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中国的野生东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)数量已降到了极低的状态,及时开展有关东北虎及其猎物资源野外调查,对了解东北虎生存现状和制定保护策略都具有重大意义.吉林珲春东北虎国家级自然保护区是我国现存东北虎活动最频繁的地区之一,为了解该保护区的东北虎及其猎物资源状况,2009~2010年冬季,采用样...  相似文献   
Effective monitoring of native bee populations requires accurate estimates of population size and relative abundance among habitats. Current bee survey methods, such as netting or pan trapping, may be adequate for a variety of study objectives but are limited by a failure to account for imperfect detection. Biases due to imperfect detection could result in inaccurate abundance estimates or erroneous insights about the response of bees to different environments. To gauge the potential biases of currently employed survey methods, we compared abundance estimates of bumblebees (Bombus spp.) derived from hierarchical distance sampling models (HDS) to bumblebee counts collected from fixed‐area net surveys (“net counts”) and fixed‐width transect counts (“transect counts”) at 47 early‐successional forest patches in Pennsylvania. Our HDS models indicated that detection probabilities of Bombus spp. were imperfect and varied with survey‐ and site‐covariates. Despite being conspicuous, Bombus spp. were not reliably detected beyond 5 m. Habitat associations of Bombus spp. density were similar across methods, but the strength of association with shrub cover differed between HDS and net counts. Additionally, net counts suggested sites with more grass hosted higher Bombus spp. densities whereas HDS suggested that grass cover was associated with higher detection probability but not Bombus spp. density. Density estimates generated from net counts and transect counts were 80%–89% lower than estimates generated from distance sampling. Our findings suggest that distance modelling provides a reliable method to assess Bombus spp. density and habitat associations, while accounting for imperfect detection caused by distance from observer, vegetation structure, and survey covariates. However, detection/non‐detection data collected via point‐counts, line‐transects and distance sampling for Bombus spp. are unlikely to yield species‐specific density estimates unless individuals can be identified by sight, without capture. Our results will be useful for informing the design of monitoring programs for Bombus spp. and other pollinators.  相似文献   
潘晨  朱希扬  贾文晓  杨芳  刘敏  象伟宁   《生态学杂志》2015,26(7):2123-2130
城市化所带来的土地利用变化和化石燃料燃烧对全球碳循环和气候变化产生了深远影响.明确城市区域CO2浓度的空间变化特征,对于认识和控制温室气体排放、减少人类活动对全球气候变化的影响具有重要意义.本研究以高强度人类扰动和快速城市化背景下的上海市为研究对象,于2014年春季利用近红外气体分析仪Li 840A开展近地面CO2浓度样带监测,结合遥感数据获取的城市下垫面特征信息,在明确上海市近地面CO2浓度空间分布格局的基础上,进一步定量分析其对城市下垫面特征的响应机制.结果表明: 上海市近地面CO2浓度为(443.4±22.0) μmol·mol-1,城市中心CO2浓度比郊区平均高12.5%(52.5 μmol·mol-1).近地面CO2浓度空间异质性显著,呈现西北高、西南次之、东南低的趋势,总体表现为随着下垫面城市化水平的降低而降低. 城市下垫面植被覆盖率(CVeg)是城市近地面CO2浓度的重要指示因子,两者呈现负相关;不透水层覆盖率(CISA)次之,两者呈正相关.CO2浓度(CCO2)与CISA及CVeg的相关性(R2)在缓冲距离为5 km时同时达到峰值,三者之间的定量关系可通过建立逐步回归方程表征:CCO2=0.32CISA-0.89CVeg+445.13 (R2=0.66, P<0.01).
Secondary forests constitute a growing portion of forested areas worldwide. They might have a substantial role for the conservation of biodiversity in tropical areas, but there is little information on their potential to support forest species and the recovery of faunal communities. We studied two forest frogs (Eleutherodactylus diastema and E. fitzingeri) in an area of Costa Rica composed of a mosaic of primary forest, young secondary forest and pasture, and we compared the density of calling males in areas with different forest alteration. Autoregressive models were used to compensate for potentially undesired effects of spatial autocorrelation and pseudoreplication. Both species were most abundant in riparian, primary forest. However, E. fitzingeri was also abundant in riparian secondary forests, and its density far from the river was similar in primary and secondary forest, suggesting that river proximity can influence the recovery of secondary forest for amphibians. Conversely, the density of E. diastema was similar in secondary forest and pasture, stressing interspecific differences for recovery rate. These frogs have a keystone role in nutrient cycling and food webs, and their prompt recovery might represent an important step for the functional recovery of forests. Nevertheless, the strong interspecific differences stress the complexity of these processes.  相似文献   
Techniques for assessing the abundance of Brown Hares Lepus europaeus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the last few decades, there have been significant declines in Brown Hare Lepus europaeus numbers throughout Europe, leading to concern for their status in many countries. In Britain, there were no quantified data on the extent of this decline, on current population levels, or any baseline against which to monitor future population changes. The need for a quantified national hare survey led to this evaluation of the techniques available to assess hare numbers. Published information on counting hares is reviewed, and various techniques compared by applying them to a number of sites in southern England. Three basic approaches are available: counts of inactive hares, counts of active hares and indirect methods. Counts of inactive hares include total clearance, wide belt and line transect counts. Total clearance counts give an absolute figure, but are labour intensive and can only be applied to restricted areas. Wide-belt assessments are difficult to apply in certain habitats and even in open areas tend to produce a substantial over-estimate. Line transect counts are easy to undertake and are not labour intensive but should only be applied to large areas, or data from several small areas combined. Counts based on active hares are more problematical, because it is difficult to determine what proportion of the population is inactive at any one time. Spotlight counts based on variable circular plots are the most accurate but difficult to apply widely, and twilight counts are very subjective in their interpretation, especially when surveying small areas or areas with a large proportion of concealing habitats. Of the indirect methods, dung pellet counts can be valuable in specific areas but are difficult to apply across a range of habitats. We concluded that, of the various techniques considered, line transect counts have the greatest potential for a national survey, but need to be stratified so that enough transects are undertaken within each habitat stratum to obtain a reliable mean population estimate for each stratum.  相似文献   
Abstract. Local variation in individual density, species composition, species richness and species diversity of terrestrial pteridophytes were studied at four sites in the tropical lowland rain forest of western Amazonia. 15 568 pteridophyte individuals representing 40 species were recorded in four plots. The variability among subplots within the same plot was considerable in all the characteristics measured (number of individuals, number of species, species diversity); the square 1‐ha plot was more homogeneous in these respects than any of the three 5 m by 1300 m transects. Species richness was affected by the density of individuals both within and among plots. Density of individuals was not affected by topographical position within any of the plots, whereas in some of the plots both species richness and species diversity were. Clustering and ordination analyses showed that floristically similar subplots could be found in different plots: although there was a tendency for subplots from the same plot to be floristically similar and therefore to group together, many recognized groups included subplots from two or more plots. Both within and among plots, the floristic differences corresponded to topographic position and were probably related to soil drainage. This was also evident in that the abundance patterns of many species followed the topography.  相似文献   
A simple device for the measurement of length (or area) along an underwater transect is described. This instrument is pushed or pulled by SCUBA divers along lake or river bottoms and the rotation of a paddle wheel is recorded on a digital counter. The device eliminates the need for straight line and smooth bottom transects, and allows for greater versatility than that provided by the more usual rope line transect.  相似文献   
We investigated habitat preference in the community of ungulates in the Calakmul Forest of Southern Mexico through systematically counting the tracks of six species in randomly placed transects. Tracks were associated with one of four major forest types according to Pennington and Sarukhan (1998) . Forest type availability was estimated through 393 independent points on the same transects. We surveyed 90 transects in three hunted areas and one large nonhunted area, with a total of 206 km walked. A total of 1672 tracks of the six species were found. Brocket deer (Mazama americana and Mazama pandora) preferred low‐dry forest in the nonhunted area and low‐flooded forest in the hunted areas. Collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) was a generalist species in the nonhunted area, whereas in the hunted areas, it preferred the subperennial forest. White‐lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) was found only in subperennial forest in the nonhunted area and favored low‐flooded forest in the hunted areas. White‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) preferred low‐flooded forest in the hunted areas, while it was a generalist in the nonhunted area. Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) preferred low‐flooded forest in the hunted areas. The most evident habitat difference among hunted and nonhunted areas was a major use of low‐flooded forest in the hunted areas for the species. Conservation of ungulate species in the Calakmul region requires protection of all major habitat types in hunted and nonhunted areas.  相似文献   
Because tiger Panthera tigris numbers are regulated by their prey base, prey abundance needs to monitored and estimated reliably. Recently, distance sampling has been adopted as the most appropriate method and is now becoming the standard monitoring protocol in all tiger range countries in south Asia. However, the accuracy of the density estimates generated by this method has not been assessed. From total counts within habitat blocks, we obtained accurate density estimates of ungulates within three main habitats in Bardia National Park, Nepal. We then applied the distance sampling method in the same habitats and compared the results. Distance sampling on foot in dense habitats (riverine forest and tallgrass floodplain) violated method assumptions, and sampling from vehicle along roads gave biased estimates. Sampling from elephant back worked well in all habitat types, but owing to their behaviour, the density of barking deer Muntiacus muntjak was underestimated. The accuracy of the estimates varied with sampling effort; for the very abundant chital deer Axis axis , estimates varied markedly at <200 animal observations, but converged at larger sample sizes to a similar point estimate as intensive block counts when approaching 300 observations. For the less abundant species, with <20 observations along >100 km of transect lines, the confidence intervals were quite high, and, hence, of limited value for detecting short-term populations trends. It is therefore difficult to obtain accurate density estimates of rare species by the distance method. In areas consisting of dense habitats, we recommend that the food base of tiger be estimated by distance sampling from elephant back, not on foot, directed at the main and most abundant prey species. For rare species, encounter rates obtained simultaneously may then serve as indices of relative abundances.  相似文献   
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