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Aim Gondwanan lineages are a prominent component of the Australian terrestrial biota. However, most squamate (lizard and snake) lineages in Australia appear to be derived from relatively recent dispersal from Asia (< 30 Ma) and in situ diversification, subsequent to the isolation of Australia from other Gondwanan landmasses. We test the hypothesis that the Australian radiation of diplodactyloid geckos (families Carphodactylidae, Diplodactylidae and Pygopodidae), in contrast to other endemic squamate groups, has a Gondwanan origin and comprises multiple lineages that originated before the separation of Australia from Antarctica. Location Australasia. Methods Bayesian (beast ) and penalized likelihood rate smoothing (PLRS) (r 8s ) molecular dating methods and two long nuclear DNA sequences (RAG‐1 and c‐mos) were used to estimate a timeframe for divergence events among 18 genera and 30 species of Australian diplodactyloids. Results At least five lineages of Australian diplodactyloid geckos are estimated to have originated > 34 Ma (pre‐Oligocene) and basal splits among the Australian diplodactyloids occurred c. 70 Ma. However, most extant generic and intergeneric diversity within diplodactyloid lineages appears to post‐date the late Oligocene (< 30 Ma). Main conclusions Basal divergences within the diplodactyloids significantly pre‐date the final break‐up of East Gondwana, indicating that the group is one of the most ancient extant endemic vertebrate radiations east of Wallace’s Line. At least five Australian lineages of diplodactyloid gecko are each as old or older than other well‐dated Australian squamate radiations (e.g. elapid snakes and agamids). The limbless Pygopodidae (morphologically the most aberrant living geckos) appears to have radiated before Australia was occupied by potential ecological analogues. However, in spite of the great age of the diplodactyloid radiation, most extant diversity appears to be of relatively recent origin, a pattern that is shared with other Australian squamate lineages.  相似文献   
Data classification algorithms applied for class prediction in computational biology literature are data specific and have shown varying degrees of performance. Different classes cannot be distinguished solely based on interclass distances or decision boundaries. We propose that inter-relations among the features be exploited for separating observations into specific classes. A new variable predictive model based class discrimination (VPMCD) method is described here. Three well established and proven data sets of varying statistical and biological significance are utilized as benchmark. The performance of the new method is compared with advanced classification algorithms. The new method performs better during different tests and shows higher stability and robustness. The VPMCD is observed to be a potentially strong classification approach and can be effectively extended to other data mining applications involving biological systems.  相似文献   
Male–male competition shapes resource distributions and reproductive success among individuals, and can drive trait evolution when phenotypes differ in competitive abilities and/or strategies. Divergence of populations, regardless of the cause, is often accompanied by divergence in male competitive ability, and such asymmetries can play an important role in mediating the interactions and evolutionary trajectory of the nascent lineages. Here, we designed a field experiment to examine the importance of color, a divergent trait, in determining territorial contest outcomes in the poison frog Oophaga pumilio. Males of different O. pumilio color morphs differ in aggression level, suggesting a potential dominance hierarchy between these divergent phenotypes. In a contact zone between red and blue-color morphs, we first removed territorial males from their calling sites, and examined whether certain color morph(s) were better at establishing in these now-vacant territories. We then staged a territorial contest by simultaneously releasing the original and the new occupant to their point of capture. Surprisingly, we found no significant effect of color on acquiring territories or winning staged contests. However, the original occupants won against the new occupant in 84% of the staged contests, revealing a strong prior residence effect. This suggests that asymmetries that stem from prior residency override coloration in predicting contest outcomes of male–male territorial contests in wild O. pumilio. Thus, contradicting our hypothesis, male–male territorial competition alone seems unlikely to exert selection on coloration in this contact zone.  相似文献   
Ephedra comprises approximately 50 species, which are roughly equally distributed between the Old and New World deserts, but not in the intervening regions (amphitropical range). Great heterogeneity in the substitution rates of Gnetales (Ephedra, Gnetum, and Welwitschia) has made it difficult to infer the ages of the major divergence events in Ephedra, such as the timing of the Beringian disjunction in the genus and the entry into South America. Here, we use data from as many Gnetales species and genes as available from GenBank and from a recent study to investigate the timing of the major divergence events. Because of the tradeoff between the amount of missing data and taxon/gene sampling, we reduced the initial matrix of 265 accessions and 12 loci to 95 accessions and 10 loci, and further to 42 species (and 7736 aligned nucleotides) to achieve stationary distributions in the Bayesian molecular clock runs. Results from a relaxed clock with an uncorrelated rates model and fossil-based calibration reveal that New World species are monophyletic and diverged from their mostly Asian sister clade some 30 mya, fitting with many other Beringian disjunctions. The split between the single North American and the single South American clade occurred approximately 25 mya, well before the closure of the Panamanian Isthmus. Overall, the biogeographic history of Ephedra appears dominated by long-distance dispersal, but finer-scale studies are needed to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   
The timing of the origin of present day Neotropical animal diversity is still a matter of debate. For a long time, a preponderance of glacial (i.e. Pleistocene) radiations has been proposed. However, recent data from molecular clock studies indicate a preglacial origin for most of the examined taxa. We performed a fossil-calibrated molecular dating analysis of the genus Eois, which is a major component of one of the world's most diverse assemblages of herbivorous insects. We found that diversification of Eois took place in the Miocene following a pattern best explained by density-dependent diversification. A strong slowdown of diversification towards the present was detected. Diversification of Eois does overlap with increased Andean uplift and diversification of the most commonly used host plant genus Piper. These findings match the patterns found for the majority of Neotropical tetrapods and for three other unrelated, ecologically different lepidopteran genera.  相似文献   
Aim Our aims were: (1) to reconstruct a molecular phylogeny of the cephalaspidean opisthobranch genus Bulla, an inhabitant of shallow sedimentary environments; (2) to test if divergence times are consistent with Miocene and later vicariance among the four tropical marine biogeographical provinces; (3) to examine the phylogenetic status of possible Tethyan relict species; and (4) to infer the timing and causes of speciation events. Location Tropical and warm‐temperate regions of the Atlantic, Indo‐West Pacific, Australasia and eastern Pacific. Methods Ten of the 12 nominal species of Bulla were sampled, in a total sample of 65 individuals, together with cephalaspidean outgroups. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred by Bayesian analysis of partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and 16S rRNA and nuclear 28S rRNA genes. Divergence times and rates of evolution were estimated using uncorrelated relaxed‐clock Bayesian methods with fossil calibrations (based on literature review and examination of fossil specimens), implemented in beast . The geographical pattern of speciation was assessed by estimating the degree of overlap between sister lineages. Results Four clades were supported: Indo‐West Pacific (four species), Australasia (one species), Atlantic plus eastern Pacific (three species) and Atlantic (two species), with estimated mean ages of 35–46 Ma. Nominal species were monophyletic, but deep divergences were found within one Indo‐West Pacific and one West Atlantic species. Species‐level divergences occurred in the Miocene or earlier. The age of a sister relationship across the Isthmus of Panama was estimated at 7.9–32.1 Ma, and the divergence of a pair of sister species on either side of the Atlantic Ocean occurred 20.4–27.2 Ma. Main conclusions Fossils suggest that Bulla originated in the Tethys realm during the Middle Eocene. Average ages of the four main clades fall in the Eocene, and far pre‐date the 18–19 Ma closure of the Tethys Seaway. This discrepancy could indicate earlier vicariant events, selective extinction or errors of calibration. Similarly, the transisthmian divergence estimate far pre‐dates the uplift of the Panamanian Isthmus at about 3 Ma. Speciation events occurred in the Miocene, consistent with tectonic events in the central Indo‐West Pacific, isolation of the Arabian Sea by upwelling and westward trans‐Atlantic dispersal. Differences in habitat between sister species suggest that ecological speciation may also have played a role. The basal position of the Australasian species supports its interpretation as a Tethyan relict.  相似文献   
Abstract Ephedra comprises approximately 50 species, which are roughly equally distributed between the Old and New World deserts, but not in the intervening regions (amphitropical range). Great heterogeneity in the substitution rates of Gnetales (Ephedra, Gnetum, and Welwitschia) has made it difficult to infer the ages of the major divergence events in Ephedra, such as the timing of the Beringian disjunction in the genus and the entry into South America. Here, we use data from as many Gnetales species and genes as available from GenBank and from a recent study to investigate the timing of the major divergence events. Because of the tradeoff between the amount of missing data and taxon/gene sampling, we reduced the initial matrix of 265 accessions and 12 loci to 95 accessions and 10 loci, and further to 42 species (and 7736 aligned nucleotides) to achieve stationary distributions in the Bayesian molecular clock runs. Results from a relaxed clock with an uncorrelated rates model and fossil‐based calibration reveal that New World species are monophyletic and diverged from their mostly Asian sister clade some 30 mya, fitting with many other Beringian disjunctions. The split between the single North American and the single South American clade occurred approximately 25 mya, well before the closure of the Panamanian Isthmus. Overall, the biogeographic history of Ephedra appears dominated by long‐distance dispersal, but finer‐scale studies are needed to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   
Intercontinental distributions in the southern hemisphere can either be the result of Gondwanan vicariance or more recent transoceanic dispersal. Transoceanic dispersal has come into vogue for explaining many intercontinental distributions; however, it has been used mainly for organisms that can float or raft between the continents. Despite their name, the Sea Catfishes (Ariidae) have limited dispersal ability, and there are no examples of nearshore ariid genera with a transoceanic distribution except for Galeichthys where three species occur in southern Africa and one in the Peruvian coast. A previous study suggested that the group originated in Gondwana, and that the species arrived at their current range after the breakup of the supercontinent in the Early Cretaceous. To test this hypothesis, we infer molecular phylogenies (mitochondrial cytochrome b , ATP synthase 8/6, 12S, and 16S; nuclear rag2 ; total ∼4 kb) and estimate intercontinental divergence via molecular clocks (penalized-likelihood, Bayesian relaxed clock, and universal clock rates in fishes). Age ranges for cladogenesis of African and South American lineages are 15.4–2.5 my, far more recent than would be suggested by Gondwanan vicariance; thus, the distribution of galeichthyines must be explained by dispersal or more recent vicariant events. The nested position of the Peruvian species ( Galeichthys peruvianus ) within the African taxa is robust, suggesting that the direction of the dispersal was from Africa to South America. The progenitor of the Peruvian species likely arrived at its current distribution with the aid of ocean currents, and several scenarios are discussed.  相似文献   
Begonia is a mega‐diverse genus comprising c. 1500 species of herbs, shrubs and epiphytes with a near pantropical distribution. Previous date estimates for the most recent common ancestor of Begonia have placed the evolution of this genus into a broad temporal context, but the issue of an absolute date estimate remains open. In this study, we attempt to estimate absolute DNA divergence dates for Begonia and, in doing so, address some of many the factors that can affect such estimates. The largest source of variance in our estimates was because of uncertainty with the calibration constraints and phylogenetic distance between these constraints and Begonia. Another large source of variance was due to the alternative methods of analysis investigated. Less variance was as a result of the alternative DNA datasets and combinations of calibration constraints assessed. Our date estimates suggest that the most recent common ancestor of Begonia could have diversified from the end of the Cretaceous to the beginning of the Neogene, probably during a period of global cooling from the mid Eocene to early Oligocene. These estimates imply that the near pantropical distribution of extant Begonia was generated by intercontinental dispersal after the ancient inferred break up of the supercontinent, Gondwana. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 363–380.  相似文献   
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