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Interaction of tau protein with the dynactin complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tau is an axonal microtubule-associated protein involved in microtubule assembly and stabilization. Mutations in Tau cause frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), and tau aggregates are present in Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies. The mechanisms leading from tau dysfunction to neurodegeneration are still debated. The dynein-activator complex dynactin has an essential role in axonal transport and mutations in its gene are associated with lower motor neuron disease. We show here for the first time that the N-terminal projection domain of tau binds to the C-terminus of the p150 subunit of the dynactin complex. Tau and dynactin show extensive colocalization, and the attachment of the dynactin complex to microtubules is enhanced by tau. Mutations of a conserved arginine residue in the N-terminus of tau, found in patients with FTDP-17, affect its binding to dynactin, which is abnormally distributed in the retinal ganglion cell axons of transgenic mice expressing human tau with a mutation in the microtubule-binding domain. These findings, which suggest a direct involvement of tau in axonal transport, have implications for understanding the pathogenesis of tauopathies.  相似文献   
Liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) is a complex physicochemical phenomenon mediated by multivalent transient weak interactions among macromolecules like polymers, proteins, and nucleic acids. It has implications in cellular physiology and disease conditions like cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. Many proteins associated with neurodegenerative disorders like RNA binding protein FUS (FUsed in Sarcoma), alpha-synuclein (α-Syn), TAR DNA binding protein 43 (TDP-43), and tau are shown to undergo LLPS. Recently, the tau protein responsible for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other tauopathies is shown to phase separate into condensates in vitro and in vivo. The diverse noncovalent interactions among the biomolecules dictate the complex LLPS phenomenon. There are limited chemical tools to modulate protein LLPS which has therapeutic potential for neurodegenerative disorders. We have rationally designed cyclic dipeptide (CDP)-based small-molecule modulators (SMMs) by integrating multiple chemical groups that offer diverse chemical interactions to modulate tau LLPS. Among them, compound 1c effectively inhibits and dissolves Zn-mediated tau LLPS condensates. The SMM also inhibits tau condensate-to-fibril transition (tau aggregation through LLPS). This approach of designing SMMs of LLPS establishes a novel platform that has potential implication for the development of therapeutics for neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   
The rigid core of intracellular tau filaments from Alzheimer''s disease (AD), Pick''s disease (PiD), and Corticobasal disease (CBD) brains has been shown to differ in their cryo-EM atomic structure. Despite providing critical information on the intimate arrangement of a fraction of htau molecule within the fibrillar scaffold, the cryo-EM studies neither yield a complete picture of tau fibrillar assemblies structure nor contribute insights into the surfaces that define their interactions with numerous cellular components. Here, using proteomic approaches such as proteolysis and molecular covalent painting, we mapped the exposed amino acid stretches at the surface and those constituting the fibrillar core of in vitro-assembled fibrils of human htau containing one N-terminal domain and three (1N3R) or four (1N4R) C-terminal microtubule-binding repeat domains as a result of alternative splicing. Using limited proteolysis, we identified the proteolytic fragments composing the molecular “bar-code” for each type of fibril. Our results are in agreement with structural data reported for filamentous tau from AD, PiD, and CBD cases predigested with the protease pronase. Finally, we report two amino acid stretches, exposed to the solvent in 1N4R not in 1N3R htau, which distinguish the surfaces of these two kinds of fibrils. Our findings open new perspectives for the design of highly specific ligands with diagnostic and therapeutic potential.  相似文献   
Neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) accumulated in Alzheimer's diseases and related disorders contain hyperphosphorylated tau and display immunoreactivity for active forms of various kinases. To understand the role of p38MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) in NFT formation, we have studied a transgenic (Tg) mouse model of tauopathy, JNPL3, that expresses P301L mutant tau, and bigenic mice, TAPP, generated by cross-breeding of JNPL3 with Tg2576 mice. Age-matched non-Tg mice (NTg), wild-type human tau Tg mice (JN25), and Tg2576 mice were used as controls. Phosphorylated p38MAPK (active form) immunoreactivity was consistently located in NFT and granulovaculolar degeneration in JNPL3 and TAPP mice older than 5 months of age. Unphosphorylated/total-p38MAPK was not detectable in spinal cord and brain sections from 2- to 11-month-old mice, even though JNPL3 mice, but not controls had an age-dependent increase of total-p38MAPK by western blotting. Spinal cord/brain extracts from mice and human with tauopathy were demonstrated to have insignificant amount of active-p38MAPK. However, they contained antiactive-p38MAPK cross-reactive proteins insoluble in sarkosyl and similar to phosphorylated tau in size. Consistently, antiactive-p38MAPK immunoprecipitates displayed tau immunoreactivity, but not total-p38MAPK, and antitau immunoprecipitates displayed active-p38MAPK immunoreactivity. Together, the results indicate that the cross-reactivity of antiactive-p38MAPK antibody with phosphorylated tau is responsible for the immunolabeling of tau-positive inclusion.  相似文献   
Human brain encompasses six tau isoforms, containing either three (3R) or four (4R) repeat domains, all of which participate in the pathogenesis of human tauopathies. To investigate the role of tau protein in the disease, transgenic rat models have been created. However, unlike humans, it has been suggested that rat brain expresses only three 4R tau isoforms. Because of the significance of the number of tau isoforms for faithful reproducibility of neurofibrillary pathology in transgenic rat models, we reopened this issue. Surprisingly, our results showed that adult rat brain contains six tau isoforms like humans. Protein expression of 4R tau isoforms was ninefold higher than 3R isoforms. Furthermore, the protein levels of tau isoforms with none, one or two N-terminal inserts were 30%, 35%, and 35% of total tau, respectively. Moreover, amount and ratio of tau isoforms were developmentally regulated. The levels of 4R tau isoforms progressively increased from early postnatal period until adulthood, whereas the expression of 3R tau isoforms reached maximum at P10 and then gradually declined. Our results show that rat brain encompasses full tau proteome similar to humans. These findings support the use of rat as an animal model in human tauopathies research.  相似文献   
Various neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by the accumulation of amyloidogenic proteins such as tau, α‐synuclein, and amyloid‐β. Prior to the formation of these stable aggregates, intermediate species of the respective proteins—oligomers—appear. Recently acquired data have shown that oligomers may be the most toxic and pathologically significant to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The covalent modification of these oligomers may be critically important for biological processes in disease. Ubiquitin and small ubiquitin‐like modifiers are the commonly used tags for degradation. While the modification of large amyloid aggregates by ubiquitination is well established, very little is known about the role ubiquitin may play in oligomer processing and the importance of the more recently discovered sumoylation. Many proteins involved in neurodegeneration have been found to be sumoylated, notably tau protein in brains afflicted with Alzheimer's. This evidence suggests that while the cell may not have difficulty recognizing dangerous proteins, in brains afflicted with neurodegenerative disease, the proteasome may be unable to properly digest the tagged proteins. This would allow toxic aggregates to develop, leading to even more proteasome impairment in a snowball effect that could explain the exponential progression in most neurodegenerative diseases. A better understanding of the covalent modifications of oligomers could have a huge impact on the development of therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases. This review will focus on the proteolysis of tau and other amyloidogenic proteins induced by covalent modification, and recent findings suggesting a relationship between tau oligomers and sumoylation.  相似文献   
EFhd2 is a conserved calcium‐binding protein, abundant within the central nervous system. Previous studies identified EFhd2 associated with pathological forms of tau proteins in the tauopathy mouse model JNPL3, which expresses the human tauP301L mutant. This association was validated in human tauopathies, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the role that EFhd2 may play in tauopathies is still unknown. Here, we show that EFhd2 formed amyloid structures in vitro, a capability that is reduced by calcium ions. Electron microscopy (EM) analyses demonstrated that recombinant EFhd2 formed filamentous structures. EM analyses of sarkosyl‐insoluble fractions derived from human AD brains also indicated that EFhd2 co‐localizes with aggregated tau proteins and formed granular structures. Immunohistological analyses of brain slices demonstrated that EFhd2 co‐localizes with pathological tau proteins in AD brains, confirming the co‐aggregation of EFhd2 and pathological tau. Furthermore, EFhd2's coiled‐coil domain mediated its self‐oligomerization in vitro and its association with tau proteins in JNPL3 mouse brain extracts. The results demonstrate that EFhd2 is a novel amyloid protein associated with pathological tau proteins in AD brain and that calcium binding may regulate the formation of EFhd2's amyloid structures. Hence, EFhd2 may play an important role in the pathobiology of tau‐mediated neurodegeneration.  相似文献   
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