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The infectivity and development of four populations of Meloidogyne hapla were compared, at three temperatures, on tomato and two varieties of cucumber. A population from Canada produced few root-galls on cucumber and, except at 24 C, no larvae developed into adult females and produced egg masses. In contrast, a population with 45 chromosomes from America produced many galls on cucumber and small proportions of larvae became females and produced egg masses at 20 and 24 C. At 18 C this population produced no egg masses on cucumber, but a population from Britain and one from America with 17 chromosomes produced more egg masses at this temperature than at 20 or 24 C. Dissection of the galls showed that on cucumber many larvae died or their growth and development was slowed.  相似文献   
Tree size, survival, and coppicing of micropropagated plantlets, macropropagated cuttings, and seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden were monitored through 57 months in a study in southern Florida to assess propagation options. Two plantlet lines developed by direct micropropagation and orchard open-pollinated seedlings from three ortets were compared in the main study. Rooted cuttings from up to four ramets of each of the three ortets and another ortet were examined in an adjacent supplemental study. Freezes at six and 16 months killed most initial and first-coppice stems to the ground. Most developmental differences in the main study were consistent from ages 2 to 57 months. Propagation by ortet interactions were observed beginning at 21 months, due to the poor performance of seedlings of one ortet after the second freeze. At 57 months, no differences in tree height, DBH, volume, or survival were detected between plantlet lines and between rooted cuttings and plantlets, but seedlings were inferior to plantlets and cuttings. Vegetative propagules had more uniform tree size at every age, with typically less than one-half the variability observed among seedlings. Even though plantlets and cuttings may be more expensive to produce, they have numerous advantages over seedlings for E. grandis plantation establishment in Florida.  相似文献   
Aqueous extracts of smoke, derived from Themeda triandra, a fire-climax grass, and Passerina vulgaris, a fynbos plant, stimulated the growth of primary root sections of tomato roots in suspension culture. The optimal dilution for both extracts was 1:2000. Several of the fractions obtained from TLC separation of the Themeda and the Passerina extracts significantly promoted primary root growth. The auxins naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), indolebutyric acid (IBA) and indoleacetic acid (IAA) were found to stimulate the growth of the primary root axis, with IAA and NAA significantly promoting lateral root number. Similarly, the naturally occurring cytokinins, zeatin and its derivatives (zeatin-O-glucoside; dihydrozeatin and zeatin riboside) stimulated primary root length. Zeatin and dihydrozeatin promoted secondary root growth, but only at very low concentrations.  相似文献   
Abstract. Comparisons were made between the changes in mRNA levels induced by low night temperatures in the cold–sensitive tomato and two altitudinal ecotypes of the wild species L. hirsutum. Changes in mRNA levels were detected by resolving in vitro translation products of poly(A)+ RNA by 2-D PAGE. The treatment was applied by first growing plants in a thermoperiod of 25/18°C and then switching to 25/6°C. All tomatoes displayed a diurnal cycling in which a set of mRNAs accumulated at the end of the 18°C nights, whereas another accumulated at the end of the 25°C days. The accumulation of night specific mRNAs was inhibited by 6°C nights in the cold sensitive tomatoes while that of the tolerant one was only marginally affected. All tomatoes showed a similar reduction in the apparent turnover rate of the day specific mRNAs during the 6°C nights. Finally, low night temperatures induced the accumulation of six to eight mRNAs in all genotypes. This number increased by 15 in L. esculentum after the seventh night and are likely involved in stress response rather than acclimation/tolerance. The tomato is proposed as a genetic model to discriminate genes involved in acclimation/tolerance from those involved in stress response.  相似文献   
Significant control of tomato root knot was achieved by applications of the lectins Concanavalin A (Con A) and Limax flavus agglutinin in greenhouse, growth chamber, and microplot trials. Four consecutive weekly applications at lower concentrations of Con A yielded better control than single applications at a higher total concentration. The present state of knowledge on binding of Con A to soil nematodes and the in vitro effect of this lectin in chemotactic behavior are discussed. The mode of action of Con A on root-knot control is unknown.  相似文献   
The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill.) ghost plant is a mutant of the San Marzano cultivar affected in carotenoid biosynthesis. ghost plants exhibit a variable pattern of pigment biosynthesis during development. Cotyledons are green but true leaves are white. Green sectors, which appear to be clonal in origin, are frequently observed in the white tissue. Because of the lack of photosynthesis ghost plants have a very low viability in soil. We have developed a strategy for propagating ghost plants that employs organ culture to generate variegated green-white plants which, supported by the photosynthetic green areas, develop in soil to almost wild-type size. These plants were used to analyze the pigment content of the different tissues observed during development and plastid ultrastructure. Cotyledons and green leaves contain both colored carotenoids and chlorophyll but only the colorless carotenoid phytoene accumulates in white leaves. the plastids in the white tissue of ghost leaves lack internal membrane structures but normal chloroplasts can be observed in the green areas. The chromoplasts of white fruits are also impaired in their ability to form thylakoid membranes.  相似文献   
Summary Cucumber seedlings were grown in a Portsmouth soil-sand system to study how varying soil clay and organic matter content might modify cucumber seedling response to ferulic acid, a reported allelopathic agent. Leaf area expansion of cucumber seedlings, soil respiration, and soil solution concentrations of ferulic acid were monitored. Leaf area, mean absolute rates of leaf expansion, and shoot dry weight of cucumber seedlings were significantly reduced by ferulic acid concentrations ranging from 10 to 70 μg/g dry soil. Ferulic acid was applied every other day, since it rapidly disappeared from soil solution as a result of retention by soil particles, utilization by microbes and/or uptake by roots. The amount of ferulic acid retained (i.e., adsorbed, polymerized,etc.) by soil particles appeared to be secondary to microbial utilization and/or uptake by roots. Varying clay (5.3 to 9.8 g/cup) and organic matter (2.0 to 0.04g/cup) contents of the soil appeared to have little impact on the disappearance of ferulic acid from soil solution under “ideal” growth conditions for cucumber seedlings unless larger amounts of ferulic acid were added to the soil; in this case 200 μg/g. The addition of ferulic acid to the soil materials substantially increased the activity of the soil microbes. This latter conclusion is based on recovery of ferulic acid from soil solution and soil respiration measurements. Paper No. 10347 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, N C 27695-7601. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the product named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned.  相似文献   
Abstract. Silver ions effectively inhibited both the initiation and the continuation of tomato ( Lyeopersicon esculentum Mill) ripening. Studies of protein synthesis in vivo showed that application of 2 mol m−3 silver thiosulphate to mature green fruit prevented the appearance of several novel proteins associated with ripening, including the softening enzyme polygalacturonase. However, total protein synthesis, as judged by the incorporation of [35S] methionine into proteins, continued unabated after silver treatment. Ripening was also arrested when silver was supplied after ripening had begun. The accumulation of several ripening-related mRNAs, including that for polygalacturonase, was studied by translation in vitro and using cDNA clones as hybridization probes. Silver was shown to prevent the appearance of polygalaturonase mRNA when supplied to mature green fruit and to cause a rapid reduction in the concentration of mRNA for polygalacturonase and other ripening-related proteins when supplied after ripening had begun. It is proposed that silver exerts its effects due to interaction with the ethylene perception mechanism. The results suggest that perception of ethylene is vital not only for the initiation of ripening but also for the continued expression of genes required for ripening.  相似文献   
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