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Maternal smoking during pregnancy continues to represent a major public health concern. Nicotine is extremely harmful to the developing fetus through many different mechanisms, and the harms increase with later gestational age at exposure. Pregnancies complicated by maternal nicotine use are more likely to have significant adverse outcomes. Nicotine‐exposed children tend to have several health problems throughout their lives, including impaired function of the endocrine, reproductive, respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurologic systems. Poor academic performance and significant behavioral disruptions are also common, including ADHD, aggressive behaviors, and future substance abuse. To diminish the adverse effects from cigarette smoking, some women are turning to electronic cigarettes, a new trend that is increasing in popularity worldwide. They are largely perceived as being safer to use in pregnancy than traditional cigarettes, although there is not adequate evidence to support this claim. At this time, electronic cigarette use during pregnancy cannot be recommended. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 108:181–192, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
This review focuses on mitochondrial biology in mammalian development; specifically, the dynamics of information transfer from nucleus to mitochondrion in the regulation of mitochondrial DNA genomic expression, and the reverse signaling of mitochondrion to nucleus as an adaptive response to the environment. Data from recent studies suggest that the capacity of embryonic cells to react to oxygenation involves a tradeoff between factors that influence prenatal growth/development and postnatal growth/function. For example, mitochondrial DNA replication and metabolic set points in nematodes may be determined by mitochondrial activity early in life. The mitochondrial drug PK11195, a ligand of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor, has antiteratogenic and antidisease action in several developmental contexts in mice. Protein malnutrition during early life in rats can program mitochondrial DNA levels in adult tissues and, in humans, epidemiological data suggest an association between impaired fetal growth and insulin resistance. Taken together, these findings raise the provocative hypothesis that environmental programming of mitochondrial status during early life may be linked with diseases that manifest during adulthood. Genetic defects that affect mitochondrial function may involve the mitochondrial DNA genome directly (maternal inheritance) or indirectly (Mendelian inheritance) through nuclear-coded mitochondrial proteins. In a growing number of cases, the depletion of, or deletion in, mitochondrial DNA is seen to be secondary to mutation of key nuclear-coded mitochondrial proteins that affect mitochondrial DNA replication, expression, or stability. These defects of intergenomic regulation may disrupt the normal cross-talk or structural compartmentation of signals that ultimately regulate mitochondrial DNA integrity and copy number, leading to depletion of mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The teratogenic effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Alstonia scholaris (ASE) was studied in the pregnant Swiss albino mice administered with 0, 60, 120, 240, 360, and 480 mg/kg ASE on Day 11 of gestation. METHODS: Females were allowed to complete the term and parturiate. The litters were monitored regularly for mortality, growth retardation, congenital malformations, and appearance of physiological markers up to 7 weeks post‐parturition (p.p.). RESULTS: The administration of 60, 120, 180, and 240 mg/kg ASE to the pregnant mice on Day 11 did not induce mortality, congenital malformations, or alter the normal growth patterns. A further increase in the herbal extract dose up to 360 or 480 mg/kg resulted in a dose dependent increase in the mortality, growth retardation, and congenital malformations, characterized mainly by bent tails and syndactyly. The administration of higher doses (360 or 480 mg) of ASE also caused a significant delay in the morphological parameters such as fur development, eye opening, pinna detachment, and vaginal opening. The incisor eruption and testes decent were found to be delayed in litters born to the mothers treated with 240–480 mg/kg ASE. CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates clearly that ASE treatment caused teratogenic effect only at doses above 240 mg/kg (>20% of LD50). Lower doses had no developmental toxicity. Birth Defects Res B 68:472–478, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is the combination of developmental, morphological, and neurological defects that result from exposing human embryos to ethanol (EtOH). Numerous embryonic structures are affected, leading to a complex viable phenotype affecting among others, the anterior/posterior axis, head, and eye formation. Recent studies have provided evidence suggesting that EtOH teratogenesis is mediated in part through a reduction in retinoic acid (RA) levels, targeting mainly the embryonic organizer (Spemann's organizer) and its subsequent functions. EtOH-treated Xenopus embryos were subjected to an analysis of gene expression patterns. Analysis of organizer-specific genes revealed a transient delay in the invagination of gsc- and chordin-positive cells that eventually reach their normal rostro-caudal position. Dorsal midline genes show defects along the rostro-caudal axis, lacking either their rostral (Xbra and Xnot2) or caudal (FoxA4b and Shh) expression domains. Head-specific markers like Otx2, en2, and Shh show abnormal expression patterns. Otx2 exhibits a reduction in expression levels, while en2 becomes restricted along the dorsal/ventral axis. During neurula stages, Shh becomes up-regulated in the rostral region and it is expressed in an abnormal pattern. These results and histological analysis suggest the existence of malformations in the brain region including a lack of the normal fore brain ventricle. An increase in the size of both the prechordal plate and the notochord was observed, while the spinal cord is narrower. The reduction in head and eye size was accompanied by changes in the eye markers, Pax6 and Tbx3. Our results provide evidence for the early molecular changes induced by EtOH exposure during embryogenesis, and may explain some of the structural changes that are part of the EtOH teratogenic phenotype also in FASD individuals.  相似文献   
Selenium (Se) is an essential nutrient, but in higher concentrations can reduce recruitment in fish populations by increasing rates of deformities during early development. Recent work has identified elevated levels of Se in water and biota collected downstream from coal mining activity in Alberta's northeast slopes region. We also recently identified increased incidence of terata and edema in rainbow trout and brook trout with elevated tissue Se from this area. However, there is currently no information regarding the potential for Se to contribute to declining stocks of bull trout, a species of concern in the area. The present study provides an assessment of the potential for Se to contribute to low recruitment in bull trout downstream from coal mining activity. Non-destructive muscle biopsy sampling and a sensitive atomic fluorescence analysis technique are used to determine Se. Results indicate that most bull trout (>90%) captured immediately downstream from coal mining activity in the region have concentrations of Se that would be expected to impair recruitment. Additional work is required to determine the extent of Se's contribution to low recruitment in bull trout.  相似文献   
Summary Methods are described for screening for teratogenic compounds using differentiating neural crest and prechondrogenic limb bud mesenchyme cells in culture. Substances to be tested are either added directly to the culture medium or are combined in a dialysis bag with the postmitochondrial fraction from rat liver and certain cofactors. In the latter case, the compound and its metabolites are gradually released into the medium from the dialysis bag. The results obtained with 14 compounds demonstrate a positive relationship between teratogenicity in vivo and alterations in the growth or the differentiation of the cultured cells.  相似文献   
《Developmental neurobiology》2017,77(12):1385-1400
Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling plays a major role in vertebrate development, from regulation of proliferation to the patterning of various organs. In amniotes, Shh affects dorsoventral patterning in the inner ear but affects anteroposterior patterning in teleost ears. It remains unknown how altered function of Shh relates to morphogenetic changes that coincide with the evolution of limbs and novel auditory organs in the ear. In this study, we used the tetrapod, Xenopus laevis , to test how increasing concentrations of the Shh signal pathway antagonist, Vismodegib, affects ear development. Vismodegib treatment dose dependently alters the development of the ear, hypaxial muscle, and indirectly the Mauthner cell through its interaction with the inner ear afferents. Together, these phenotypes have an effect on escape response. The altered Mauthner cell likely contributes to the increased time to respond to a stimulus. In addition, the increased hypaxial muscle in the trunk likely contributes to the subtle change in animal C‐start flexion angle. In the ear, Vismodegib treatment results in decreasing segregation between the gravistatic sensory epithelia as the concentration of Vismodegib increases. Furthermore, at higher doses, there is a loss of the horizontal canal but no enantiomorphic transformation, as in bony fish lacking Shh. Like in amniotes, Shh signaling in frogs affects dorsoventral patterning in the ear, suggesting that auditory sensory evolution in sarcopterygians/tetrapods evolved with a shift of Shh function in axis specification. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 1385–1400, 2017  相似文献   
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