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The evolutionary and developmental origin of tricolpate pollen is of great interest because pollen of this kind defines a major clade of angiosperms (eudicots), a clade that is also well supported by molecular data. We examined evidence that tricolpate and monosulcate pollen types are produced alongside each other in the anthers of Nelumbo flowers, as has previously been reported. Observations of pollen in situ within individual anthers revealed mainly tricolpate pollen produced in tetrahedral tetrads, but also a small percentage of clearly aberrant pollen grains that have a great variety of aperture configurations. Previously published evidence for tetragonal tetrads is not supported, and previously reported monosulcate grains are part of a continuum of variation among the aberrant grains in aperture number, position and form. Other eudicots show similar variability in their pollen apertures. The variation in the pollen of Nelumbo is not exceptional, and may not be more significant than variation seen in the other taxa with regard to the origin of the tricolpate and tricolpate‐derived pollen characteristic of eudicots. Nevertheless further studies of aberrant pollen in Nelumbo and other eudicots, together with comparisons of pollen development in “normal” eudicots and closely related species that show radical, and developmentally fixed, reorganization of apertures and pollen polarity, may be helpful in understanding the processes that controlled the transition from the monosulcate to the tricolpate condition.  相似文献   
A new fossil flower, Kajanthus lusitanicus gen. et sp. nov, is described from the Early Cretaceous (late Aptian–early Albian) Chicalhão site near the village of Juncal, western Portugal, based on a single coalified specimen. The flower is small, actinomorphic, trimerous and bisexual, slightly compressed and with floral organs tightly adhering. The perianth is organised in more than two whorls. The inner two whorls consist of six bulky, apparently fleshy parts. The outer perianth whorls consist of narrow parts. There are six stamens, arranged in two whorls. The filaments are thick and anthers tetrasporangiate. The pollen sacs are protruding with extrorse dehiscence. Pollen observed in situ is tricolpate, tectate, finely punctate-perforate, compressed and more or less spherical in polar view with a diameter of about 15 µm. The gynoecium is superior and composed of three free carpels. Non-destructive virtual sectioning of the single flower using synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy revealed the presence of several curved ovules in each carpel, arranged in two longitudinal rows on marginal placentae. The character suite of the Kajanthus flower is only found in extant Lardizabalaceae (Ranunculales), where it is particularly close to Sinofranchetia, a monotypic genus that is now endemic to China.  相似文献   
A universal method of molecular dating that can be applied to all families and genera regardless of their fossil records, or lack thereof, is highly desirable. A possible method for eudicots is to use a large phylogeny calibrated using deep fossils including tricolpate pollen as a fixed (124 mya) calibration point. This method was used to calculate node ages within three species-poor disjunct basal eudicot genera, Caulophyllum, Podophyllum and Pachysandra, and sensitivity of these ages to effects such as taxon sampling were then quantified. By deleting from one to three accessions related to each genus in 112 different combinations, a confidence range describing variation due only to taxon sampling was generated. Ranges for Caulophyllum, Podophyllum and Pachysandra were 8.4-10.6, 7.6-20.0, and 17.6-25.0 mya, respectively. However, the confidence ranges calculated using bootstrapping were much wider, at 3-19, 0-32 and 11-32 mya, respectively. Furthermore, deleting 10 adjacent taxa had a large effect in Pachysandra only, indicating that undersampling effects are significant among Buxales. Changes to sampling density in neighboring clades, or to the position of the fixed fossil calibration point had small to negligible effects. Non-parametric rate smoothing was more sensitive to taxon sampling effects than was penalized likelihood. The wide range for Podophyllum, compared to the other two genera, was probably due to a high degree of rate heterogeneity within this genus. Confidence ranges calculated by this method could be narrowed by sampling more individuals within the genus of interest, and by sequencing multiple DNA regions from all species in the phylogeny.  相似文献   
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