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Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a perennial warm season grass that is native to the plains of North America and is widely grown as a forage, bioenergy or groundcover crop. Despite its importance, a bottleneck in switchgrass production is poor seedling vigor, which as a perennial crop represents an important time for management. Herein, data identify a suite of culturable bacterial microflora extracted from switchgrass, and show their capability to influence host plant growth and development. A total of 307 bacterial isolates were cultured and isolated from surface sterilized switchgrass biomass and sequence identified into 76 strains (subspecies classification), 36 species and 5 phyla. Approximately 58% of bacterial strains, when reintroduced into surface‐sterilized switchgrass seeds, were documented to increase lamina length (cm from base to tip after 60 days growth) relative to uninoculated controls. Ecologically, Phylum Firmicutes was the most abundant bacterial classification and encompassed 75% of all isolates. Although the culturable bacterial community studies herein represent an unknown and assumedly minor proportion of the total microbiome, by focusing on culturable bacteria, we delineate functional feedback between the presence of isolated bacteria and switchgrass seedling growth.  相似文献   
The impact of extreme drought and heat stress that occurred in the Midwestern U.S. in 2012 on evapotranspiration (ET), net ecosystem productivity (NEP), and water‐use efficiency (WUE) of three perennial ecosystems (switchgrass, miscanthus, prairie) and a maize/soybean agroecosystem was studied as part of a long‐term experiment. Miscanthus had a slower initial response but an eventually drastic ET as drought intensified, which resulted in the largest water deficit among the crops. The substantially higher ET at peak drought was likely supplied by access to deep soil water, but suggests that stomatal conductance of miscanthus during the drought may respond differently than the other ecosystems, consistent with an anisohydric strategy. While there was a discrepancy in the water consumption of maize and switchgrass/prairie in the early time of drought, all these ecosystems followed a water‐saving strategy when drought intensified. The gross primary production (GPP) of miscanthus dropped, but was reversible, when temperature reached 40 °C and still provided the largest total GPP among the ecosystems. Increased ET for miscanthus during 2012 resulted a large decline in ecosystem WUE compared to what was observed in other years. The biophysical responses of miscanthus measured during an extreme, historic drought suggest that this species can maintain high productivity longer than other ecosystems during a drought at the expense of water use. While miscanthus maintained productivity during drought, recovery lagged associated with depleted soil moisture. The enhanced ET of miscanthus may intensify droughts through increase supply of deep soil moisture to the atmosphere.  相似文献   
The United States Great Lakes Region (USGLR) is a critical geographic area for future bioenergy production. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) is widely considered a carbon (C)‐neutral or C‐negative bioenergy production system, but projected increases in air temperature and precipitation due to climate change might substantially alter soil organic C (SOC) dynamics and storage in soils. This study examined long‐term SOC changes in switchgrass grown on marginal land in the USGLR under current and projected climate, predicted using a process‐based model (Systems Approach to Land‐Use Sustainability) extensively calibrated with a wealth of plant and soil measurements at nine experimental sites. Simulations indicate that these soils are likely a net C sink under switchgrass (average gain 0.87 Mg C ha?1 year?1), although substantial variation in the rate of SOC accumulation was predicted (range: 0.2–1.3 Mg C ha?1 year?1). Principal component analysis revealed that the predicted intersite variability in SOC sequestration was related in part to differences in climatic characteristics, and to a lesser extent, to heterogeneous soils. Although climate change impacts on switchgrass plant growth were predicted to be small (4%–6% decrease on average), the increased soil respiration was predicted to partially negate SOC accumulations down to 70% below historical rates in the most extreme scenarios. Increasing N fertilizer rate and decreasing harvest intensity both had modest SOC sequestration benefits under projected climate, whereas introducing genotypes better adapted to the longer growing seasons was a much more effective strategy. Best‐performing adaptation scenarios were able to offset >60% of the climate change impacts, leading to SOC sequestration 0.7 Mg C ha?1 year?1 under projected climate. On average, this was 0.3 Mg C ha?1 year?1 more C sequestered than the no adaptation baseline. These findings provide crucial knowledge needed to guide policy and operational management for maximizing SOC sequestration of future bioenergy production on marginal lands in the USGLR.  相似文献   
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soils are a key sustainability metric of cropping systems. During crop establishment, disruptive land‐use change is known to be a critical, but under reported period, for determining GHG emissions. We measured soil N2O emissions and potential environmental drivers of these fluxes from a three‐year establishment‐phase bioenergy cropping systems experiment replicated in southcentral Wisconsin (ARL) and southwestern Michigan (KBS). Cropping systems treatments were annual monocultures (continuous corn, corn–soybean–canola rotation), perennial monocultures (switchgrass, miscanthus, and poplar), and perennial polycultures (native grass mixture, early successional community, and restored prairie) all grown using best management practices specific to the system. Cumulative three‐year N2O emissions from annuals were 142% higher than from perennials, with fertilized perennials 190% higher than unfertilized perennials. Emissions ranged from 3.1 to 19.1 kg N2O‐N ha?1 yr?1 for the annuals with continuous corn > corn–soybean–canola rotation and 1.1 to 6.3 kg N2O‐N ha?1 yr?1 for perennials. Nitrous oxide peak fluxes typically were associated with precipitation events that closely followed fertilization. Bayesian modeling of N2O fluxes based on measured environmental factors explained 33% of variability across all systems. Models trained on single systems performed well in most monocultures (e.g., R= 0.52 for poplar) but notably worse in polycultures (e.g., R= 0.17 for early successional, R= 0.06 for restored prairie), indicating that simulation models that include N2O emissions should be parameterized specific to particular plant communities. Our results indicate that perennial bioenergy crops in their establishment phase emit less N2O than annual crops, especially when not fertilized. These findings should be considered further alongside yield and other metrics contributing to important ecosystem services.  相似文献   
Grassland restoration success depends on the development of plant communities that accord with restoration goals. Intraspecific variation in competitiveness may affect community development. For some grassland species, germplasm can be obtained from sources ranging from wild collections to selectively bred cultivars. The extent to which population source affects competitive outcomes in restoration projects is unclear. We addressed this knowledge gap in a glasshouse experiment comparing competitive response and effect among three sources of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) that are available for restoration: selectively bred cultivars, commercial ecotypes (commercially produced but not deliberately selected), and wild collections. Two strains per source type were grown with four associates chosen to encompass varied functional groups: conspecifics, Bromus inermis, Cirsium arvense, and Solanum ptycanthum. Switchgrass competitive response was evaluated for survival, height, biomass, and shoot:root biomass ratio; competitive effect was assessed as associate survival, height, biomass, and shoot:root ratio. Competitive responses of cultivars and commercial ecotypes were broadly similar, although cultivar biomass exceeded both that of ecotypes and wild collections, and ecotypes had the highest shoot:root ratio. Wild collections were most negatively affected by competition. The shoot:root ratios of all sources were highest when grown with S. ptycanthum, indicating that competitive responses were plastic; plasticity in fitness‐related traits can contribute to persistence in variable environments. Cultivars exerted negative effects on B. inermis. Secondary analyses indicated that all switchgrass sources were most inhibited by the annual S. ptycanthum. To summarize, population source affected multiple aspects of switchgrass competitive ability, when grown against functionally varied associates.  相似文献   
Sustainable and environmentally benign switchgrass production systems need to be developed for switchgrass to become a large‐scale dedicated energy crop. An experiment was conducted in California from 2009 to 2011 to determine the sustainability of low‐ and high‐input irrigated switchgrass systems as a function of yield, irrigation requirement, crop N removal, N translocation from aboveground (AG) to belowground (BG) biomass during senescence, and fertilizer 15N recovery (FNR) in the AG and BG biomass (0–300 cm), and soil (0–300 cm). The low‐input system consisted of a single‐harvest (mid‐fall) irrigated until flowering (early summer), while the high‐input system consisted of a two‐harvest system (early summer and mid‐fall) irrigated throughout the growing season. Three N fertilization rates (0, 100, and 200 kg N ha?1 yr?1) were applied as subtreatments in a single application in the spring of each year. A single pulse of 15N enriched fertilizer was applied in the first year of the study to micro‐plots within the 100 kg N ha?1 subplots. Average yields across years under optimal N rates (100 and 200 kg ha?1 yr?1 for low‐ and high‐input systems, respectively) were 20.7 and 24.8 Mg ha?1. However, the low input (372 ha mm) required 47% less irrigation than the high‐input system (705 ha mm) and achieved higher irrigation use efficiency. In addition, the low‐input system had 46% lower crop N removal, 53% higher N stored in BG biomass, and a positive N balance, presumably due to 49% of 15N translocation from AG to BG biomass during senescence. Furthermore, at the end of 3 years, the low‐input system had lower fertilizer 15N removed by harvest (26%) and higher FNR remaining in the system in BG biomass plus soil (31%) than the high‐input system (45% and 21%, respectively). Based on these findings, low‐input systems are more sustainable than high‐input systems in irrigated Mediterranean climates.  相似文献   
Growing cellulosic feedstock crops (e.g., switchgrass) for biofuel is more environmentally sustainable than corn‐based ethanol. Specifically, this practice can reduce soil erosion and water quality impairment from pesticides and fertilizer, improve ecosystem services and sustainability (e.g., serve as carbon sinks), and minimize impacts on global food supplies. The main goal of this study was to identify high‐risk marginal croplands that are potentially suitable for growing cellulosic feedstock crops (e.g., switchgrass) in the US Great Plains (GP). Satellite‐derived growing season Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, a switchgrass biomass productivity map obtained from a previous study, US Geological Survey (USGS) irrigation and crop masks, and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) crop indemnity maps for the GP were used in this study. Our hypothesis was that croplands with relatively low crop yield but high productivity potential for switchgrass may be suitable for converting to switchgrass. Areas with relatively low crop indemnity (crop indemnity <$2 157 068) were excluded from the suitable areas based on low probability of crop failures. Results show that approximately 650 000 ha of marginal croplands in the GP are potentially suitable for switchgrass development. The total estimated switchgrass biomass productivity gain from these suitable areas is about 5.9 million metric tons. Switchgrass can be cultivated in either lowland or upland regions in the GP depending on the local soil and environmental conditions. This study improves our understanding of ecosystem services and the sustainability of cropland systems in the GP. Results from this study provide useful information to land managers for making informed decisions regarding switchgrass development in the GP.  相似文献   
Perennial bioenergy crops have been shown to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, potentially offsetting anthropogenic C emissions. The effects of perennial bioenergy crops on SOC are typically assessed at shallow depths (<30 cm), but the deep root systems of these crops may also have substantial effects on SOC stocks at greater depths. We hypothesized that deep (>30 cm) SOC stocks would be greater under bioenergy crops relative to stocks under shallow‐rooted conventional crop cover. To test this, we sampled soils to between 1‐ and 3‐m depth at three sites in Oklahoma with 10‐ to 20‐year‐old switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) stands, and collected paired samples from nearby fields cultivated with shallow rooted annual crops. We measured root biomass, total organic C, 14C, 13C, and other soil properties in three replicate soil cores in each field and used a mixing model to estimate the proportion of recently fixed C under switchgrass based on 14C. The subsoil C stock under switchgrass (defined over 500–1500 kg/m2 equivalent soil mass, approximately 30–100 cm depth) exceeded the subsoil stock in neighboring fields by 1.5 kg C/m2 at a sandy loam site, 0.6 kg C/m2 at a site with loam soils, and showed no significant difference at a third site with clay soils. Using the mixing model, we estimated that additional SOC introduced after switchgrass cultivation comprised 31% of the subsoil C stock at the sandy loam site, 22% at the loam site, and 0% at the clay site. These results suggest that switchgrass can contribute significantly to subsoil organic C—but also indicated that this effect varies across sites. Our analysis shows that agricultural strategies that emphasize deep‐rooted grass cultivars can increase soil C relative to conventional crops while expanding energy biomass production on marginal lands.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to evaluate the impacts of N fertilizer and landscape position on carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from a US Northern Great Plains landscape seeded to switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). The experimental design included three N levels (low, 0 kg N ha−1; medium, 56 kg N ha−1; and high, 112 kg N ha−1) replicated four times. The experiment was repeated at shoulder and footslope positions. Soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes were monitored once every 2 weeks from May 2010 to October 2012. The CO2 fluxes were 40% higher at the footslope than the shoulder landscape position, and CH4 fluxes were similar in both landscape positions. Soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes averaged over the sampling dates were not impacted by N rates. Seasonal variations showed highest CO2 release and CH4 uptake in summer and fall, likely due to warmer and moist soil conditions. Higher CH4 release was observed in winter possibly due to increased anaerobic conditions. However, year to year (2010–2012) variations in soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes were more pronounced than the variations due to the impact of landscape positions and N rates. Drought conditions reported in 2012, with higher annual temperature and lower soil moisture than long-term average, resulted in higher summer and fall CO2 fluxes (between 1.3 and 3 times) than in 2011 and 2010. These conditions also promoted a net CH4 uptake in 2012 in comparison to 2010 when there was net CH4 release. Results from this study conclude that landscape positions, air temperature, and soil moisture content strongly influenced soil CO2 fluxes, whereas soil moisture impacted the direction of CH4 fluxes (uptake or release). However, a comprehensive life cycle analysis would be appropriate to evaluate environmental impacts associated with switchgrass production under local environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Anastasios Melis   《Plant science》2009,177(4):272-280
The theoretical maxima of solar energy conversion efficiencies and productivities in oxygenic photosynthesis are evaluated. These are contrasted with actual measurements in a variety of photosynthetic organisms, including green microalgae, cyanobacteria, C4 and C3 plants. Minimizing, or truncating, the chlorophyll antenna size of the photosystems can improve photosynthetic solar energy conversion efficiency and productivity up to 3-fold. Generation of truncated light-harvesting chlorophyll antenna size (tla) strains, in all classes of photosynthetic organisms would help to alleviate excess absorption of sunlight and the ensuing wasteful dissipation of excitation energy, and to maximize solar-to-product energy conversion efficiency and photosynthetic productivity in high-density mass cultivations. The tla concept may find application in the commercial exploitation of microalgae and plants for the generation of biomass, biofuels, chemical feedstocks, as well as nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   
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