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The awareness of the importance of plant biodiversity has been considerably raised in both developed and developing countries over the last decade. Some of the debate has not been helpful in fostering collaboration or progress towards a more rational support network. The paper attempts to identify and categorize existing efforts in operation in a wide range of institutions and bodies ranging from essentially environmentally orientated to crop-based organizations. Current funding and training initiatives are discussed.  相似文献   
Twenty-four women completed a 20-week heavy-resistance weight training program for the lower extremity. Workouts were twice a week and consisted of warm-up exercises followed by three sets each of full squats, vertical leg presses, leg extensions, and leg curls. All exercises were performed to failure using 6-8 RM (repetition maximum). Weight training caused a significant increase in maximal isotonic strength (1 RM) for each exercise. After training, there was a decrease in body fat percentage (p less than 0.05), and an increase in lean body mass (p less than 0.05) with no overall change in thigh girth. Biopsies were obtained before and after training from the superficial portion of the vastus lateralis muscle. Sections were prepared for histological and histochemical examination. Six fiber types (I, IC, IIC, IIA, IIAB, and IIB) were distinguished following routine myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase histochemistry. Areas were determined for fiber types I, IIA, and IIAB + IIB. The heavy-resistance training resulted in significant hypertrophy of all three groups: I (15%), IIA (45%), and IIAB + IIB (57%). These data are similar to those in men and suggest considerable hypertrophy of all major fiber types is also possible in women if exercise intensity and duration are sufficient. In addition, the training resulted in a significant decrease in the percentage of IIB with a concomitant increase in IIA fibers, suggesting that strength training may lead to fiber conversions.  相似文献   
Effect of high-intensity endurance training on isokinetic muscle power   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of high-intensity endurance training on isokinetic muscle power. Six male students majoring in physical-education participated in high intensity endurance training on a cycle ergometer at 90% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) for 7 weeks. The duration of the daily exercise session was set so that the energy expenditure equalled 42 kJ.kg-1 of lean body mass. Peak knee extension power was measured at six different speeds (30 degrees, 60 degrees, 120 degrees, 180 degrees, 240 degrees, and 300 degrees.s-1) with an isokinetic dynamometer. After training, VO2max increased significantly from mean values of 51.2 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 6.5 to 56.3 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 5.3 (P less than 0.05). Isokinetic peak power at the lower test speeds (30 degrees, 60 degrees and 120 degrees.s-1) increased significantly (P less than 0.05). However, no significant differences in muscle peak power were found at the faster velocities of 180 degrees, 240 degrees, and 300 degrees.s-1. The percentage improvement was dependent on the initial muscle peak power of each subject and the training stimulus (intensity of cycle ergometer exercise).  相似文献   
Recently, we have shown that an untrained respiratory system does limit the endurance of submaximal exercise (64% peak oxygen consumption) in normal sedentary subjects. These subjects were able to increase breathing endurance by almost 300% and cycle endurance by 50% after isolated respiratory training. The aim of the present study was to find out if normal, endurance trained subjects would also benefit from respiratory training. Breathing and cycle endurance as well as maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and anaerobic threshold were measured in eight subjects. Subsequently, the subjects trained their respiratory muscles for 4 weeks by breathing 85-160 l.min-1 for 30 min daily. Otherwise they continued their habitual endurance training. After respiratory training, the performance tests made at the beginning of the study were repeated. Respiratory training increased breathing endurance from 6.1 (SD 1.8) min to about 40 min. Cycle endurance at the anaerobic threshold [77 (SD 6) %VO2max] was improved from 22.8 (SD 8.3) min to 31.5 (SD 12.6) min while VO2max and the anaerobic threshold remained essentially the same. Therefore, the endurance of respiratory muscles can be improved remarkably even in trained subjects. Respiratory muscle fatigue induced hyperventilation which limited cycle performance at the anaerobic threshold. After respiratory training, minute ventilation for a given exercise intensity was reduced and cycle performance at the anaerobic threshold was prolonged. These results would indicate the respiratory system to be an exercise limiting factor in normal, endurance trained subjects.  相似文献   
The effects of heavy resistance training and jumping exercise were examined during the 1989–1990 season in 12 international level alpine skiers. The athletes were tested before, during, immediately after training and during the period off training (June, July, October 1989, April 1990). Their mechanical behaviour was investigated using firstly squat jumps performed without (SJ) or with low extra loads (20 kg, SJ20kg) and high extra loads (equivalent to body mass on the shoulders, SJbm) and secondly 15–30 s continuous jumping. These tests allowed the assessment of explosive dynamic strength production (SJ and SJ20kg), slow dynamic strength (SJbm) and maximal mechanical power (continuous jumping). The training adopted resulted in specific changes in neuromuscular performance; in fact all the variables studied showed a significant improvement (P<0.01) from the beginning compared to the end of training. The range of improvement was between 55.4% (SJbm) and 12.5% (average power during 15-s continuous jumping). The enhancement of SJ had become significant by July. Surprisingly, even when no strength or jumping training was performed during the competition period (November-April), no deterioration in the neuromuscular performance was observed, there being no significant difference between the test values obtained in October 1989 and April 1990. It was concluded that the demanding competition programme of alpine skiers may provide a training stimulus adequate to maintain the neuromuscular improvement induced by training throughout the competition season.  相似文献   
The release of alanine and glutamine from perfused muscle of trained and control animals was investigated. Release rates did not differ between trained and control muscle at rest. During contractions in trained muscle, alanine release was higher than at rest, while glutamine release was transiently increased. Phenylalanine release did not differ between trained and control muscle, implying that protein degradation was not increased in trained muscle. The muscle cellular adaptations to training include a selective modification of amino acid output, which could potentially influence gluconeogenic flux and alter muscle ammonia levels during contractions.  相似文献   
Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) learns odors in association with both hosts and food. The food‐associated ‘seeking’ behavior of M. croceipes was investigated under various training protocols utilizing the conditioning odor, 3‐octanone. We investigated the effects of odor training, or its lack, training duration, training frequency, time elapsed after training, wasp hunger state, and training reinforcement, on the food‐seeking responses of M. croceipes females. We found that odor‐trained females show strong food seeking responses, whereas non‐odor‐trained females do not respond to the odor, and that a single 10 s association with the odor whilst feeding on sugar water subsequently conditioned the wasps to exhibiting significant responses to it. Increases in training time to more than 10 s did not improve their responses. Repetition of the food–odor associations increased a wasp's recall, as well as its response over time, compared to a single exposure. Repeated exposure to the learned odor in the absence of a food reward decreased the responses of less hungry individuals. However, the level of response increased significantly following a single reinforcement with the food–odor association. Understanding the factors that influence learning in parasitoids can enhance our ability to predict their foraging behavior, and opens up avenues for the development of effective biological detectors.  相似文献   
Data are presented from a prospective clinical replication series of ten consecutive high-medication headache patients who presented for nondrug treatment of their headaches. For the first eight, an attempt was made to withdraw the patients from medication, with the assistance of relaxation training, prior to entering a comprehensive self-regulatory treatment program. For the last two, drug withdrawal accompanied the treatment. Six of the ten patients showed clinically significant reductions in headache activity, which held up over follow-ups of up to 12 months. Psychological tests provide some discrimination between success and failures.This research was supported in part by a grant from NINDS, No. NS-23340. Appreciation is expressed to Dr. Kenneth A. Appelbaum and Ms. Denise Michultka for their roles in this study.  相似文献   
Chronic methamphetamine use increases apoptosis, leading to heart failure and sudden cardiac death. Previous studies have shown the importance of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in reducing indices of cardiac tissue apoptosis in different patients, but in the field of sports science, the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis in methamphetamine-dependent rats are still unclear. The present article aimed to investigate the changes in cardiac apoptosis markers in methamphetamine-dependent rats in response to HIIT. Left ventricular tissue was used to evaluate caspase-3, melusin, FAK, and IQGAP1 gene expression. Rats were divided into four groups: sham, methamphetamine (METH), METH-control, and METH-HIIT. METH was injected for 21 days and then the METH-HIIT group performed HIIT for 8 weeks at 5 sessions per week. The METH groups showed increased caspase-3 gene expression and decreased melusin, FAK, and IQGAP1 when compared to the sham group. METH-HIIT showed decreased caspase-3 and increased melusin and FAK gene expression compared with the METH and METH-control groups. The IQGAP1 gene was higher in METH-HIIT when compared with METH, while no difference was observed between METH-HIIT and METH-control. Twenty-one days of METH exposure increased apoptosis markers in rat cardiac tissue; however, HIIT might have a protective effect, as shown by the apoptosis markers.  相似文献   
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