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Abstract The effect of increasing planting unit size and stabilizing sediment was examined for two seagrass planting methods at Carnac Island, Western Australia in 1993. The staple method (sprigs) was used to transplant Amphibolis griffithii (J. M. Black) den Hartog and the plug method was used to transplant A. griffithii and Posidonia sinuosa Cambridge and Kuo. Transplant size was varied by increasing the number of rhizomes incorporated into a staple and increasing the diameter of plugs. Planting units were transplanted into bare sand, back into the original donor seagrass bed, or into a meadow of Heterozostera tasmanica, which is an important colonizing species. Sprigs of A. griffithii were extracted from a monospecific meadow; tied into bundles of 1, 2, 5, and 10 rhizomes; and planted into unvegetated areas. Half the units were surrounded by plastic mesh and the remainder were unmeshed. All treatments were lost within 99 days after transplanting, and although larger bundles survived better than smaller ones, no significant differences could be attributed to the effects of mesh or sprig size. Plugs of P. sinuosa and A. griffithii were extracted from monospecific meadows using polyvinyl chloride pipe of three diameters, 5, 10, and 15 cm, and planted into unvegetated areas nearby. Half the units were surrounded by plastic mesh and the remainder were unmeshed. Posidonia sinuosa plugs were also placed within a meadow of H. tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog. Only 60% of A. griffithii plug sizes survived 350 days after transplanting back into the donor bed; however, survival of transplants at unvegetated areas varied considerably, and analysis of variance indicated a significant two‐way interaction between treatment and plug size. Transplants survived better when meshed (90% survived) and survival improved with increasing plug size. Posidonia sinuosa transplants survived poorly (no plugs survived beyond 220 days in bare or meshed treatments) regardless of size. Survival of 10‐ and 15‐cm plugs was markedly better than the 5‐cm plugs in vegetated areas, including the H. tasmanica meadow. The use of large seagrass plugs may be appropriate for transplantation in high‐energy wave environments.  相似文献   
A new potentially ichthyotoxic dinoflagellate genus, Takayama de Salas, Bolch, Botes et Hallegraeff gen. nov., is described with two new species isolated from Tasmanian (Australia) and South African coastal waters: T. tasmanica de Salas, Bolch et Hallegraeff, sp. nov. and T. helix, de Salas, Bolch, Botes et Hallegraeff, sp. nov. The genus and two species are characterized by LM and EM of field samples and laboratory cultures as well as large subunit rDNA sequences and HPLC pigment analyses of several cultured strains. The new Takayama species have sigmoid apical grooves and contain fucoxanthin and its derivatives as the main accessory pigments. Takayama tasmanica is similar to the previously described species Gymnodinium pulchellum Larsen, Gyrodinium acrotrochum Larsen, and G. cladochroma Larsen in its external morphology but differs from these in having two ventral pores, a large horseshoe‐shaped nucleus, and a central pyrenoid with radiating chloroplasts that pass through the nucleus. It contains gyroxanthin‐diester and a gyroxanthin‐like accessory pigment, both of which are missing in T. helix. Takayama helix has an apical groove that is nearly straight while still being clearly inflected. A ventral pore or slit is present. It has numerous peripheral, strap shaped, and spiraling chloroplasts with individual pyrenoids and a solid ellipsoidal nucleus. The genus Takayama has close affinities to the genera Karenia and Karlodinium.  相似文献   
Abstract 1 The provision of floral resources in agricultural ecosystems can potentially enhance biological control of pests by providing nutrients to parasitoids. To test this, the effect of buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum Moench flowers on leafroller parasitoids was investigated in a New Zealand vineyard. 2 Relative abundance of parasitoids was assessed with yellow sticky traps in buckwheat and control plots. Male Dolichogenidea tasmanica (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) were significantly more abundant in the presence of buckwheat. No significant result was found for female D. tasmanica or either sex of Glyptapanteles demeter (Wilkinson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), the other leafroller parasitoid caught. 3 The relative parasitism rate of leafrollers by D. tasmanica was assessed with a leafroller release and recover technique. No difference in parasitism was found between buckwheat and control plots. 4 The sex ratio (% males) of D. tasmanica emerging from recovered leafroller larvae was significantly lower in the presence of buckwheat than in control plots on one of the two release dates. Possible reasons for this increase in female production are discussed.  相似文献   
本文报导了分布在大兴安岭的10种黄梅属(Xanthoparmelia)地衣,很多文献曾报导过中国的菊叶黄梅(X.conspersa),但是魏江春(1983)根据形态及化学两方面研究的结果指出,文献中的菊叶黄梅实际上分别是暗腹黄梅(X.tinctina)和淡腹黄梅(X.mexicana)。本文作者在大兴安岭北部釆到了真正的菊叶黄梅。本文还包括5个中国新记录种,它们是贴生黄梅(X.hypopsila),线形黄梅(X.lineola),新墨西哥黄梅(X.novomexicana),黑黄梅(X.tasmanica)和离心黄梅(X.centrifuga)。  相似文献   
本文报导了分布在大兴安岭的10种黄梅属(Xanthoparmelia)地衣,很多文献曾报导过中国的菊叶黄梅(X.conspersa),但是魏江春(1983)根据形态及化学两方面研究的结果指出,文献中的菊叶黄梅实际上分别是暗腹黄梅(X.tinctina)和淡腹黄梅(X.mexicana)。本文作者在大兴安岭北部釆到了真正的菊叶黄梅。本文还包括5个中国新记录种,它们是贴生黄梅(X.hypopsila),线形黄梅(X.lineola),新墨西哥黄梅(X.novomexicana),黑黄梅(X.tasmanica)和离心黄梅(X.centrifuga)。  相似文献   
A new species in the genus Prasionema (Prasiolales, Trebouxiophyceae) is described from Campbell Island, in the New Zealand subantarctic region, the first record of this genus in the southern hemisphere. Prasionema heeschiae sp. nov. is filamentous, uni- to predominantly biseriate, with disc-shaped cells, and an axial plastid with a central pyrenoid. It is anchored by an enlarged pigmented basal cell. There is evidence of reproduction by both spores and fragmentation. This species was found growing on a timber wharf above the high tide level. The only other species in the genus, P. payeri Heesch, M.Pazoutová & Rindi, was described from Spitzbergen growing on soil in a high nutrient environment. The bipolar distribution of Prasionema is discussed. Based on phylogenetic analyses that included sequence data from holotype material of southern filamentous Prasiolales, we reduce Rosenvingiella australis to synonymy with R. tasmanica.  相似文献   
报道了锈革菌属Hymenochaete 3个中国新记录种。贝尔泰罗锈革菌H. berteroi和极薄锈革菌H. tenuis采自广东省,塔斯马尼亚锈革菌H. tasmanica采自安徽省。贝尔泰罗锈革菌的主要特点是菌丝近念珠状,具刚毛状菌丝,且孢子较小;极薄锈革菌属于裸刚毛组,子实体薄且孢子窄椭圆形或短圆柱形;塔斯马尼亚锈革菌菌肉分层且子实层中存在树状侧丝。文中对这3个种进行了详细的描述和显微结构绘图。  相似文献   
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