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We investigated the population dynamics of Copidodiaptomus numidicus (Copepoda: Calanoida) and Thermocyclops dybowskii (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) in Castelo-do-Bode Reservoir (Portugal). Both species in the reservoir were regulated mainly by food availability during the summers of 1993 and 1994. C. numidicus was always more abundant than T. dybowskii in the reservoir. C. numidicus produced two generations during the sampling period of both years whereas T. dybowskii produced two and three generations in 1993 and 1994, respectively. Because of high temperatures and low rainfall in 1994, the reservoir was more eutrophic than in 1993. Higher clutch size and a higher percentage of ovigerous females suggest that both species were benefiting from better feeding conditions in 1994. Despite this, population growth was reduced in 1994 relatively to 1993. Vertebrate predation and predation by copepods seem to have been minor factors in explaining this decline. However, the presence of Mesostoma sp. in the reservoir may have contributed to the reduction of both copepod populations during specific periods in 1994 although the calanoid was more affected than the cyclopoid by this predation.  相似文献   
The complete steady-state I–V relationship of α-aminoisobutyric acid transport across the plasmalemma of rhizoid cells from Riccia fluitans has been measured and analysed with special emphasis on α-aminoisobutyric acid equilibrium and saturation conditions. (A) The electrical data show that: (1) the amino acid-induced electrical current saturates after the addition of the amino acid, regardless of the concentration; (2) a steady state is reached 1–2 h after incubation in α-aminoisobutyric acid, but after less that 5 min in the presence of 1 mM CN; (3) the steady-state I–V characteristic of α-aminoisobutyric acid transport is a sigmoid curve and fairly symmetric in current with respect to the voltage axis; and (4) the equilibrium potential is clearly a function of the amino acid accumulation ratio. It is suggested that the sigmoid curve represents the characteristic of carrier-mediated α-aminoisobutyric acid transport with a voltage-insensitive step, possibly the translocation of the unloaded carrier, rate-limiting. Since under normal conditions the voltage-sensitive rate constant koi is much greater than kio, it is further suggested that the energy to drive this system is put into the transfer of positive charge from outside to the cytoplasm. (B) Accumulation ratios have been determined by inspection of current-voltage data, and additionally by compartmental analysis on green thalli from Riccia fluitans. Both methods give ratios far too low compared with the thermodynamically possible accumulation of about 104. It is suggested that substantial leakages via different non-electrical pathways prevent equilibrium at steady state, and it is concluded that in such leaky systems the thermodynamic equilibrium condition is not suitable for estimating stoichiometries.  相似文献   
The reproductive activity and the physiological state of the calanoid copepods Calanus helgolandicus and Calanoides carinatus were investigated off the coast of NW Spain during autumn to evaluate the effect of short food resources on both populations. Phytoplankton biomass was low, and neither phytoplankton size distribution nor composition was suitable to support high reproductive rates. Accordingly, egg production rates (EPR) were much lower than maximum rates for both species, pointing to food limitation. The reproductive index (RI), which represents the proportion of females with mature gonads, was < 50% at each of the three zones into which the sampling area was divided (coast, shelf and ocean). Potential recruitment rates were very low except at some nearshore stations, where the highest concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), diatoms, dinoflagellates and large cells were found. EPR of C. helgolandicus and C. carinatus were correlated with phytoplankton biomass and unaffected by temperature. Phytoplankton carbon ingestion explained ca. 50% of the variability in EPR for both species. At most of the stations, herbivory was insufficient to cover the carbon requirements for reproduction and respiration, so females probably fed on heterotrophic prey to meet their demands. However, given the low fecundity observed, this omnivorous diet did not seem to be optimum for reproduction, and a severe food limitation is thus suggested. Furthermore, the high C/N values measured point to a notable lipid storage, but given the low EPR found, lipid reserves were probably invested into female maintenance rather than into gonad maturation. C. helgolandicus and C. carinatus populations did not mirror phytoplankton biomass distribution, but they correlated well when considering only copepodites V (CV). The CV could be preparing for the overwintering, storing lipid reserves to ensure a successful diapause, and they could also be advected by the poleward current detected during the study. Females showed a diel feeding rhythm, with highest ingestion rates during night. From our results, it follows that C. helgolandicus and C. carinatus females did not perform diel vertical migrations. We suggest that this behaviour is likely due to the food-limiting conditions, which make it more advantageous to remain at the surface during daytime.  相似文献   
The microbial metabolism of organic matter (OM) in seagrass beds can create sulfidic conditions detrimental to seagrass growth; iron (Fe) potentially has ameliorating effects through titration of the sulfides and the precipitation of iron-sulfide minerals into the sediment. In this study, the biogeochemical effects of Fe availability and its interplay with sulfur and OM on sulfide toxicity, phosphorous (P) availability, seagrass growth and community structure were tested. The availability of Fe and OM was manipulated in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment arranged in a Latin square, with four replicates per treatment. The treatments included the addition of Fe, the addition of OM, the addition of both Fe and OM as well as no addition. The experiment was conducted in an oligotrophic, iron-deficient seagrass bed. Fe had an 84.5% retention efficiency in the sediments with the concentration of Fe increasing in the seagrass leaves over the course of the experiment. Porewater chemistry was significantly altered with a dramatic decrease in sulfide levels in Fe addition plots while sulfide levels increased in the OM addition treatments. Phosphorus increased in seagrass leaves collected in the Fe addition plots. Decreased sulfide stress was evidenced by heavier δ34S in leaves and rhizomes from plots to which Fe was added. The OM addition negatively affected seagrass growth but increased P availability; the reduced sulfide stress in Fe added plots resulted in elevated productivity. Fe availability may be an important determinant of the impact that OM has on seagrass vitality in carbonate sediments vegetated with seagrasses.  相似文献   
This study was designed to determine if the known decrease in slow axonal transport of proteins in the sciatic nerve of experimentally diabetic rats is related to altered phosphorylation of neurofilament proteins (NFPs). Rats were rendered diabetic with 50 mg/kg of streptozotocin, i.p. At 3 and 6 weeks later, NFPs were prepared from spinal cord. The in vivo phosphorylation state of NFPs was examined by using phosphate-dependent (RT97) and -independent (RMd09) antibodies against high-molecular-mass NFPs on Western blots. Neurofilament-associated kinase activity was also measured in vitro by incubation of NFPs with [32P]ATP. Phosphorylation of all three NFPs (high, medium, and low molecular mass) occurred, as confirmed by gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. At 30 min of incubation, protein-bound radioactivity in NFPs from diabetic animals was reduced to 86.7 +/- 3.4 and 54.3 +/- 19.6% of that in nondiabetic animals at 3 and 6 weeks of diabetes, respectively (p less than 0.001 and p less than 0.05, respectively). NFPs were also incubated with acid phosphatase and rephosphorylated. Results showed that the increased in vivo phosphorylation contributed to the decreased in vitro phosphorylation. Extraction of protein kinases and addition back to the NFPs revealed, in addition, a reduced activity in the diabetic animals of the protein kinases measured in vitro.  相似文献   
This review treats some examples of electrogenic transport across the outer plasmamembrane (plasmalemma) of plant cells. The selection includes primary active uniport by membrane ATPases (e.g., the proton pump), secondary active transport of hexoses by proton-dependent cotransport, and passive uniport of amines. Primacy is given to the presentation of electrophysiological data and to the discussion of voltage-dependence of the transport mechanisms.Lecture from the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik at Konstanz  相似文献   
Summary The developing pigment strand of rice (Oryza sativa L.) was studied by conventional electron microscopy and also by use of thick sections post-fixed with zinc iodide and osmium (ZIO).When the rice caryopsis achieves maximum length, a suberised adcrusting wall layer is laid down over the original primary walls of the pigment strand. Concomitant with suberin deposition a proliferation of tubular endoplasmic reticulum occurs in the cytoplasm giving rise to numerous interconnected vesicles which bear ribosomes. The vesicles in the general cytoplasm retain their ribosomes while those close to the wall become smooth and contain an electron-opaque granular material which is eventually deposited to the outside of the plasmalemma. This granular material may be the precursor(s) from which suberin is polymerised. The suberised wall attains about six times the width of the original primary wall and plasmodesmata, which traverse both primary wall and suberised wall layers, become greatly elongated.Lipid bodies increase in both size and frequency during development, eventually coalescing to form a complete plug across the pigment strand and occluding the symplast of this tissue. The significance of these ultrastructural observations is discussed in relation to the previously demonstrated role of the pigment strand as a translocation pathway for water and assimilates during grain filling.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - ZIO zinc iodide-osmium fixation  相似文献   
Résumé Nous avons montré par une technique autoradiographique que les ions Cl et Na+ sont concentrés dans les cellules à chlorure de la branchie d'anguille adaptée à l'eau de mer. La signification de cette accumulation ionique plus marquée vers le pôle apical de ces cellules a été discutée par rapport à l'excrétion branchiale de ces ions en eau de mer.
Autoradiographic localization of Cl and Na+ ions in the chloride cells of sea water adapted eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) gills
Summary With an autoradiographic technique Cl and Na+ ions have been shown to be localized in the chloride cells of sea water eel gills. The significance of this accumulation, more marked towards the apical pole of these cells, is discussed with regard to branchial excretion of these ions in sea water.
Summary Equivalent-circuit impedance analysis experiments were performed on the urinary bladders of freshwater turtles in order to quantify membrane ionic conductances and areas, and to investigate how changes in these parameters are associated with changes in the rate of proton secretion in this tissue. In all experiments, sodium reabsorption was inhibited thereby unmasking the electrogenic proton secretion process. We report the following: (1) transepithelial impedance is represented exceptionally well by a simple equivalent-circuit model, which results in estimates of the apical and basolateral membrane ionic conductances and capacitances; (2) when sodium transport is inhibited with mucosal amiloride and serosal ouabain, the apical and basolateral membrane conductances and capacitances exhibit a continual decline with time; (3) this decline in the membrane parameters is most likely caused by subtle time-dependent changes in cell volume, resulting in changes in the areas of the apical and basolateral membranes; (4) stable membrane parameters are obtained if the tissue is not treated with ouabain, and if the oncotic pressure of the serosal solution is increased by the addition of 2% albumin; (5) inhibition of proton secretion using acetazolamide in CO2 and HCO 3 -free bathing solutions results in a decrease in the area of the apical membrane, with no significant change in its specific conductance; (6) stimulation of proton transport with CO2 and HCO 3 -containing serosal solution results in an increase in the apical membrane area and specific conductance. These results show that our methods can be used to measure changes in the membrane electrophysiological parameters that are related to changes in the rate of proton transport. Notably, they can be used to quantify in the live tissue, changes in membrane area resulting from changes in the net rates of endocytosis and exocytosis which are postulated to be intimately involved in the regulation of proton transport.  相似文献   
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