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Alternative mating behaviour, personality traits and morphological characters are predicted to be correlated. Bolder, larger and more colourful males are expected to preferentially court females, while shy, small and drab‐coloured individuals are predicted to sneak copulations. We used males of Endler's guppy, Poecilia wingei, to test this association over a long temporal period (hence including ontogenetic changes) and under two social environments (male‐biased and female‐biased). We found that personality traits (exploration, boldness, activity) of P. wingei males were highly repeatable across long time spans, but they were not correlated (formed no behavioural syndrome). Male age and social environment had no effect on any personality trait, despite their effects on alternative mating behaviour. Young males with higher activity levels were more likely to attempt sneaking. In older fish, there was an association between orange coloration, courtship and boldness, but this was not observed in young males. Our results suggest that alternative mating behaviour is more flexible than personality traits and is independent of them. Non‐colour‐based morphological traits (gonopodium length, body length, caudal straps length, dorsal fin length) were not correlated with any particular mating behaviour.  相似文献   
We investigated male sexual behaviour and the cost of sexual harassment, as measured by the reduction of female feeding time in the presence of a male, in a cave-dwelling population of Poecilia mexicana, in which sexual harassment does not occur naturally. We asked whether the lack of sexual harassment in this population is due to low sexual activity of the males, or low feeding motivation of the females. We experimentally increased the sexual activity of males or the females feeding motivation, or we used a combination of both treatments. Female feeding time was not lower in the presence of a male than in the presence of a female after sexual deprivation of the males or food deprivation of the females. Only in the combined experiment was female feeding time lower in the presence of a large male than in the presence of a small male, indicating a weak effect of sexual harassment by large males. Virgin females did not suffer a cost of sexual harassment, indicating that sexual experience does not cause the lack of sexual harassment in cave mollies. Males from a surface population, where sexual harassment occurs, significantly reduced the feeding time of cave-dwelling females even though these males exhibited surprisingly little sexual behaviour. The sexual activity of cave mollies did not correlate with male body size in any experiment, indicating that even after sexual deprivation, small cave molly males do not switch to the alternative mating behaviour known in surface-dwelling P. mexicana, where sexual activity is correlated negatively with male body size.  相似文献   
This study is concerned with the development of kinetic-based bioaffinity chromatographic systems for purification of ATP-dependent kinases, with a particular focus on the allosteric yeast hexokinase enzyme (EC Synthesis and characterization of highly substituted N(6)-linked and S(6)-linked immobilized ATP derivatives are described using a rapid solid-phase modular approach. Evaluation of the new immobilized ATP derivatives has been carried out using model chromatographic studies with yeast hexokinase, employing specific substrate analogues (N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and suramin) to promote biospecific adsorption, in the presence and absence of citrate (a so-called allosteric activator of hexokinase activity). In this paper, successful bioaffinity chromatography systems were developed for yeast hexokinase and, as a result, interesting binding and catalytic properties of the enzyme were highlighted and explored. The overall results confirm the potential for extrapolation of the kinetic locking-on tactic, a general kinetic-based bioaffinity approach already developed for the NAD(P)(+)-dependent dehydrogenases, to ATP/ADP-dependent enzymes. However, in view of the enhancement of the intrinsic ATPase activity of hexokinase with glucosamine derivatives, and the coincidental hydrolysis of immobilized ATP to immobilized ADP, future developments necessary to support adaptation of the approach to ATP-dependent enzymes are discussed.  相似文献   
A meta-analysis of the duetting patterns of insect taxa that signal by bioluminescence, substrate vibration, or sound was used to test the prediction that call length by the initiating male influences the latency of reply of the female. There was a significant and positive relationship between these two measures. Although tests on the entire dataset did not consider phylogeny, when all members of one sub-family of bushcricket, the Phaneropterinae, were isolated there was a significant and positive relationship between call length and reply latency. Two explanations are suggested. First, the female must wait for the conclusion of a long and potentially variable message; there is uncertainty as to when the call has finished before she can reply. Second, is the requirement of the female to process information; a longer male call, with more information requires more processing than a brief call. The authors suggest that long reply latencies may be vulnerable to intrusion by competing mates. One defensive tactic of potential female partners is to insert a trigger pulse that indicates to the female when the long and complex call has concluded. This behaviour may be considered as acoustic mate guarding and one example is given of this behaviour.  相似文献   
Alternative reproductive tactics and status-dependent selection   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The status-dependent selection model on alternative reproductivetactics predicts a single switch-point in status: usually allplayers above some status (e.g., competitive ability) shouldpractice the tactic with the higher average payoff, while thosebelow that point should make the "best of a bad job" by practicingthe alternative, lower payoff tactic. Many empirical studiesindeed show a relationship between status and tactic choice,but they do not conform to this single switch-point prediction.I modify the status-dependent selection model by consideringstatus-dependent fitness that is mediated, at least in part,by resource acquisition (e.g., status-based competition forterritories or nuptial gifts). With variation in resource quality,predicted tactic-choice distributions change: a high-statusmale may be territorial on a high-quality territory, a lowerstatus male may practice an alternative tactic, and an evenlower status male may be territorial on a low-quality territory.Tactic choice thus alternates as in many empirical studies andcan appear to be but is not actually stochastic. As the numberof theoretically predicted switch-points increases, however,mixed or mixed-conditional strategies should become more prevalent.While alternative tactics will likely usually differ in meanpayoff, viewing alternative reproductive tactics as inherently"better" or "worse" (e.g., viewing cuckoldry as "worse"—thebest of a bad job) is misleading if not tempered with awarenessthat payoff can vary greatly within tactics and overlap betweentactics.  相似文献   
Prey capture success and foraging mode were studied in brown trout Salmo trutta at temperatures ranging from 5.7 to 14.0° C. At low temperatures, there was a positive correlation between prey capture success and the proportion of time that the fish spent holding feeding stations. This correlation was not found at temperatures >10° C.  相似文献   
Ecological Strategy of Bacteria: Specific Nature of the Problem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An attempt is made to sum up the results of the many years of using the conception of ecological strategy in bacterial ecology. Taking into account the specificities of microorganisms and their natural selection and the coevolution of microorganisms within evolving microbial communities, an inference is derived that the ecological strategy of most bacteria is the sum of a number of particular canonical strategies, some of which are common to higher organisms. It is proposed to call these particular strategies ecological tactics. The author considers this review to be a basis for a discussion.  相似文献   
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