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The gut caeca of B. microplus were studied by light microscopy using paraffin and methacrylate embedded material. It has been shown that during feeding of nymphs and adults, the midgut consists of five cell types, stem cell, digest cell, secretory cells (s1) and (s2) and basophilic cell. The stem cell differentiates into any of the other cell types. The digest cell matures through a series of stages and has up to three generations during feeding on the host. The final generation has two distinct cell types, the first type is thought to be capable of both phagocytosis and pinocytosis. Cells of the second type are predominant at the end of feeding, and may be specialized to ingest and digest haemoglobin. The final stage of the digest series is the spent digest cell which discharges its content into the gut lumen or is excreted whole. The basophilic cell has structures which suggest that one of its functions is to transport digested materials, water and ions across the gut. Secretory cell (s1) secretes a glycoprotein which may be a haemolysin and secretory cell (s2) secretes the gut “colloid” mass, an acid mucopolysaccharide, which may function as an anticoagulant. Intracellular digestion leads to the breakdown of host blood and storage of lipid and glycogen in the digest cells.  相似文献   

Agriculture is fundamental to the well being of the New Zealand economy. We are very much a trading nation and will continue, for the foreseeable future, to depend upon primary production for the generation of New Zealand's wealth.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in tick haemolymph was analysed immunochemically and biochemically for its antigenicity, antibody activity and relative concentration in a soft tick, Ornithodoros moubata (Murray) sensu Walton 1962 (Acari: Argasidae). Ouchterlony immunodiffusion tests showed that haemolymph from a tick engorged on rabbit IgG (or human IgG) through an artificial membrane, reacted with anti-rabbit IgG (anti-human IgG) but not with anti-human IgG (anti-rabbit IgG). This indicates that haemolymph of the fed tick contains IgG with a similar antigen specificity to host blood IgG. IgG from tick haemolymph was demonstrated by enzyme immunoassay to have the same antibody activity as ingested IgG. The IgG concentration in tick haemolymph was measured by a quantitative single immunodiffusion test. Changes of IgG titre after a bloodmeal were correlated with IgG activity, which was low for 5 days after a bloodmeal and then suddenly increased. The IgG titre reached a maximum 7 days post-engorgement, and remained high for over 4 months during and after oviposition. 125I-labelled IgG was injected into the tick haemocoel to determine the persistence of IgG in the haemolymph. Recovery of labelled IgG was low at 1 and 3 days, and high at 5, 8 and 16 days after engorgement. The data suggest that IgG in haemolymph disappears quickly soon after engorgement possibly by degradation and/or absorption (adhesion to tissues).  相似文献   
Abstract Two experiments compared broods that were naturally tick-infested with an equal number that were rendered tick-free by application of an acaricide to their nests and of barriers against further infestation. In the first experiment conducted in 1991–92 nestlings in tick-infested broods had up to 159 larval ticks at once and a mean infestation of 23.6 larval ticks per chick per day. The chick's mean tick load was inversely correlated with its longevity. Chicks that survived to at least 18 days post-hatching had significantly lower larval tick loads than those that died by 18 days, excluding the third-hatched chick in each brood whose survival rate was low irrespective of tick-infestation. At 7 days post-hatching, tick-infested chicks had a lower haematocrit and higher polychromasia than tick-free chicks. I infer that blood loss anaemia caused the deaths of tick-infested chicks in their first week. None died in their second week and the demise of those in their third week may have been due to the paralysis manifested prior to their death. I conclude that heavy tick infestation of their chicks reduced the breeding success of the parent egrets below that of the egrets whose chicks were kept free of ticks. In the second experiment in the 1992–93 season the mean level of tick infestation was much lower (5.1 per chick) and these chicks survived equally with tick-free chicks through fledging.  相似文献   
Quanttative data on host tick burdens ar fundamental for the initiation of control strategies and effective management of wildlife populations, but the methods of live sampling employed for domestic animals are unsuitable for sampling wild animals. Despite advances in the use of destructive methods (the scrub and digestion techniques) to obtain measures of the total tick burden on wildlife, these methods are too involved for many field workers, who often need only measures of relative tick burden. Recently, patch sampling methods have been introduced whereby only certain predilection sites are sampled, the presumption being that the number of ticks collected gives an indiccation of the relative degree of infestation. We examined the validity of patch sampling as a measure of relative tick burden by comparing adult ticks collected from the ears, head, neck, foreleg and perianal region of impala (aepyceros melampus) with total tick burdens of the same animals derived from the digestion technique. Adult ticks from patch sampling were positively and significantly correlated with total adults and total ticks (larvae, nymphs, and adults) on impala, with ticks patch sampled from the neck showing the highest correlation with the total tick burden. Comparison of relative tick loads from patch sampling with absolute tick loads from digestion for three classes of impala (females, bachelor males and territorial males) gave qualitatively similar results. We conclude that, when measures of relative tick load are sufficient and destructive sampling is not feasible, patch sampling can provide reliable information on relative tick burdens that are positively correlated with the total tick burden.  相似文献   
Salivary gland extracts of the sand tampan, Ornithodoros savignyi, prolonged the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and prothrombin time (PT) significantly in a concentration-dependent manner. There was also a pronounced inhibition of human activated factor Xa (fXa) by salivary gland extracts. The salivary gland extracts inhibited chromogenic assays specific for both fXa and thrombin. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the salivary gland proteins followed by elution of specific areas or bands from a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF)-membrane, showed that various anticoagulant factors are present when screened by means of the APTT assay. The most active component was associated with a band of M r of 14 kDa. Partial purification of this component was achieved using isoelectric focusing (IEF) and size-exclusion highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC).  相似文献   
This study was conducted to compare the relative resistance of crossbred Bos indicus X B. taurus Bonsmara and B. taurus Friesian cattle to Ixodes rubicundus (Karoo paralysis tick) infestations. During periods of peak abundance of the ticks, Friesian oxen harboured almost twice or more than twice as many ticks as either Bonsmara oxen or cows. During periods of low tick abundance tick burdens on both cattle breeds were closely similar. It is envisaged that cattle can play an important role in an integrated control strategy against the Karro paralysis tick.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Nosema parkeri sp. n. is described from nymphs and adults of the argasid tick, Ornithodoros parkeri Cooley, from a laboratory colony. Schizogonic and sporogonic stages are described from various tick tissues. Spores are binucleate, measuring 3.2 (3–4) × 1.9 (1.8–2.5) μm. Transmission is transovarial and transstadial. The parasite does not appear to affect adversely the development or reproduction of the tick. Dermacentor andersoni Stiles was experimentally infected. Attempts to infect Swiss mice by tick feeding or by injection of infected tick suspensions were unsuccessful. The microsporidan differs in structure from Encephalitozoon ixodis Weiser) and Nosema slovaca Weiser & Reháček, the only other microsporidans known from ticks.  相似文献   
黑龙江省东宁县山区蜱类的生态调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国东北地区有的蜱种已证实是传播森林脑炎、北亚蜱传斑疹伤寒的媒介。近年来,国内文献又报导了从东北牡丹江林区发现了莱姆病(Lyme Disease)病人,病人都有被婢咬史,并从全沟硬蜱(Ixodes persulcatus)的中  相似文献   
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