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The involvement of auxin in the submergence-induced petiole elongation has been investigated in Rumex palustris and Ranunculus sceleratus. Both wetland species are capable of enhanced petiole elongation upon submergence or treatment with exogenous ethylene (5μl l−1). Treatment of intact Rumex palustris plants with 1-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) at 10−4 M enhanced petiole elongation, while treatment with N -1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) had no effect on petiole elongation. The elongation response after NAA or NPA treatment was comparable for plants in both submerged and drained conditions. Pre-ageing of detached petioles of Rumex palustris for 3 h in light or in dark conditions had no effect on the submergence-induced elongation. In comparison to intact plants, detached petioles of Rumex palustris , with or without lamina, did not show significant differences in responsiveness to IAA between drained or submerged conditions. This was in contrast to Ranunculus sceleratus where submergence caused a clear increase in responsiveness towards IAA. Removal of the lamina, the putative source of auxin, or treatment with NPA did not hinder the submergence-induced elongation of detached Rumex palustris petioles, but severely inhibited elongation of detached Ranunculus sceleratus petioles. This inhibition could be restored by application of NAA, suggesting the specific involvement of auxin in the submergence response of Ranunculus sceleratus. It is concluded that, in contrast to Ranunculus sceleratus , auxin is probably not involved in the submergence-induced petiole elongation of Rumex palustris.  相似文献   
三峡库区9种植物种子萌发特性及其在植被恢复中的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶敏  鲍大川  江明喜 《生态学报》2011,31(4):906-913
三峡大坝蓄水后形成的库区消涨带面临植被消亡、生态退化等问题。为了筛选出适用于库区消涨带植被恢复的植物, 将9种1年生植物种子放置在库区消涨带不同海拔进行水淹(W 165-8 m, 121 d;W 155-18 m, 230 d;W 147-26 m, 271 d), 然后在实验室条件下进行萌发, 研究在消涨带淹水胁迫下这些种子的萌发特性。结果表明: (1) 除马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)、小蓬草(Conyza canadensis)、金色狗尾草(Setaria glauca)种子在各条件下萌发率都较低外, 不同水淹条件对萌发率影响不同: 与新鲜种子相比, W 165水淹后, 旱稗(Echinochloa hispidula)和婆婆针(Bidens bipinnata)种子萌发率显著上升, 其余种子萌发率均显著下降; W 155水淹后, 所有种子的萌发率都显著下降且只有鱧肠(Eclipta prostrate)、黄花蒿(Artemisia annua)、合萌(Aeschynomene indica)3个物种有萌发, 萌发率分别为11.0%、7.3%和2.7%; W 147水淹后, 旱稗和婆婆针种子萌发率显著上升, 鱧肠种子无显著差异, 其余种子萌发率显著下降。(2) 鱧肠、黄花蒿、婆婆针和旱稗种子比其它物种更耐水淹。W 165水淹后, 鱧肠、黄花蒿、婆婆针、旱稗种子萌发率分别为44.7%、42%、20.7%和4.3%, W 147水淹后分别为76.3%、23%、15%和26.3%, 高于其他物种。(3) 水淹后种子萌发时间格局也受到影响, 大部分种子起始萌发时间推迟、萌发速度变慢。鱧肠、黄花蒿、婆婆针和旱稗的种子对三峡库区消涨带的水淹胁迫具有一定的适应能力, 可根据它们对水淹条件适应能力的差异在消涨带不同海拔高度进行植被恢复。  相似文献   
Two main strategies allow plants to deal with submergence: (i) escape from below water by means of shoot elongation, or (ii) remaining quiescent under the water until water subsides and then resume growth. We investigated these strategies in seedlings of Lotus japonicus, L. corniculatus and L. tenuis subjected to control and submergence for 12 days, with a subsequent 30-day recovery period. All three species survived submergence but used different strategies. Submerged seedlings of L. japonicus exhibited an escape strategy (emerging from water) as a result of preferential carbon allocation towards shoot mass and lengthening, in detriment to root growth. In contrast, seedlings of L. corniculatus and L. tenuis became quiescent, with no biomass accumulation, no new unfolding of leaves and no shoot elongation. Upon de-submergence, seedlings of L. japonicus had the lowest recovery growth (a biomass and shoot height 58% and 40% less than controls, respectively), L. corniculatus was intermediate and L. tenuis showed the greatest recovery growth. Previously submerged seedlings of L. tenuis did not differ from their controls, either in final shoot biomass or shoot height. Thus, for the studied species, quiescence appears to be an adequate strategy for tolerance of short-term (i.e., 12 days) complete submergence, being consistent with field observations of L. tenuis colonisation of flood-prone environments.  相似文献   
Since the first study of hypoxic response in plants with cDNA microarray in 2002, the number of hypoxia-responsive genes has grown to more than 2000. However, to date, only small numbers of hypoxia-responsive genes are known to confer hypoxic resistance. Most investigations in this area have focused on identifying which genes are responsive and then characterized how these genes are induced during hypoxia, but the roles of numerous genes in hypoxic response are still unknown. In our recent study, we demonstrated that a group of genes are induced by submergence to trigger plant immunity, which is a response to protect plants against a higher probability of pathogen infection during or after flooding. This work offered a brand new perspective, i.e., that hypoxia-responsive genes can be induced for reasons other than conferring hypoxic resistance. Possible reasons why these responses were triggered are discussed herein.  相似文献   
Rice plants are much damaged by several days of total submergence.The effect can be a serious problem for rice farmers in therainfed lowlands of Asia, and runs contrary to a widespreadbelief amongst plant biologists that rice is highly tolerantof submergence. This article assesses the characteristics ofthe underwater environment that may damage rice plants, examinesvarious physiological mechanisms of injury, and reviews recentprogress achieved using linkage mapping to locate quantitativetraits loci (QTL) for tolerance inherited from a submergence-tolerantcultivar FR13A. Progress towards identifying the gene(s) involvedthrough physical mapping of a dominant tolerance locus on chromosome9 is also summarized. Available physiological evidence pointsaway from responses to oxygen shortage as being inextricablyinvolved in submergence injury. An imbalance between productionand consumption of assimilates is seen as being especially harmful,and is exacerbated by strongly accelerated leaf extension andleaf senescence that are ethylene-mediated and largely absentfrom FR13A and related cultivars. DNA markers for a major QTLfor tolerance are shown to be potentially useful in breedingprogrammes designed to improve submergence tolerance.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Submergence and de-submergence are common phenomena encountered by riparian plants due to water level fluctuations, but little is known about the role of physiological integration in clonal plants (resource sharing between interconnected ramets) in their adaptation to such events. Using Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed) as an example, this study tested the hypotheses that physiological integration will improve growth and photosynthetic capacity of submerged ramets during submergence and will promote their recovery following de-submergence.


Connected clones of A. philoxeroides, each consisting of two ramet systems and a stolon internode connecting them, were grown under control (both ramet systems untreated), half-submerged (one ramet system submerged and the other not submerged), fully submerged (both ramet systems submerged), half-shaded (one ramet system shaded and the other not shaded) and full-shaded (both ramet systems shaded) conditions for 30 d and then de-submerged/de-shaded for 20 d. The submerged plants were also shaded to very low light intensities, mimicking typical conditions in turbid floodwater.

Key Results

After 30 d of submergence, connections between submerged and non-submerged ramets significantly increased growth and carbohydrate accumulation of the submerged ramets, but decreased the growth of the non-submerged ramets. After 20 d of de-submergence, connections did not significantly affect the growth of either de-submerged or non-submerged ramets, but de-submerged ramets had high soluble sugar concentrations, suggesting high metabolic activities. The shift from significant effects of integration on both submerged and non-submerged ramets during the submergence period to little effect during the de-submergence period was due to the quick recovery of growth and photosynthesis. The effects of physiological integration were not found to be any stronger under submergence/de-submergence than under shading/de-shading.


The results indicate that it is not just the beneficial effects of physiological integration that are crucial to the survival of riparian clonal plants during periods of submergence, but also the ability to recover growth and photosynthesis rapidly after de-submergence, which thus allows them to spread.  相似文献   
Distribution of different forms of Zn in 16 acid alluvial rice growing soils of West Bengal (India) and their transformation on submergence were studied. The results showed that more than 84% of total Zn occurred in the relatively inactive clay lattice-bound form while a smaller fractionviz. 1.1, 1.6, 11.1 and 2.0 per cent of the total occurred as water-soluble plus exchangeable, organic complexed, amorphous sesquioxide-bound and crystalline sesquioxide bound forms, respectively. All these four Zn forms showed significant negative correlations with soil pH (r=−0.48**, −0.39*, −0.61** and −0.67**, respectively), while the latter two Zn forms showed significant positive correlations with Fe2O3 (0.68** and 0.88***) and Al2O3 (0.89*** and 0.75***) content of the soils. The different Zn forms were found to have positive and significant correlations amongst each other, suggesting the existence of a dynamic equilibrium of these forms in soil. Submergence caused an increase in the amorphous sesquioxide-bound form of Zn and a decrease in each of the other three forms. The magnitude of such decreases in water-soluble plus exchangeable and crystalline sesquioxide-bound forms was found to be correlated negatively with initial pH values of the soils and positively with the increase in the amorphous sesquioxide-bound form, indicating their adsorption on the surface of the freshly formed hydrated oxides of Fe, which view was supported by the existence of significant positive correlation between the increase in the amorphous sesquioxide-bound form of Zn and that in AlCl3-extractable iron. The existence of a positive correlation between the decrease in crystalline sesquioxide-bound Zn and that in Fe2O3 content in soil suggested that on waterlogging the soil Zn occluded in the cry talline sesquioxide was released as a result of reduction of Fe2O3.  相似文献   
Submergence stimulates elongation of the leaves of Rumex palustris and under laboratory conditions the maximum final leaf length (of plants up to 7 weeks old) was obtained within a 9 day period. This elongation response, mainly determined by petiole elongation, depends on the availability of storage compounds and developmental stage of a leaf. A starch accumulating tap root and mature leaves and petioles were found to supply elongating leaves with substrates for polysaccharide synthesis in expanding cell walls. Changes in the composition of cell wall polysaccharides of elongated petioles suggest a substantial cell wall metabolism during cell extension. Reduced starch levels or removal of mature leaves caused a substantial limitation of submerged leaf growth. From the 5th leaf onward enough reserves were available to perform submerged leaf growth from early developmental stages. Very young petioles had a limited capacity to elongate. In slightly older petioles submergence resulted in the longest final leaf lengths and these values gradually decreased when submergence was started at more mature developmental stages. Submerged leaf growth is mainly a matter of petiole elongation in which cell elongation has a concurrent synthesis of xylem elements in the vascular tissue. Mature petioles still elongated (when submerged) by cell and tissue elongation only: the annular tracheary elements stretched enabling up to 70% petiole elongation.  相似文献   
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