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Schaaf  W. 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):505-511
Main objective of this study was to test the effects of Mg(OH)2-fertilization in a Norway spruce ecosystem showing severe symptoms of Mg-deficiency.The site is characterized by high atmospheric inputs with deposition rates of 1.25 kg H, 42 kg S, and 32 kg N per ha and year. The typic Dystrochrept derived from granite is acidified down to greater depths. The pH-values in soil solution of the organic surface layer and the upper mineral soil are around 3.5. Concentrations of Al, SO4 2-, and especially NO3 - and DOC are very high. The element balance indicates a significant influence of N-inputs and processes of N-turnover on the chemical status of the soil and probably on tree nutrition. Nitrification in the upper mineral soil leads to a transformation of a major part of NH4 + into NO3 -, which is quantitatively leached, resulting in an ecosystem-internal H+-production of 1.8 keq ha-1yr-1. NO3 - and SO4 2- govern the seepage output from the ecosystem.Mg(OH)2 fertilization resulted in manifold increased Mg2+ concentrations in soil solution down to 70 cm soil depth and to a significant increase of pH down to 25 cm mineral soil depth. Nitrate concentrations were elevated after fertilization, but decreased within 15 months below the level of the control plot. As a mean over the whole experimental period, N-output was not increased by fertilization. Despite an elevated internal proton production due to nitrification, acid buffering in the soil was clearly increased, but enhanced Al-mobilization was not observed. Mg/Al- and Ca/H-ratios in soil solution indicate much more favourable conditions for fine root growth. Fertilization also increased the amount of exchangeable Mg down to 40cm mineral soil depth. Mg contents in current-year needles increased after three vegetation periods. Thirty months after application, only 10% and 4% of the fertilized Mg had left the organic surface layer and the mineral soil with seepage water output, respectively.  相似文献   
R B Waring  R W Davies 《Gene》1984,28(3):277-291
A widespread class of introns is characterized by a particular RNA secondary structure, based upon four conserved nucleotide sequences. Among such "class I" introns are found the majority of introns in fungal mitochondrial genes and the self-splicing intron of the large ribosomal RNA of several species of Tetrahymena. A model of the RNA secondary structure, which must underlie the self-splicing activity, is here evaluated in the light of data on 16 further introns. The main body or "core structure" of the intron always consists of the base-paired regions P3 to P9 with the associated single-stranded loops, with P2 present also in most cases. Two minority sub-classes of core structure occur, one of which is typical of introns in fungal ribosomal RNA. Introns in which the core structure is close to the 5' splice site all have an internal guide sequence (IGS) which can pair with exon sequences adjacent to the 5' and 3' splice sites to align them precisely, as proposed by Davies et al. [Nature 300 (1982) 719-724]. In these cases, the internal guide model allows us to predict correctly the exact location of splice sites. All other introns probably use other mechanisms of alignment. This analysis provides strong support for the RNA splicing model which we have developed.  相似文献   
1956-2009年内蒙古苏尼特左旗荒漠草原的降水格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈军  王玉辉 《生态学报》2012,32(22):6925-6935
弄清全球变化背景下不同地区降水格局的变化对科学理解气候变化及其影响具有重要意义。苏尼特左旗荒漠草原是温带干旱半干旱地区的典型荒漠草原,对气候变化,特别是降水变化非常敏感。利用1956-2009年的日降水资料探讨了苏尼特左旗荒漠草原降水格局的变化规律,以为揭示气候变化的影响机制提供依据。结果表明,该地区年均降水量为191.9 mm,年际变化剧烈,变异系数达26.63%;年均降水日数为63.8 d,变异系数16.9%。生长季降水占全年的85%,但各月变异系数均>50%;降水日数占全年的63%。年和生长季的各月降水以中等降水量、弱降水日数为主,中等强度以上降水事件较少。近50 a来,年和生长季的降水量、降水日数与各等级降水事件均呈下降趋势,年降水减少的原因在于中等降水事件的减少、生长季降水减少的原因在于弱降水事件的减少。年降水减少将影响草地的土壤水分与植物返青;而生长季降水减少将直接影响草地固碳。气候变化背景下年与生长季降水的减少将进一步加剧该地区干旱程度并影响植物的生长发育,从而直接威胁到草地畜牧业的发展。  相似文献   
典型矿区植被覆盖度时空分布特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王国芳  毕如田  张吴平  张茜  荆耀栋 《生态学报》2020,40(17):6046-6056
植被状况可以直接或间接地反映采煤对生态环境的影响。以长河井工煤矿、离柳井工煤矿、平朔露天煤矿3个典型矿区为研究区域。以Landsat数据为数据源,基于地形调节植被指数的像元二分模型提取植被覆盖度;采用趋势分析、线性回归斜率、稳定性分析方法,分析了3个典型矿区2001-2016年植被覆盖度的时空变化特征;运用"以时间换空间"的方法,采用相关分析方法对植被覆盖度变化的自然影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:(1)近16年3个典型矿区植被覆盖度呈增加趋势,长河、离柳、平朔矿区的增长速率分别为0.09%/10 a、0.10%/10 a、0.08%/10 a(P > 0.05)。(2)空间上,长河、离柳、平朔矿区植被覆盖度变化不明显比例分别占到66.63%,59.90%,62.25%,呈增加趋势的比例仅分别占28.14%、32.55%、27.81%,而呈减少趋势的比例分别占到5.23%、7.55%、9.94%。长河矿区明显改善的区域位于自然植被和耕作区的北部和东北部,离柳矿区明显改善的区域位于以低植被覆盖度为主的北部,平朔矿区明显改善的区域位于复垦的中西部。(3)不区分植被类型时,3个矿区的植被覆盖度变化与高程、高程与温度的交互作用表现出显著相关性(P < 0.01),与各自然因素的相关性总体表现为长河 > 离柳 > 平朔矿区;区分植被类型时,草地与坡度的相关性不显著(P > 0.05),与降雨量、高程存在显著正相关(P < 0.05);灌木林与温度相关性不显著,与高程和降雨量的交互作用存在显著正相关;旱地与高程、高程与温度的交互作用存在显著相关性;疏林地与坡向、降雨量与坡向坡度的交互作用均没有表现出相关性;有林地与高程降雨量的交互作用表现出显著正相关性。探讨不同植被类型对自然因素的响应,可为矿区植被结构的选择,矿区复垦提供参考依据。  相似文献   
宁夏盐池荒漠草原植被的数量分类和排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为检验荒漠草原封育恢复的效果,对宁夏盐池围封9年的退化草场进行了植被调查,共记录34个物种,分属于12个科、27个属,其中豆科(9种)、禾本科(7种)、菊科(6种)所含物种数较多.与封育前相比,物种组成基本相同,常见种和建群种发生了明显变化.采用PCA排序和分层聚类将80个样方分为长芒草、白草、赖草3个群系,依据建群种或优势种的生物学特性将其生境划分为旱生生境、中生生境和轻度盐渍化生境.3个群系的演替速率不同,其中长芒草群系演替进入反应阶段,赖草群系的演替等级相对较高.群系间存在激烈的资源竞争关系,风蚀能够促进赖草群系的进一步扩大.建议通过划区轮牧的方式合理调控长芒草群系和赖草群系的放牧时期,以提高草场的放牧利用价值,降低赖草群系的扩张危险.  相似文献   
在甘肃河西走廊中部黑河中游绿洲边缘区,于6月下旬和8月上旬,利用Li-8100土壤碳通量测定系统与改进的同化箱联合对田间条件下早熟陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum)品种新陆早8号的群体光合特性进行了研究.结果表明:试验地6月下旬的土壤呼吸速率和土壤蒸发速率显著高于8月上旬(P<0.01);棉花群体光合速率日变化均呈“单峰型”,6月下旬的群体光合速率显著高于8月上旬,其日平均值分别为(43.11±1.26)和(24.53±0.60)μmol CO2·m-2·s-1, 差异极显著(P<0.01);群体蒸腾速率日变化也呈“单峰型”,6月下旬和8月上旬的日平均值分别为(3.10±0.34)和(1.60±0.26)mmol H2O·m-2·s-1,两者存在极显著差异(P<0.01);6月下旬和8月上旬的群体水分利用效率日平均值分别为(15.67±1.77)和(23.08±5.54) mmol CO2·mol-1 H2O,但差异不显著(P>0.05).两生育时期棉花群体光合速率与温度、光合有效辐射及土壤含水量均呈正相关关系.表明棉花群体光合速率在6月下旬和8月上旬均没有出现中午光合下调,8月由于土壤水分降低和植物叶片衰老,棉花群体光合速率和蒸腾速率显著降低,但水分利用效率并无显著下降.  相似文献   
生态脆弱带不同区域近缘优势灌木的生理生态学特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小叶锦鸡儿、中间锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿分别为中国北方生态脆弱带典型区域——科尔沁沙地、毛乌素沙地和腾格里沙漠的优势灌木。为了探讨生长在地理位置相距很远的不同气候类型区、但亲缘关系较近的沙漠植物种之间特性的差异及近缘种间引种成功的可能性 ,对 3种灌木在原产地和引种地 (腾格里沙漠 )的气体交换、叶绿素荧光参数、β胡萝卜素和脯氨酸累积等特性进行了对比研究 ,结果显示 :各区优势灌木的气体交换特征不同 ,主要依照区域光照和温湿条件的不同组合而变化 ,各区域的环境条件组合最利于其建群种的生长 ;引进种对引种地环境变化的反应调节较乡土种敏感 ;地理位置相距较近的近缘种间生理特性相近 ,引种易于成功  相似文献   
植物表皮蜡质中的饱和链烷作为内源指示剂广泛用于评价放牧家畜的食性和食量, 但用于天然草原蝗虫食性的评价研究较少。为了探讨天然草原蝗虫的食性及其生态位变化, 本研究以内蒙古天然草原为研究对象, 于2003年7-8月沿降水梯度选择3种典型植物群落(小针茅Stipa klemenzii、 羊草Leymus chinensis和大针茅Stipa grandis群落), 在每个植物群落不同放牧压力下小区随机做20个植被样方, 样方内植物齐地面刈割, 测定其地上生物量和物种多样性, 取主要植物种测定其链烷模式, 同时采集放牧小区优势蝗虫种亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus的粪便, 测定其链烷模式, 运用链烷技术评价蝗虫的食性及其营养生态位。结果表明: 不同植物群落中优势牧草种类及其比例不同, 其链烷模式存在种间差异, 链烷技术可以评价亚洲小车蝗的食性。亚洲小车蝗的食性在不同植物群落及不同放牧压力下存在显著的差异, 在羊草和大针茅群落中, 亚洲小车蝗是禾草采食者, 主要采食羊草和糙隐子草Cleistogenes squarrosa, 且与绵羊的营养生态位重叠指数较低, 分别为0.0619和0.0172; 在小针茅群落中亚洲小车蝗是杂类草采食者, 主要采食无芒隐子草Cleistogenes songorica、 猪毛菜Salsola collina和小针茅, 且与绵羊的营养生态位重叠指数较高, 达到0.1815。因此, 放牧不仅改变了群落的植物种类组成, 而且直接影响了亚洲小车蝗的食物组成, 二者对食物资源利用存在一定程度的竞争。  相似文献   
Aims The increase in atmospheric N deposition has accelerated N cycling of ecosystems, thus altering the structure and function of ecosystems, especially in those limited by N availability. Studies on the response of plant growth to artificial N addition could provide basic data for a better understanding of how the structure of grasslands in northern China responds to increasing N deposition. Methods We investigated the seasonal dynamics of plant growth of four species after 2-year multi-level N addition in a field experiment conducted in a desert steppe of Ningxia in 2011. Plant biomass and the relative growth rate (RGR) of the studied species were measured and their relationships with C:N:P ratios of plants (community and leaf levels) and soils were analyzed. Important findings Results in 2012 showed that 2-year N addition promoted the growth of the four species and the effects were different among growth forms and were species-specific. In general, the plant biomass of the studied species was significantly correlated with leaf N concentration, leaf N:P ratio, community N pool, soil total N content and soil N:P ratio, while only weak relationships were observed between plant biomass and C:N and C:P ratios of plants and soils. In contrast, there was a significant linear relationship between RGR and N:P ratios both of plants and soils.Our results suggest that short-term N addition promoted the accumulation of plant biomass, and the species-specific responses to stimulated N addition can directly affect the structure of the desert steppe ecosystem. Plant N:P ratio and soil N:P ratio could indicate nutrient limitation of plant growth to a certain extent: N addition increased soil N content and N:P ratio, and thus relieved N limitation gradually. Once more N is available to plants, the growth of plants and the accumulation of community N was stimulated in turn.  相似文献   
杨贵军  贺海明  王新谱 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1610-1617
从2009年3月到10月采用巴氏罐诱导法调查了宁夏盐池四墩子6个不同生境中的拟步甲的群落组成以及时间动态,结果表明,本次调查共采集拟步甲昆虫5431只,计10属20种,个体数最多的是弯齿琵甲Blapsfemoralis femoralis Fischer-Waldheim和克小鳖甲Microdera kraatzi kraatzi Reitter,分别占总数的47.30%和40.66%,不同季节的优势种类不同。从时间动态上看,拟步甲物种数和个体数成显著正相关(r=0.887,P=0.003),表现为5月和7—8月2个发生高峰期,且5月最高。从整个景观来看,优势种克小鳖甲的盛发期在5月和7月,弯齿琵甲的盛发期在5月和8月,不同景观样地略有差异。物种-时间对应分析表明,拟步甲成虫发生可以分为春季发生型、春夏发生型、夏季发生型、夏秋发生型和全年发生型5类。5月拟步甲群落多样性和丰富度最高,不同月的拟步甲群落相似性可以聚为3类,由于植被类型和干扰程度的差异,月间拟步甲群落相似性会有所差异。  相似文献   
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