歌曲应用于课堂教学过程中,辅助教学。生物化学歌曲可以将抽象难懂的生物化学知识转变成悦耳动听的歌曲,在教学过程中能激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,使学生在学习过程中爱上生物化学;在生物化学歌曲的创作过程中,能促进学生的思考创新,内化重点难点,使深奥的问题形象化;在学习过程中用歌声展现生物化学的魅力,让知识成为有趣的知识,让其成为有趣的学习者。本文介绍了国内生物化学歌曲发展壮大历程,结合具体实例从利用生物化学歌曲引入教学、理解生物化学内容、密切联系生活三方面评论了生物化学歌曲在辅助生物化学教学中的应用,并从歌词的改编、旋律的选择、歌曲的传唱、教学的设计等方面需要注意的问题进行讨论。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine undergraduate music education and performance alumni's career path, retrospective institutional satisfaction, and financial status. Data for this study were drawn from respondents from the 2010 administration of the nationwide, multi-institutional survey conducted by the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP). Regarding career path, nearly half of the music performance degree graduates reported performing as their current job, and slightly more than half of the music education degree graduates reported working in K–12 schools. Participants were generally satisfied with their institutional experiences, although relatively low levels of satisfaction were reported for networking and career advising services. The respondents reported being most satisfied with aspects of their current jobs that reflected the intrinsic benefits of contributing to a greater good, satisfying personal interests and values, and opportunities to be creative. The majority of the sample reported accruing student loan debt ranging between $10,000 and $30,000; however, no significant differences were found between groups, and 40 percent of the participants reported having accrued no debt at all. The reported annual income of the participants varied significantly, with music educators reporting higher earnings than performers.  相似文献   
动物解剖实验在动物学实验教学中占有重要地位,学生的解剖技能是做好动物解剖实验的基础,也是学生以后从事科学研究和教学的基本素质.结合动物学实验教学实践阐述了动物解剖的基本原则及培养学生解剖技能的方法,以便学生系统理解动物解剖的基本原则和方法.  相似文献   
案例教学法是被普遍采用的一种教学方式,将其应用于生物化学教学中,并用图解的形式给出案例的归纳与分析,使抽象难懂、错综复杂、生涩冷僻的教学内容变得直观明了。加深了学生对教学内容的理解,增强了课堂教学的趣味性与学生学习的主动性,同时提高了学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。  相似文献   
李昂  李嘉  方育  刘殿刚  王亚军 《生物磁学》2013,(25):4964-4966,4987
目的:探讨医学生临床实习中在基本操作上常犯的错误,并对此提出建议和纠正措施,旨在进一步提高临床带教水平及临床教学质量。方法i总结我院临床医学专业实习生进行常见的外科临床基本操作考核成绩的情况,对错误类型等进行统计并提出合理的解决措施。结果:共考察学生90名,其中外科换药方法欠佳者22人(24.4%),消毒铺巾存在问题24人(26.6%),缝合存在问题32人(35.5%),打结存在问题38(42.2%)人,拆线存在问题19(21.1%)人。结论:加强医学生外科实习期间的无菌观念培养及强化手术基本操作是临床教学的重要环节。  相似文献   
《Science activities》2013,50(2):69-72
Effective teaching is the art of getting information to the students' memory in an organized manner to facilitate later retrieval. Thanks to advances in cognitive science, one can talk of the science of teaching. A metaphor that captures the work of effective teachers is "teachers as knowledge engineers," which connotes that effective teachers understand the nature of knowledge and, by extrapolation, the nature of teaching and learning. When teachers take charge of knowledge, view it as a process, and understand how to work with it, they take charge of the knowledge-construction process and better help their students. This article discusses how science teachers use analogies as a means of organizing knowledge in their students' memory.  相似文献   
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