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余中元  李波  张新时 《生态学报》2019,39(7):2331-2342
随着全域旅游的实施,旅游用地的内涵和外延在不断拓展,旅游用地的综合性、复合性、多效益性以及空间分布的叠加性日益增强。传统的旅游用地概念内涵不清,分类支离破碎,过分强调功能,缺乏系统时空结构的阐述,导致旅游用地规划难以与其他规划相协调,资源可持续利用和区域整合发展受阻,旅游用地概念和分类面临严峻挑战。在分析旅游用地概念及分类现状,探讨存在的弊端和问题的基础上,基于旅游用地社会生态系统时空结构分析对全域旅游背景下旅游用地进行了概念界定和分类。设旅游用地为一级类,下设资源系统用地、用户系统用地、基底系统用地、相互联系用地4个二级类,资源管理用地等20个三级类用地和地文景观用地等53个四级类。并对全域旅游背景下旅游用地的概念及分类进行了讨论,认为:社会生态系统理念涵盖了全域旅游的全部内涵,重视系统的层级、结构、功能、演进和相互联系,利于构建不同时空阶段的旅游用地类型的用地结构标准,促进旅游用地的规范化、分类化管理,旅游用地的时序化和动态化预测和引导;重视生态功能和社会效益,有利于旅游用地生态环境质量和综合效益的提升;涵盖核心景区及外围要素,有利于解决景区与社区的矛盾,促进全域旅游的开展和区域可持续发展;强调旅游用地的复合性、综合性,有利于旅游规划与其他规划的融合。  相似文献   
碳排放影响下中国省域旅游效率损失度研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
曾瑜皙  钟林生  虞虎 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7463-7473
旅游效率损失度反映了碳排放对旅游效率的影响程度。采用超越对数生产函数测算2001—2014年中国30个省(区、市)的旅游效率及损失度,并运用面板回归模型分析效率损失的驱动力。结果表明:(1)碳排放对中国各省(区、市),尤其是中部省份的旅游效率造成了损失。研究期内,中国总体旅游效率损失度呈现上升趋势,东部地区年均增幅最大;(2)中国旅游效率与损失度总体上处于中等水平,但损失度年均增长率远高于旅游效率增长率,中部地区因为排放问题造成了较大的效率损失;(3)根据不同省域旅游效率及其损失度,可划分为"高效低损、高效高损、低效低损、低效高损"4种类型区;(4)基础设施、旅游接待能力、旅游吸引力、旅游产业规模、旅游产业结构、能源技术对不同类型区的影响存在差异,应根据外力驱动大小和作用方向调整旅游效率优化策略。  相似文献   
五台山南台旅游活动对山地草甸优势种群格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程占红  牛莉芹 《生态学报》2008,28(1):416-422
利用双项轨迹方差法,对五台山南台不同距离带上紫羊茅、珠芽蓼和北方嵩草的格局进行了研究.结果表明:(1)3个种群在第一带上格局强度很弱,在第五带上格局差异最明显.不同种群在第二、第四带上因旅游活动和种间竞争而表现出不同的格局规律.(2)近距离处,旅游干扰大,尽管紫羊茅是优势种,但它和其他种群一样都表现出斑块化的现象.随着距离的增加,旅游干扰减小,种间竞争激烈,紫羊茅的优势减小,北方嵩草的优势上升,珠芽蓼徘徊不前,种群格局各具特色.远距离处,北方嵩草斑块稳定,规模大,紫羊茅的斑块数量少,规模较小.珠芽蓼没有表现出明显的规律性,这可能与其本身的生理生态有关.  相似文献   

Previous studies of habituated Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Mt. Huangshan, China demonstrated the negative impact that some tourism management strategies had on monkeys' annual infant mortality, but data on precise causes and perpetrators of infant injuries were not available. We worked at the same site and recorded rates of aggression that older monkeys directed toward group infants as a function of tourist numbers and proximity. We found a negative correlation between the number of people on the viewing platform and the frequency of monkeys' aggression toward the group's infants, but the effect is slight. We noted that infant-directed aggression (IDA) was more likely to occur in the provisioning zone where tourists bounded the monkeys on two sides, despite the fact that infants spent very little time in that location. The alpha and beta males engaged in more IDA than expected, while the other three adult males, adult females, and juveniles exhibited less IDA than expected. Males' IDA included biting, chasing, grabbing, and pushing. Adult females bit and grabbed mostly their own infants in the contexts of punishment and weaning. Juveniles' IDA was uncommon and consisted mostly of open-mouth threats. To minimize the severity and frequency of male-toinfant IDA, we recommend that sections of the tourist viewing platform be closed off so that tourists do not surround the monkeys, particularly when infants are near the viewing platforms and tourist numbers are few. The rule against tourists feeding monkeys should also be strictly enforced, so that altercations between the highest-ranked males and other group members, particularly infants, are less likely to occur.  相似文献   
This short review looks at the implications of the title of The Age of Migration. It argues that most ages, not specifically our own time, could be defined as ‘ages of migration’. It argues that the specific characteristics of our particular age are those of internal more than international migrations and a dramatic rise in a series of forms of non-permanent population movements that can better be captured under the term ‘mobility’. In terms of longer-term forms of migration, it is also deceptive to assume that they will necessarily continue to increase. The piece focuses on forms of internal migration and on mobility.  相似文献   
赵羿  陈玮 《生态学杂志》1998,17(5):59-62
1前言随着我国经济的高速发展,特别是实行双休日以来,城镇居民的假期游憩活动呈现大幅度上升的趋势。各大城市利用城郊风光,如山地、水库、森林、草地以及人文古迹等开辟了多种形式的游憩地,供人们游乐活动、旅游度假。抚顺市高湾经济特区位于抚顺市西部,距市中心1...  相似文献   
从景观生态学的定义入手,结合吴县市环太湖地区露采矿区的环境问题现状,提出了吴县市生态重建的基本原则和方法。基于每个废矿区都是一个脆弱的生态系统,在其恢复过程中,首先要在宏观上合理安排生态重建景观格局的规划及布局,然后在微观上创造出合适的生态条件服务于整个生态系统的恢复与重建。同时以生态重建后的矿区所要具有的三大基本功能:生物生产、环境服务、文化支持为依托,构建了生态功能系统图及生态功能区相互关联图。生物生产功能主要是针对农业利用,环境服务是对用于旅游、娱乐、绿化用地的露采矿区,文化支持则是针对作为建筑用地的废弃地,其城镇及居民点用地是人类聚集场所,支撑了工矿企业、旅游商贸服务业及整个城市体系的运行。最后总结了环境生态重建后所产生的环境、生态及经济效益。  相似文献   
Being inspired in the process of teaching and studying on tourism geography and heritage landscapes, the author attempts to broaden the scope of traditional studies in landscape ecology. Upon reviewing the progress, limitations and boundaries of landscape ecology, he criticizes the negligence of waterscapes by academics. The author further examines some waterscape conservation policy programs practiced by different nations. These include 10 National Seashores, 4 National Lakeshores, 4 National Rivers, 13 National Marine Sanctuaries and 1 Marine National Monument in USA, 13 Marine National Parks, 11 Marine Sanctuaries and 4 multiple use Marine Reserves in the State of Victoria, Australia, 3 Marine Nature Reserves and 43 Heritage Coasts in UK, and 272 National Water Parks in China. Based on these explorations, the author proposes a few hypotheses on waterscape ecology. Finally, he concludes that as one among many sub-disciplines of applied ecology, waterscape ecology can only achieve its full-fledged growth through concerted efforts among academics, and the supports from both governments and non-government organizations. Meanwhile, the site-specific policy practices with the rapid increasing social needs will likely facilitate the development of this infant school. Hopefully, the birth and development of waterscape ecology will contribute to the prosperity of global academics and the maintenance of earth level environmental health.  相似文献   
Assessing cultural ecosystem services provided by biodiversity requires a combination of ecological and social approaches. In this study, we investigated the capacity of large African mammal species to provide the cultural ecosystem service of wildlife tourism by using a supply and demand framework. First, we tested the relationship between supply and demand for large mammal species in wildlife tourism. Second, we tested whether the trophic level and body size of mammals influenced the mismatch between supply and demand, and whether the patterns of mismatches were consistent among four protected areas (PAs) in three Southern African countries. To quantify supply of species, we counted large mammals along 196 five km road transects within the four PAs; to estimate demand, we gathered 651 face-to-face questionnaires of wildlife tourists and distinguished between their expectation and hope to see specific species. Results show that a higher supply of large mammal species increased the expectation to see a species (linear regression slope β = 0.28, p < 0.01), whereas supply did not affect the hopes to see a specific species (β = −0.04, p = 0.63). Analyses of mismatches revealed that predator species were more demanded in relation to their supply than ungulates. Finally, we found that the demands of wildlife tourists for mammal species in relation to their supply were consistent across the four PAs. Supply-demand analyses reveal that species’ traits, in particular trophic level, shape the hopes of wildlife tourists to see specific mammal species. We propose that the quantification of supply-demand mismatches can be used to identify charismatic species and relevant species’ traits, and can be applied for wildlife tourism assessments within as well as across regions. Supply-demand analyses provide a useful framework and deliver indicators for better assessing cultural ecosystem services involving wildlife and nature-based tourism, and can be used for conservation management.  相似文献   
苏飞  应蓉蓉  杨欣  郭文 《生态学报》2016,36(12):3824-3833
旅游发展对当地居民的生计具有重要影响,旅游与生计研究业已成为学术界关注的热点领域。以Web of science核心库中1994—2016年间收录相关主题的文献为基础,利用可视化软件Cite Space和Carrot2对旅游与生计研究的前沿热点、知识基础和合作网络进行分析。研究发现,旅游与生计研究涉及多个学科,主要集中在生态、环境、管理和地理等学科领域;"乡村旅游"、"保护区旅游"、"文化旅游"、"海洋旅游"等是旅游与生计研究的热点议题;旅游与生计研究的知识基础主要包括"保护区管治"、"成本效益分析"、"乡村旅游"、"乡村发展"等研究领域。  相似文献   
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