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Benthic grab samples, taken through core holes in sea-ice 1983, returned eight species of marine macrophytes which had associated fauna on at least one sample. A total of 24 animal taxa were found on these eight macrophytes. Phyllophora antarctica had a significantly greater biomass of attached fauna per unit of macrophyte biomass than any of the other seven species. It also had the greatest variety of epiphytic fauna (21 taxa). Phyllophora antarctica was the only macrophyte collected from comparatively protected Ellis Fjord, apart from filamentous algae, including Cladophora subsimplex and Geminocarpus austrogeorgiae, which were found in the most landward basin. It therefore played an important role in the ecology of the fjord. Palmaria decipiens was commonly collected at more exposed coastal sites and was dominant in Long Fjord, characterized here as intermediate in terms of water movement. Sixteen animal taxa were collected from this macrophyte with the greatest numbers being found in July and August. Only four animal taxa were collected from Iridaea cordata. The other five macrophyte species from which epiphytic animals were collected (Porphyra endiviifolium, Plocamium cartilagineum, Desmarestia menziesii, Himantothallus grandifolius and Cladophora subsimplex had animals associated with them on less than half the occasions when they were found.  相似文献   
Screening test on anti-oxidation activity using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) was performed for 99 ethanol extracts of 85 species of natural thalli of lichens in order to find novel anti-oxidation compounds.The 17 extracts of natural thalli showed high anti-oxidation activity.Among them,the activities of extracts from Hypogymnia vittata,Peltigera aphthosa,Nephromopsis ornata,Pseudevernia furfuracea,Cladonia vulcani and Peltigera elizabethae were higher.Extracts of Peltigera spp.showed higher activity than those of other genera.The ethanol extract of P.aphthosa had been separated into ethyl acetate-soluble and water-soluble fractions.Two anti-oxidative spots were found only in the water-soluble fractions by thin-layer chromatography.The compound in the lower spot had the same Rf value,UV spectrum,and color as authentic solorinine that was previously found as a unique quaternary ammonium compound from Peltigera spp.We now report that the hydrophilic lichen substance,solorinine showed a nearly same anti-oxidation activity(EC50=120?mol/Lol/L) as standard antioxidant Trolox(EC50=150?mol/L).  相似文献   
Force-feeding experiments were performed to measure the assimilation of carbon by the herbivorous stichaeid fish Cebidichthys violaceus (Girard) from macroalgae either regularly consumed or avoided by the fish. Dietary species were the green alga Ulva lobata (Kütz.) S. & G. and the red algae Porphyraperforata J. Ag. and Iridaea flaccida (S. & G.) Silva while the nondietary species were the brown algae Macrocystis integrifolia Bory and Fucus distichus (de la Pyl.) Pow. 14C was found in five body compartments (stomach, intestine, liver, carcass and skin) of fish fed labeled portions of Ulva lobata, Porphyra perforata and Macrocystis integrifolia. Approximately equal amounts of 14C were assimilated from diatom-free thalli of Ulva lobata that were either untreated or treated with antibiotics to remove bacterial populations. Labeled carbon was also assimilated from bacteria- and diatom-free thalli of Iridaea flaccida, Macrocystis integrifolia and Fucus distichus. Assimilation efficiencies of unlabeled carbon (determined from CHN analyses of food and feces) varied widely among the dietary and nondietary algae. The markedly lower levels of carbon assimilation from the brown algae may be due to reduced digestibility of their carbohydrates and, for F. distichus, the presence of secondary compounds. The results of this study clearly show that a temperate marine fish can assimilate carbon from taxonomically diverse algae largely free of epibionts.  相似文献   
Agars from Chilean Gelidiaceae   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Cystocarpic, tetrasporic and vegetative thalli of Gelidium chilense were extracted with water at 95 °C. The contents of 3,6-anhydro-galactose and sulfate group of the hydrocolloids correspond to those of an agar-type polysaccharide. The percentages of 6-O-methyl-galactose and of pyruvic acid ranged between 5.7–6.2% and 0.42–0.54%, respectively. The gel melting and gelation temperatures of Gelidium chilense, G. rex and G. lingulatum agars were determined. A correlation between 6-O-methylgalactose content and gelation temperatures was not observed. It was found by anion-exchange chromatography that 19.8% of tetrasporic and 4.9% of vegetative G. chilense agars are unsulfated polymers. Structural studies on the neutral fraction from tetrasporic G. chilense agar by partial hydrolysis and 1H NMR spectroscopy have shown that it is mainly composed of agarose. Methylation analysis, oxidative hydrolysis and partial hydrolysis, followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy, have shown that the neutral fraction of the agar from tetrasporic Gelidium rex is agarose. The results obtained in this work are compared with previously reported data on studies of agars from Chilean Gelidium species.  相似文献   
We studied the endolichenic fungal communities from saxicolous lichens occupying the cobbles at Nahal Boker, the central Negev Desert, Israel. Overall, 101 species belonging to 64 genera were isolated from 12 lichen species collected in three seasons from the south-facing slope (SFS) and north-facing slope (NFS) of the wadi. The endolichenic communities possessed a set of traits, which helped them to cope with harsh internal and external conditions. It included a prevalence of melanin-containing fungi with thick-walled and multicellular spores and a comparatively high contribution of thermotolerant species and species with meiospore-producing life cycle stage at the more microclimatically severe SFS. Species richness and isolate density of endolichenic communities was the highest in fruticose lichens with thick and wrinkled thalli, and the lowest in endolithic species possessing thin and smooth thalli. The communities from lichens formed a more diverse group than those from surrounding cobbles probably due to the influence of various species of lichens belonging to different growth forms.  相似文献   
Protoplasts were prepared from Ulva fasciata Delile, and their photosynthetic performance was measured and compared with that of thalli discs. These protoplasts maintained maximal rates of photosynthesis as high as those of thalli (up to 300 μmol O2·mg chlorophyll?1·h?1) for several hours after preparation and were therefore considered suitable for kinetic studies of inorganic carbon utilization. The photosynthetic K1/2(inorganic carbon) at pH 6.1 was 3.8 μM and increased to 67, 158, and 1410 μM at the pH values 7.0, 7.9, and 8.9, respectively. Compared with these protoplasts, thalli had a much lower affinity for CO2 but approximately the same affinity for HCO3?. Comparisons between rates of photosynthesis and the spontaneous dehydration of HCO3? (at 50 μM inorganic carbon) revealed that photosynthesis of both protoplasts (which lacked apparent activity of extracellular/surface-bound carbonic anhydrase) and thalli (which were only 25% inhibited by the external carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acetazolamide) could not be supported by CO2 formation in the medium at the higher pH values, indicating HCO3? uptake. Since both protoplasts and thalli were sensitive to 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonate, we suggest that HCO3? transport was facilitated by the membrane-located anion exchange protein recently reported to function in certain Ulva thalli. These findings suggest that the presence of a cell wall may constitute a diffusion barrier for CO2, but not for HCO3?, utilization under natural seawater conditions.  相似文献   
The diatom Eucampia zodiacus Ehrenberg is one of the harmful diatoms which indirectly cause, through nutrient depletion, discoloration of Porphyra thalli. The effect of temperature on light-limited growth of E. zodiacus was examined at 13 irradiance levels (5–350 μmol m−2 s−1) in combination with five temperatures (8.0–25.0 °C). The results showed that all the parameters of growth-irradiance curves, such as the maximum growth rate (μm), half saturation constant (Ks), threshold value of irradiance (I0) and saturation irradiance for growth (S), increased with increasing temperature. On the basis of the relationship between temperature and growth-irradiance curves and seasonal fluctuation of the light environment in Harima-Nada, the effect of irradiance on the population dynamics of E. zodiacus during the period from October to March was evaluated using two indices, depth of the threshold irradiance for growth (Dt) and depth where a half of its maximum growth rate is attained (Dk). Dt and Dk remained almost stable from October to December, but gradually increased in early March. This indicates that the range of depth at which E. zodiacus was able to grow increased markedly in early spring when E. zodiacus blooms in Harima-Nada. As the vegetative cells of E. zodiacus tend to distribute in relatively deeper water layers, where growth is limited by irradiance, the increase in the depth range over which E. zodiacus is able to grow is concluded to be an important factor allowing development of its blooms.  相似文献   
The lichenLecidea verruca, growing parasitically on other crustaceous lichens, is, contrary to most other lichenized ascomycetes, dioecious. The male thalli bearing spermogonia are mostly smaller than the female ones.
The liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha L., belongs to a group of basal land plants and is an emerging model for plant biology. We established a procedure to prepare sporangia of M. polymorpha under laboratory conditions by promoting its transition to reproductive development by far-red light irradiation. Here we report an improved direct transformation system of M. polymorpha using immature thalli developing from spores. Hygromycin-resistant transformants were obtained on selective media by transformation with a plasmid carrying the hygromycin-phosphotransferase gene (hpt) conferring hygromycin resistance in 4 weeks. The aminoglycoside-3'-adenyltransferase gene (aadA) conferring spectinomycin resistance was also successfully used as an additional selectable marker for nuclear transformation of M. polymorpha. The availability of the aadA gene in addition to the hpt gene should make M. polymorpha a versatile host for genetic manipulation. DNA gel-blot analyses indicated that transformed thalli carried a variable number of copies of the transgene integrated into the genome. Although the previous system using thalli grown from gemmae required a two-step selection in liquid and solid media for 8 weeks, the system reported here using thalli developing from spores allows generation of transformants in half the time by direct selection on solid media, facilitating genetic analyses in this model plant.  相似文献   
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