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番茄碱对棉铃虫的毒性作用机理初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采取荧光光谱法分析了番茄碱及虫体内钙调蛋白的图谱,从钙调蛋白的角度探讨了番茄碱的作用机理.结果显示:(1)番茄碱对棉铃虫具有毒性,随浓度的增加及饲喂时间的延长,对棉铃虫的杀伤力增强;(2)番茄碱对虫体内钙调蛋白的影响较大,随番茄碱浓度的增加,钙调蛋白的含量逐渐降低;(3)钙离子的加入增强了钙调蛋白的刚性,荧光图谱出现了红移(由350 nm移至416.58 nm);(4)番茄碱的加入破坏了钙调蛋白-钙离子复合物的刚性,荧光图谱出现了蓝移(416.58 nm移至377.65 nm).以上可以说明,番茄碱可能作为钙调蛋白的拮抗剂,拮抗钙调蛋白被钙离子激活的位点,影响其与靶酶的结合而发挥作用.此项的研究为探讨番茄碱的杀虫机理提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
Phytomonas serpens are flagellates in the family Trypanosomatidae that parasitise the tomato plant (Solanum lycopersicum L.), which results in fruits with low commercial value. The tomato glycoalkaloid tomatine and its aglycone tomatidine inhibit the growth of P. serpens in axenic cultures. Tomatine, like many other saponins, induces permeabilisation of the cell membrane and a loss of cell content, including the cytosolic enzyme pyruvate kinase. In contrast, tomatidine does not cause permeabilisation of membranes, but instead provokes morphological changes, including vacuolisation. Phytomonas treated with tomatidine show an increased accumulation of labelled neutral lipids (BODYPY-palmitic), a notable decrease in the amount of C24-alkylated sterols and an increase in zymosterol content. These results are consistent with the inhibition of 24-sterol methyltransferase (SMT), which is an important enzyme that is responsible for the methylation of sterols at the 24 position. We propose that the main target of tomatidine is the sterols biosynthetic pathway, specifically, inhibition of the 24-SMT. Altogether, the results obtained in the present paper suggest a more general effect of alkaloids in trypanosomatids, which opens potential therapeutic possibilities for the treatment of the diseases caused by these pathogens.  相似文献   
To assess the pattern of temperature influencing the effect of allelochemicals on growth of insect herbivores and to examine the potential effect of warmer nights due to global warming, we examined the simultaneous effects of allelochemicals and warmer night-time temperatures on an insect herbivore (Spodoptera exigua; Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Dietary chlorogenic acid, rutin and tomatine levels reflected those occurring naturally in the leaves of tomato, a hostplant of this herbivore. We compared the effects of four thermal regimes having a daytime temperature of 26 °C , with the night-time temperature increased from 14 to 26 °C by increments of 4 °C . The effect of a particular allelochemical on developmental rate was similar among the four thermal regimes. Chlorogenic acid and tomatine each reduced final larval weight, but there was no effect of night-time temperature. In contrast, rutin had no effect on final weight, whereas final weight declined with increasing night-time temperature. Night-time temperature did not influence amount eaten. Larvae ate less when chlorogenic acid or tomatine was in the diet. For each allelochemical, there were no allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. In addition, we compared the effects of allelochemicals and the thermal regime of 26:14 °C and constant 20 °C , which was the average temperature of the 26:14 °C regime. Developmental rate was lower at the constant 20 °C regime, chlorogenic acid and tomatine each depressed developmental rate, and there were no allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. Thus, regardless of the specific allelochemical or amount, the pattern of response at the fluctuating regime was similar to that at the constant temperature. In contrast, comparison of the thermal regime of 26:22 °C and constant 24 °C , which was the average temperature of the 26:22 °C regime, showed several allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. At the 26:22 °C regime, developmental rate was disproportionatly higher at the maximal rutin concentration compared to that at constant 24 °C . At the constant 24 °C , final larval mass was disproportionately lower at the moderate tomatine concentration compared to that at the 26:22 °C regime. Because these results differ from that of other studies examining another species, it appears that the response to incremental changes in night-time temperature will reflect the allelochemicals and insect species tested. The contrast between the constant 24 °C and 26:22 °C regimes indicates that even small fluctuations (±2 °C ) in temperature over 24 h can yield differences in the response to an allelochemical.  相似文献   
番茄是烟青虫的寄主植物吗?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,国内有关文献一直将番茄列为烟青虫Helicoverpa assulta的寄主植物,但田间调查结果往往与此矛盾,本研究的目的是阐明番茄是否为烟青虫的寄主植物。室内试验表明,虽然烟青虫成虫在盆栽番茄植株上产卵较多,但无论是用番茄离体嫩叶还是用盆栽植株饲养,初孵幼虫绝大部分在1龄死亡,平均存活时间很短,不会对番茄造成有经济意义的危害;即使用番茄青果饲养的3龄幼虫也不能活到6龄。根据人工饲料饲养结果估测,番茄苷对初孵幼虫的致死中浓度LC50为0.0744%,叶和青果中报道的番茄苷含量已接近或超过此水平,这是幼虫不能存活的主要原因之一。田间调查也表明,烟青虫并不危害番茄。因此,番茄不是烟青虫的寄主植物。文献中的记载很可能是将棉铃虫误判为烟青虫。  相似文献   
Chemical defense of the tomato plant against noctuid larvae is argued to result from suites of interactive chemical traits that simultaneously impair the acquisition of nutrients and toxify the insect. Defense results from tomatine, catecholic phenolics and phenol oxidases, proteinase inhibitors, and lipoxygenase. The catalytic role of plant oxidative enzymes in activating a variety of defense mechanisms is discussed. It is argued that the terms “digestibility reducer,” “toxin,” and “nutrient” signify ecological outcomes, not properties of molecules. Current views on the roles and the modes of activity of plant natural products against herbivorous insects are challenged. It is proposed that chemical context and mixture are critical determinants of biological activity, and that viewing natural products as isolated defensive factors is often misleading. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Cellular slime mould amoebae can be induced to become resistant to an otherwise inhibitory concentration of pisatin, an isoflavonoid phytoalexin of pea, if they are first treated with a subinhibitory concentration. We report here the serendipitous isolation of pisatin-resistant mutants in the cellular slime mouldDictyostelium caveatum. However, the pisatin resistance phenotype of the mutants appears to have a different basis than the inducible pisatin resistance phenotype of the wild type.  相似文献   
Growth of cultured excised tomato roots in the presence of 14C-mevalonic acid lactone results in labelling of tomatine. In the main axis of the root, incorporation was greatest in the apical meristematic region. Tomatine was present in equal concentrations in all parts of the cultured root system.  相似文献   
番茄碱对人红细胞膜Na+-K+-ATPase活性影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以低渗法从新鲜健康人红细胞中制得膜Na^ -K^ -ATPase,研究了番茄碱(tomatine)X~人红细胞膜Na^ -K^ -ATPase活性的影响。实验结果表明,反应体系中的tomatine浓度低于1mmol/L时,对不依赖钙调蛋白(CAM)激活的Na^ -K^ -ATPase(称之为基本酶活)影响不大,浓度达1mmol/L时,该酶活性仍保持在95%左右;而在此浓度范围内,tomatine对依赖CaM的Na^ -K^ -ATPase有明显的抑制作用,其IC50值为0.16mmol/L.说明tomatine对膜酶Na^ -K^ -ATPase活性的影响可能是通过阻断CaM激活的途径而起作用,从而为进一步研究番茄碱的作用机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Tomatine-4-14C was prepared by foliar administration of cholesterol-4-14C and silicone oil to tomato plants. Chromatographically homogeneous tomatine-4-14C in 96% ethanol, when incubated in whole, ripe tomatoes was rapidly converted to 3β-hydroxy-5α-pregn-16-en-20-one in combined form. The identity of this steroid and its acetyl derivative was established by comparing their TCL mobilities with reference materials and by recrystallizing them to constant specific activity.  相似文献   
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