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周德庆 《微生物学通报》2022,49(3):1195-1199
《微生物学教程》获"首届全国教材奖"(二等奖)的消息后,为响应学院领导提出的总结、交流等要求,特撰写了本文.作者以"愿终生能炼成一个称职的微生物学教师"为指导思想,历经半个多世纪的努力,在教书育人的同时,编写了较多的文章和书籍,其中的代表作当属《微生物学教程》.该书至今已出了 4版,被300余所高等院校选作教材,总印数...  相似文献   

This article is the introduction to the special issue about Evaluation, Educational Policy Reforms, and Their Implications for Arts Education. A summary of all the articles comprised in the special issue is reported, mainly featured, on the one hand, by a discussion about how the education policy reforms shape a particular approach to evaluation that ends up conforming education and arts education and, on the other hand, it shows some magnet examples of arts curriculum evaluation combining both standardized assessment with qualitative strategies pertinent to the nature of arts content and experiences. The article also discusses how it could be possible to move from the current scope of school arts education most of the authors depict to the development of another way of evaluation and curriculum development where the experiential process is taken into account. While these signals might be still scarce, for some other authors could be the opportunity to overcome at least partially the current demise of school arts curriculum.  相似文献   
新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情暴发以来,全国各级各类学校延期开学,但停课不停教、停课不停学。各学校教师利用各种网络资源开展在线教学,也为深入挖掘"互联网+教育"教学新模式带来了契机。本文以《免疫学基础与病原生物学》移动交互式数字教材(云教材)应用为例,介绍如何应用移动交互式数字教材创设合理的学习情境,从而实现交互式学习,提升线上学习教学效果。  相似文献   
生物化学实验教学的现状分析与改革思路   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
现行的生物化学实验教学在“学习知识、验证理论”等方面是可取的,但这种以验证生化过程为主的实验,教学目的过于单一、教学方式高度“程式化”,已不能适应高校培养创新型人才的需要。应从培养学生的创新能力和探索精神出发,深化对生物化学实验教学的改革:一、重新认识实验教学的重要性;二、增加综合性、探索型实验,重点培养学生的创新能力;三、灵活运用多样化的教学形式和教学方法;四、建立科学的实验考核体系。  相似文献   
In historical literature, Edouard van Beneden (1846–1910) is mostly remembered for his cytological discoveries. Less well known, however, is that he also introduced evolutionary morphology – and indeed evolutionary theory as such – in the Belgian academic world. The introduction of this research programme cannot be understood without taking both the international and the national context into account. It was clearly the German example of the Jena University that inspired van Beneden in his research interests. The actual launch of evolutionary morphology at his University of Liège was, however, also connected with the dynamic of Belgian university reforms and the local rationale of creating a research “school.” Thanks to his networks, his mastering of the rhetoric of the “new” biology, his low ideological profile and his capitalising on the new academic élan in late-19th century Belgium, van Beneden managed to turn his programme into a local success from the 1870s onwards. Two decades later, however, the conceptual underpinnings of evolutionary morphology came under attack and the “Van Beneden School” lost much of its vitality. Despite this, van Beneden’s evolutionary morphology was prototypical for the research that was to come. He was one of the first scientific heavyweights in Belgium to turn the university laboratory into a centre of scientific practice and the hub of a research school.  相似文献   
广州白云山风景名胜区的植被特点及其林分改造   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
论述了广州白云山风景名胜区的自然环境和植被演变历史,分析了植被特点和植被演替趋势,提出了林分改造建议。  相似文献   
以培养适用性强、综合素质高的人才为目标,基于多元智能理论,结合“微生物学”的学科特点,将课程的理论教学及实验教学进行整合、优化,探索构建了“多模块、多层次”的教学体系,实施“目标责任制”、“专题模块制”、“分级阶梯制”等一系列特色教学策略。教学改革实践初步获得良好的效果,切实提高了教学质量,有效促进了学生个人能力的发展及提高,该教学改革具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
This article explores the hidden transfers between law and religion by focussing on the conditions of existence of ‘liberated’ peasant subjects in contemporary China. The post-Maoist era sought to create new citizens from the collectivised Maoist masses who are subject to market reforms and a new politics of ‘governing through law’ (fazhi). At the same time, new religiousities have blossomed in the Chinese countryside. Representing ‘feudal superstition’, their collective practices remain illegal until today. I argue that, beyond the issue of belief, contemporary ‘feudal superstition’ does not represent a form of anti-secular resistance, but rather confirms the central tenets of Chinese secularism from the perspective of ‘failed’ peasant subjects. Where the realities of market liberalisation and governing through law are experienced as corruption, feudal superstition recreates the conditions to realise liberated peasant subjects: a participatory local public sphere, political visibility, investments in the public good, and a new collective property.  相似文献   
正《生物化学与生物物理进展》(以下简称《进展》)由中国科学院生物物理研究所创办于1974年(后与中国生物物理学会合办),迄今已届40周年.《进展》在"文革"尚未结束的特殊艰难时期诞生,随后与我国的社会变革和科学技术进步同行,在不断改革中发展,已经成为一份具备现代科技期刊的基本要素,被我国生物学界广为认知,并具有一定国际影响力的知名学术期刊.《进展》作为发表与记录科研成果的载体和传播科技知识的媒介,从创刊至今,刊物容量增加了近10倍,发表了来自全国近500多个单位的6381篇论  相似文献   
Recent globalization has been characterized by a decline in the costs of cross-border trade in farm and other products. It has been driven primarily by the information and communication technology revolution and—in the case of farm products—by reductions in governmental distortions to agricultural production, consumption and trade. Both have boosted economic growth and reduced poverty globally, especially in Asia. The first but maybe not the second of these drivers will continue in coming decades. World food prices will depend also on whether (and if so by how much) farm productivity growth continues to outpace demand growth and to what extent diets in emerging economies move towards livestock and horticultural products at the expense of staples. Demand in turn will be driven not only by population and income growth, but also by crude oil prices if they remain at current historically high levels, since that will affect biofuel demand. Climate change mitigation policies and adaptation, water market developments and market access standards particularly for transgenic foods will add to future production, price and trade uncertainties.  相似文献   
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