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Polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB), Euwallacea whitfordiodendrus (Schedl) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae), is an ambrosia beetle that has recently invaded southern California, USA. This beetle successfully attacks and reproduces in a multitude of tree species. As direct control methods are limited, we investigated cultural management options, and sought to determine whether irrigation affects the number of attacks host trees experienced. If irrigation plays a role, cultural control methods could be recommended to managers and growers. Three separate experiments were conducted that monitored the number of attacks on trees with different levels of irrigation. Two experiments examined PSHB attacks in established landscape trees where irrigation was either present or absent. A third experiment used young potted box elder with irrigation controlled with timed emitters. In all three experiments, the level of irrigation received by the trees did not affect the number of attacks. The results suggest that changes in irrigation practices do not affect risk from PSHB attack.  相似文献   
悬铃木方翅网蝽: 一种正在迅速扩张的城市外来入侵害虫   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鞠瑞亭  李博 《生物多样性》2010,18(6):638-27
悬铃木方翅网蝽(Corythucha ciliata)是新近入侵我国城市生态系统的外来害虫, 严重危害城市行道树悬铃木(Platanus spp.), 自2002年该虫在湖南长沙首度报道以来, 已在我国11个省(直辖市)的25个城市发生, 尤其在长江流域呈现爆发态势。本文系统介绍了悬铃木方翅网蝽的生活史、生活习性、繁殖潜力等生物学特性, 以及扩散速度与方式、影响发生的主要环境因素、种群的耐寒耐热能力等生态学特性。最后, 在分析该虫的寄主及危害特点的基础上, 对其控制与管理对策进行了综述, 以为其管理提供参考。  相似文献   
Filtration stress, consisting in the rapid filtration of Acer pseudoplatanus L. cell suspension cultures, resulted in significant differences between the peroxidases (EC released during cell growth and those released after filtered cells were resuspended in fresh medium (recovery medium). These differences concerned mainly modifications of (i) the pH optimum of peroxidase activity (guaiacol as electron donor), (ii) the number and the pI values of the peroxidase isoenzymes as shown by isoelectric focusing, and (iii) the molecular weights of the different peroxidase fractions determined by gel filtration chromatography. The presence of 1 m M Li+ in the recovery medium inhibited the release of peroxidase and this effect was partially reversed by K+. The release of peroxidase by stressed cells was also strongly inhibited by Na2CO3 in the recovery medium. The results presented are consistent with the proposal that the characteristic isoperoxidase patterns induced by filtration stress might be used as a model to study the response of plant cells to stress.  相似文献   
The activity of a polygalacturonic acid synthase, a membrane bound enzyme, was measured in particulate preparations obtained from homogenates of cambial cells, differentiating xylem cells and differentiated xylem cells isolated from actively growing trees of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus). The specific acitivity of the enzymic system fell at least 6–10-fold as cells differentiated from the vascular cambium to xylem. The percentage of radioactivity incorporated as galacturonic acid was 88% for cambium, 69% for differentiating xylem and 57% for differentiated xylem. The remainder of the radioactivity was in glucuronic acid. UDP-d-galacturonic acid-4-epimerase (EC in the membrane preparation, therefore, probably enabled incorporation of radioactivity in the form of glucuronic acid by other synthases into polymers which are characteristic of secondary walls. Nevertheless, a considerable decrease of polygalacturonic acid synthase activity occurred which was correlated with the cessation of pectin deposition. This contrasts with the marked increase observed in xylan synthase activity as the cells differentiate.  相似文献   
Abstract In a previous study, it was shown that the fungal toxin fusicoccin (FC) is able to stimulate the in vivo phosphorylation of a 33 KDalton polypeptide (33 KP) independently of protein synthesis. Here we show that the stimulation by FC of both proton efflux and 33 KP phosphorylation are strongly enhanced when the external medium contains K+ or Na+, suggesting that the two phenomena are related. The stimulatory effect of FC is higher in unbuffered than in buffered media; moreover, in the absence of FC, 33 KP is more phosphorylated at an acidic than at a basic pH of the medium, suggesting that the effect of FC may depend, to a certain extent, on the acidification of the free space caused by FC-promoted proton efflux. Treatments reported to alter the intracellular pH influence 33 KP phosphorylation even more strongly than the external pH does. The acidifying agents isobutyric acid and trimethylacetic acid decrease 33 KP phosphorylation, while the alkalinizing agents, ammonia and procaine, increase it. FC partially counteracts the inhibition by the weak acids, whereas the stimulatory effect of FC is not additive with that of the weak bases. The results indicate that 33 KP phosphorylation senses both the external and internal pH. The stimulatory effect of cytoplasm-alkalinizing treatments, which mimics that of FC, agrees with the reported capacity of FC to cause cytoplasmic alkalinization, following activation of the plasmalemma proton pump.  相似文献   
Suspension-cultured sycamore cells (Acer pseudoplatanus) were disrupted in aqueous K-Pi buffer and the insoluble residue (the cell wall) purified by extraction with organic solvents and air-dried (dry cell walls) or by washing with aqueous sodium dodecyl sulphate and stored frozen (wet cell walls). Polysaccharides solubilized from the purified wet and dry cell walls by enzymatic digestion and chemical extraction were isolated and their glycosyl-residue compositions compared. No significant differences were found in the types or yields of the polysaccharides solubilized by enzymatic digestion and chemical extraction of the wet and dry cell wall preparations. Moreover, the glycosyl-residue compositions of the so-called ‘-cellulose’ fraction that remains after extraction of the wet and dry cell wall preparations with alkali was indistinguishable from the glycosyl-residue compositions of the walls prior to extraction.  相似文献   
悬铃木方翅网蝽是一种外来入侵害虫,该虫近几年在石家庄发生普遍,为害严重.调查了悬铃木方翅网蝽在石家地区的寄主植物、为害特点和发生规律,观察描述了其形态特征、生活史和生活习性,测试分析了树冠喷施不同药剂对悬铃木方翅网蝽的防效.  相似文献   
Acer pseudoplatanus L. trees were grown in sand culture for 2 years and, in 1988, supplied with either 1.0 mol N m-3 (low N) or 6.0 mol N m-3 (high N) to precondition their growth. In 1989, the same trees received either high or low nitrogen, producing four treatments; High N in 1988/High N in 1989; High N in 1988/Low N in 1989; Low N in 1988/Low N in 1989; and Low N in 1988/High N in 1989. Plant growth was affected by N supply in both years. In 1989 the Low N/High N treated trees had the same overall mass, leaf mass and stem girth as the High N/High N treatment. Early spring growth of foliage and roots was conditional on nitrogen supplied in the previous season. Later, the rapid increases in leaf, stem and root growth under high N was through root uptake. Internal partitioning of growth was affected, with the Low N/High N treatment producing more new leaves on axillary shoots, and more new white roots on existing structures, than the Low N/Low N treatment. Despite effects of the N preconditioning on the structure of both canopy and root system, nitrogen uptake was solely dependent on the current nitrogen supply.  相似文献   
Summary The benefit of fertilizer application during establishment of a tree plantation depends on effective nutrient uptake and the utilization of the nutrients in growth. Five urea treatments (0, 50, 75, 150, and 450 kg N/ha) were applied in a completely randomized plot design to a field planted with American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) seedlings to evaluate growth responses and nitrogen use efficiency during the first season of plantation establishment. The site was in the Oak Ridge Reservation in eastern Tennessee on a highly weathered soil. Harvests were conducted on 3 occasions during a 22 week experimental period, and dry weights of stems, leaves, and large and small roots were measured. Chemical analyses were conducted on plant tissues from the 0, 75, and 450 kg N/ha treatments. Plant dry weight increased with urea application and growth analysis showed that this was mainly associated with increase in leaf area and to a minor extent with increase in net assimilation rate. Root weight increased significantly with urea application. The specific absorption rate of roots for several nutrients was greater at higher urea levels for the first 2 harvest periods, but this pattern reversed during the 3rd growth period. Surprisingly, manganese uptake and the specific absorption rate for manganese were enhanced with higher urea application. The acidifying effect of urea nitrification is a likely explanation for the increased Mn availability, and nitrate leaching and/or nitrogen immobilization contributed to low uptake of urea-N by the seedlings. The proportion of the applied nitrogen incorporated into the seedlings was 1.5 and 0.6% for the 75 and 450 kg N/ha urea treatments, respectively. Broadcast fertilizer application is not an effective way of supplying nutrients to seedlings during plantation establishment.  相似文献   
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