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Delusions are currently characterised as false beliefs produced by incorrect inference about external reality (DSM IV). This inferential conception has proved hard to link to explanations pitched at the level of neurobiology and neuroanatomy. This paper provides that link via a neurocomputational theory, based on evolutionary considerations, of the role of the prefrontal cortex in regulating offline cognition. When pathologically neuromodulated the prefrontal cortex produces hypersalient experiences which monopolise offline cognition. The result is characteristic psychotic experiences and patterns of thought. This bottom-up account uses neural network theory to integrate recent theories of the role of dopamine in delusion with the insights of inferential accounts. It also provides a general model for evolutionary psychiatry which avoids theoretical problems imported from evolutionary psychology.  相似文献   
The evolutionary response of plant populations to selection for increased defense may be constrained by costs of defense. The purpose of this study was to investigate such constraints on the evolution of defense due to a cost of defense manifested as a trade-off between defense and tolerance. Variation in the response to artificial damage (tolerance) among lines of Brassica rapa that had been artificially selected for foliar glucosinolate content (defense) was examined. Leaf area was removed from replicates of three selection lines (high glucosinolates, control, and low glucosinolates) at three damage levels (0%, 20%, and 60% damage). An external cost of defense would result in a statistically significant selection line by damage treatment interaction, with those selected for high defense expressing less tolerance than those selected for low defense. Damage treatment had a significant overall effect on estimated total fitness, with fitness declining with increasing damage level. Further, selection line also had a significant overall effect on estimated total fitness, with low-defense selection lines having higher fitness compared to both control and high-defense selection lines. More importantly, a cost of defense in terms of tolerance was demonstrated by a significant selection line-by-damage treatment interaction. This interaction was in the direction to demonstrate a genetic trade-off between defense and tolerance, with low-defense selection lines decreasing estimated total fitness in response to damage less than both control and high-defense selection lines. Variation in tolerance among selection lines was due to the greater ability of low-defense lines to maintain fruit and seed production despite the presence of damage. In terms of tolerance, this cost of glucosinolate production in B. rapa could constrain the evolution of increased defense and, in so doing, maintain individuals within the population that are poorly defended yet tolerant.  相似文献   
This study investigates the nitrogen economy of six altitudinally contrasting Poa species which differ in their relative growth rate (R). Two alpine (Poa fawcettiae and P. costiniana), one sub-alpine (P. alpina)and three temperate lowland species (P. pratensis, P. campressa and P. trivialis) were grown hydroponically under identical conditions in a growth room. The low R exhibited by the alpine species was associated with lower plant organic nitrogen concentration (np) and lower nitrogen productivity (Πp, amount of biomass accumulation per mol organic nitrogen and time). The differences in Πp between the alpine and lowland species did not appear to be due to differences in the carbon concentration or the proportion of total plant organic nitrogen allocated to the leaves, stems or roots. Variations in ΠP were also not due to variations in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (ΨN, the rate of photosynthesis per unit organic leaf nitrogen) or shoot or root respiration rates per unit organic nitrogen (ΛSH and ΛR, respectively) per se. Rather, the lower Λp in the alpine species was probably due to a combination of small variations in several of the parameters (e.g. slightly lower ΨN, slightly higher ΛSH and ΛR, and slightly higher proportions of total plant organic nitrogen allocated to the roots). The alpine species exhibited lower organic acid and mineral concentrations. However, no differences in whole-plant construction costs (grams of glucose needed to synthesize one gram of biomass) were observed between She alpine and lowland Poa species. The lack of sub-stantial differences in ΨN between the alpine and lowland species contrasts with the large differences in ΨN between slow- and fast-growing lowland species that have been reported in the literature. The reasons for the unusually high ΨN values exhibited by the alpine Poa species are discussed.  相似文献   
In Venezuela, the alien grasses Melinis minutiflora Beauv. and Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees.) Stapf tend to displace the native savanna plant community dominated by Trachypogon plumosus (Humb. and Bonpl.) Nees. This occurs in either relatively wetter and fertile highland savannas or in drier and less fertile lowland savannas. Although the native and aliens are perennial C4 grasses, higher net assimilation leaf biomass per plant and germination rate of the latter are some causes for their higher growth rates and for their competitive success. The objective of this study is to compare seasonal tissue energy, N, P and K concentrations and the calculated construction costs (CC) between the native grass and either one of the alien grasses from lowland and highland savannas. We predict that, in order to out-compete native plants, alien grasses should be more efficient in resource use as evidenced by lower tissue energy and nutrient concentrations and CC.Tissue energy and nutrient concentration were measured throughout the year and compared between M. minutiflora and the co-occurring local population of T. plumosus in a highland savanna and between H. rufa and its neighbor local population of T. plumosus in a lowland savanna. CC was calculated from energy, N and ash concentrations considering ammonium as the sole N source. Differences between co-occurring species, T. plumosus populations, seasons, and organs were analyzed with ANOVA.Highland and lowland grasses differed in concentration and allocation of energy and nutrients whereas the differences between alien and native grasses were specific for each pair considered. Highland grasses had higher energy, N, P and CC than lowland grasses. These variables were always lowest in the culms. In the more stressed lowland site, tissue energy and nutrient concentrations decreased significantly during the dry season except in the roots of both grasses which had the highest energy and nutrients concentrations during the drought. This seasonal response was more marked in the local lowland population of T. plumosus in which maximum CC alternated seasonally between leaves and roots. Energy and nutrient concentrations and CC were the lowest in H. rufa. In the lowland savannas, the higher efficiency of resource use in the invader grass contributes to its higher competitive success through increased growth rate. In the highlands, overall tissue energy concentration and CC, but not N nor P concentration, were lower in the fast growing M. minutiflora but seasonal differences were lacking. The higher leaf CC in T. plumosus can be attributed to the higher proportion of sclerenchyma tissue which is more expensive to construct. Considering CC, both fast growing alien grasses are more efficient in resource use than the co-occurring native grass. However, the role of CC explaining the competitive success of the former, through higher growth rates, is more evident in the more stressful environment of the lowland savanna.  相似文献   
The population-dynamic functions of seed dispersal   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Venable  D. L.  Brown  J. S. 《Plant Ecology》1993,(1):31-55
We summarize some of the population-dynamic consequences of the mosaic structure of plant populations for the evolution of seed dispersal. A fairly elaborated set of theoretical ideas exist regarding the evolution of dispersal and we have synthesized some of them in an attempt to make them more accessible to field ecologists. We consider the relationship of these general theoretical ideas to our understanding of fruit and seed dispersal.We develop three related models to describe the similarities and differences in how dispersal functions for risk reduction (bet hedging), escaping the negative consequences of crowding, and escaping high concentrations of relatives. We also briefly discuss directed dispersal as a fourth population-dynamic aspect of dispersal. Dispersal can have a risk-reducing function only when there is global (metapopulation) temporal variance in success. Dispersal to escape the negative consequences of crowding requires only spatial and local temporal environmental variation. Dispersal for escaping high concentrations of relatives requires no environmental variation, but does require genetic population structure. Directed dispersal, defined as non-random into particular patch types contingent on the expectation of local success, is always valuable when possible and represents an advantage independent the others which can occur with random dispersal.In an effort to accommodate for the differences between simple mathematical models and the behavior of complex natural fruit and seed dispersal systems we have discussed the following issues: actual patterns of patch structure and dispersal distance; the implications of plant cosexuality, perenniality, and allocation costs of dispersal structures; and the impact of the detailed nature of density dependence, breeding systems, and genetic structure. We briefly compare the population-dynamic functions of dispersal presented here with the widely cited functions of colonization, escape, and directed dispersal. Finally, we suggest how the theoretical models can be used with field data to estimate the fitness consequences of dispersal.  相似文献   
This paper discusses policy responses to the potential loss of biodiversity in the Mara Area of Kenya from the conversion of essentially wild and undeveloped rangeland to developed agriculture. Property rights are central to the debate, and raise two fundamental issues. First, to what extent do the Maasai, the traditional users and owners of the land, have the right to benefit from the development potential of their land to further their economic, social and political standing, even if by so doing they create domestic and global externalities through the loss of biodiversity. Second, if the state alienates their development rights in the name of conservation, then to what extent should the state compensate the Maasai for their lost economic opportunities. To the Maasai, conservation as implemented through Government policy is a publicc bad: they are denied access to resources, their costs of production are significantly increased, and development is slowed down or actively discouraged. A cost:benefit analysis suggests that it is neither supportable nor sustainable to condemn the Maasai to a poverty trap on behalf of conservation, and that it is instead socially prolitable for the Kenyan Government to meet in full their opportunity costs of forgone economic benefits.  相似文献   
Michael Marten 《Hydrobiologia》1990,194(3):199-201
A water-bath-system which simultaneously provides eight different temperatures for rearing aquatic organisms is presented. Temperatures ranged from 4 to 18 °C, at 2 ± 0.3 °C intervals. It has an useful area of c. 1 m2, but can be adapted easily to any specific requirement. It is inexpensive (c. U.S.$1200), requiring only simple technical equipment.  相似文献   
自然景观提供给人们观赏、娱乐和休闲的效用和价值,长期以来,人们对自然景观的价值忽略并低估,导致在开发利用自然资源过程中出现资源浪费和生态破坏的问题.如果赋予自然景观合适的经济价值,能为其开发利用提供决策支持.为评价张家界武陵源风景区的景观价值,构建了相应的指标体系.自然景观价值乃使用价值与非使用价值之和,并对这两种价值分别运用旅行费用法和条件价值法进行评估.结果表明:2011年武陵源风景区的自然景观价值为89.01亿元,其中使用价值为79.30亿元,非使用价值为9.71亿元.分析表明,武陵源风景区的自然景观价值要远高于以往的研究及近年的旅游收入,建议景区当局全面认识其景观价值,在旅游人次不断攀升的形势下,全力保护该地生态环境,探究武陵源风景区的可持续发展道路.  相似文献   
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