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Geographic variation in sexual dimorphism of tooth size was assessed for the red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) across the whole northern range of the species. Twenty-one measurements of tooth size and skull length were taken from 2849 specimens (1577 males and 1272 females) originating from 12 Nearctic and 25 Palearctic localities. The index of sexual dimorphism was calculated as a quotient of the mean measure of certain characters in males by the respective mean in females ( M m/ M f). In the whole range, the males were larger than females and mean dimorphism index of tooth size ranged from 1.01 to 1.06. On average, the tooth measurements in males were 3.6% larger than in females. The highest dimorphism was observed in the canines. Dimorphism of tooth size was higher in the Palearctic than Nearctic. Statistically significant differences between regions were found for lengths of C1, C1 and M1. In the Palearctic, higher values of the dimorphism indices were observed particularly in the southern parts of the Eurasian range of the red fox and in Great Britain. For a few metrical traits, sexual dimorphism indices presented significant relations to some geo-climatic variables. The geographic pattern of size dimorphism in the red fox seems to be shaped by sexual selection, intraspecific and interspecific competition and population density.  相似文献   
Body-weight estimates of fossil primates are commonly used to infer many important aspects of primate paleobiology, including diet, ecology, and relative encephalization. It is important to examine carefully the methodologies and problems associated with such estimates and the degree to which one can have confidence in them. New regression equations for predicting body weight in fossil primates are given which provide body-weight estimates for most nonhominid primate species in the fossil record. The consequences of using different subgroups (evolutionary “grades”) of primate species to estimate fossil-primate body weights are explored and the implications of these results for interpreting the primate fossil record are discussed. All species (fossil and extant) were separated into the following “grades”: prosimian grade, monkey grade, ape grade, anthropoid grade, and all-primates grade. Regression equations relating lower molar size to body weight for each of these grades were then calculated. In addition, a female-anthropoid grade regression was also calculated for predicting body weight infernales of extinct, sexually dimorphic anthropoid species. These equations were then used to generate the fossil-primate body weights. In many instances, the predicted fossil-primate body weights differ substantially from previous estimates.  相似文献   
Variation in tooth crown morphology plays a crucial role in species diagnoses, phylogenetic inference, and the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the primate clade. While a growing number of studies have identified developmental mechanisms linked to tooth size and cusp patterning in mammalian crown morphology, it is unclear (1) to what degree these are applicable across primates and (2) which additional developmental mechanisms should be recognized as playing important roles in odontogenesis. From detailed observations of lower molar enamel–dentine junction morphology from taxa representing the major primate clades, we outline multiple phylogenetic and developmental components responsible for crown patterning, and formulate a tooth crown morphology framework for the holistic interpretation of primate crown morphology. We suggest that adopting this framework is crucial for the characterization of tooth morphology in studies of dental development, discrete trait analysis, and systematics.  相似文献   
淀山湖基于初级生产力的鲢鳙富营养化控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于2008年10月—2009年9月,采用黑白瓶测溶氧法对淀山湖湖南区和围隔区初级生产力进行逐月测定,依据测定的湖南区初级生产力估算鲢、鳙渔产潜力及合理放养量,讨论温度、透明度、营养盐、叶绿素a等理化因子与初级生产力的相关性,分析鲢、鳙放养对淀山湖水体营养物质的定量去除效果。结果表明:1)湖南区平均水柱日毛产量(PG)为4.02gO2.m-2,8月最高、1月最低,净产量(PN)为1.99gO2.m-2,年PN/PG=52%;2)0~0.5m水层对水柱初级生产力贡献最大,湖南区占32.3%、围隔区占32.2%;3)初级生产力与透明度、水温呈明显正相关,与其他理化因子相关性不明显;4)淀山湖浮游植物年生产量为28.18×104t,按鲢鳙3:1比例放养,鲢渔产潜力为1621.58t,鳙为1216.18t,鲢合理放养量为16.94t.km-2,鳙合理放养量为6.35t.km-2;5)以淀山湖每年渔产2837.76t计算,可以固定氮、磷分别为85.50t、7.63t,由此可使淀山湖水体中氮、磷含量分别降低0.67和0.06mg.L-1。  相似文献   
三种粘结剂用于纵折牙粘结的微渗漏研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的观察三种粘结材料的封闭性能,为折裂牙选择合适的粘结材料提供试验依据。方法选用健康前磨牙30颗,随机分为3组,制备成后牙纵折模型,分别用Clearfil SE Bond/AP—X(A组)、Super—Bond C&B(B组),Single Bond/F2000 Cmpomer(C组)进行粘结,在0.5%亚甲基蓝溶液中染色72h后,在电镜下观察染料渗透深度。结果扫描电镜下观察各组标本的粘结界面均有染料渗入,经单因素方差分析,A组与B组、C组有显著性差异,B组与C组之间无显著性差异。结论Clearfil SE Bond的封闭性能优于其它两组,但三种粘结剂均无法避免微渗漏的发生。  相似文献   
探讨古环境和古气候变化与哺乳动物演化之间的关系是目前古生物学研究领域中的一个热点,而哺乳动物化石牙齿釉质的碳、氧同位素分析是恢复古环境和古气候的一个重要手段。以往的哺乳动物化石牙齿釉质稳定同位素分析多集中在大哺乳动物化石,这主要是受到技术手段的限制,所需的样品量较大所决定的。但最近几年随着激光和离子显微探针技术的应用,对小哺乳动物化石(如啮齿类和兔形类)的牙齿釉质碳、氧同位素的分析和应用日趋成熟和广泛。除了传统的化学处理方法之外,对小哺乳动物化石牙齿釉质碳、氧同位素的分析还有以下三种方法:1)激光剥蚀气相色谱/同位素比值质谱分析;2)直接激光氟化技术;3)离子显微探针技术(SHRIMPII)。这些技术需要的样品量少,对标本的破损小,准确度和精密度高,所以在小哺乳动物化石和一些珍贵标本(如古人类化石)的稳定同位素分析中起到了重要作用。相对于大哺乳动物化石,小哺乳动物化石数量多、演化速度快,更能反映多个层位长时间序列的古环境和气候变化;而且小哺乳动物通常没有长距离迁徙的行为,栖息地局限,所以更能准确反映化石埋藏地点的古环境和气候状况。  相似文献   
Dental caries is the major oral health problem in most of the countries, affecting 60-90% of school children and a vast majority of adults. Therefore, it is of interest to evaluate the association of age with Class VI defects restored with composite restorations. We used 102 cases with data regarding Class VI composite restorations in a datasheet of 86,000 records at Saveetha Dental College, India for this study. Data shows that Class VI restorations were commonly seen in upper anterior teeth in the age group of 51 and above. The cavities prepared to receive Class VI restoration followed a conservative design of caries removal and used direct restoration techniques for reconstruction of the lost tooth structure.  相似文献   
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