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In flowering plants, the male and female gametogenesis is a crucial step of sexual reproduction. Although many genes have been identi fied as being involved in the gametogenesis process, the genetic mechanisms underlying gametogenesis remains poorly understood. We reported here characterization of the gene, ABORTED GAMETOPHYTE 1(AOG1) that is newly identi fied as essential for gametogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. AOG1 is expressed predominantly in reproductive tissues including the developing pollen grains and ovules. The AOG1 protein shares no signi ficant amino acid sequence similarity with other documented proteins and is located mainly in nuclei of the cells. Mutation in AOG1 caused degeneration of pollen at the uninucleate microspore stage and severe defect in embryo sacs, leading to a signi ficant reduction in male and female fertility.Furthermore, the molecular analyses showed that the aog1 mutant signi ficantly affected the expression of several genes, which are required for gametogenesis. Our results suggest that AOG1 plays important roles in gameto genesis at the stage prior to pollen mitosis I(PMI)in Arabidopsis, possibly through collaboration with other genes.  相似文献   
The dorsal air sacs supply oxygen to the flight muscles of the Drosophila adult. This tracheal organ grows from an epithelial tube (the air sac primordium (ASP)) that arises during the third larval instar (L3) from a wing-disc-associated tracheal branch. Since the ASP is generated by a program of both morphogenesis and cell proliferation and since the larval tracheal branches are populated by cells that are terminally differentiated, the provenance of its progenitors has been uncertain. Here, we show that, although other larval tracheae are remodeled after L3, most tracheal branches in the tracheal metamere associated with the wing disc (Tr2) are precociously repopulated with imaginal tracheoblasts during L3. Concurrently, the larval cells in Tr2 undergo head involution defective (hid)-dependent programmed cell death. In BX-C mutant larvae, the tracheal branches of the Tr3 metamere are also repopulated during L3. Our results show that repopulation of the larval trachea is a prerequisite for FGF-dependent induction of cell proliferation and tubulogenesis in the ASP and that homeotic selector gene function is necessary for the temporal and spatial control of tracheal repopulation.  相似文献   
The anatomical structure of internal sacs for embryonic incubation was studied using SEM and light microscopy in three cheilostome bryozoans-Nematoflustra flagellata (Waters,1904), Gontarella sp., and Biflustra perfragilis MacGillivray, 1881. In all these species the brood sac is located in the distal half of the maternal (egg-producing) autozooid, being a conspicuous invagination of the body wall. It consists of the main chamber and a passage (neck) to the outside that opens independently of the introvert. There are several groups of muscles attached to the thin walls of the brood sac and possibly expanding it during oviposition and larval release. Polypide recycling begins after oviposition in Gontarella sp., and the new polypide bud is formed by the beginning of incubation. Similarly, polypides in brooding zooids degenerate in N. flagellata and, sometimes, in B. perfragilis. In the evolution of brood chambers in the Cheilostomata, such internal sacs for embryonic incubation are considered a final step, being the result of immersion of the brooding cavity into the maternal zooid and reduction of the protecting fold (ooecium). Possible reasons for this transformation are discussed, and the hypothesis of Santagata and Banta (Santagata and Banta1996) that internal brooding evolved prior to incubation in ovicells is rejected.  相似文献   
Among the air-breathing vertebrates, the avian respiratory apparatus, the lung-air sac system, is the most structurally complex and functionally efficient. After intricate morphogenesis, elaborate pulmonary vascular and airway (bronchial) architectures are formed. The crosscurrent, countercurrent, and multicapillary serial arterialization systems represent outstanding operational designs. The arrangement between the conduits of air and blood allows the respiratory media to be transported optimally in adequate measures and rates and to be exposed to each other over an extensive respiratory surface while separated by an extremely thin blood-gas barrier. As a consequence, the diffusing capacity (conductance) of the avian lung for oxygen is remarkably efficient. The foremost adaptive refinements are: (1) rigidity of the lung which allows intense subdivision of the exchange tissue (parenchyma) leading to formation of very small terminal respiratory units and consequently a vast respiratory surface; (2) a thin blood-gas barrier enabled by confinement of the pneumocytes (especially the type II cells) and the connective tissue elements to the atria and infundibulae, i.e. away from the respiratory surface of the air capillaries; (3) physical separation (uncoupling) of the lung (the gas exchanger) from the air sacs (the mechanical ventilators), permitting continuous and unidirectional ventilation of the lung. Among others, these features have created an incredibly efficient gas exchanger that supports the highly aerobic lifestyles and great metabolic capacities characteristic of birds. Interestingly, despite remarkable morphological heterogeneity in the gas exchangers of extant vertebrates at maturity, the processes involved in their formation and development are very similar. Transformation of one lung type to another is clearly conceivable, especially at lower levels of specialization. The crocodilian (reptilian) multicameral lung type represents a Bauplan from which the respiratory organs of nonavian theropod dinosaurs and the lung-air sac system of birds appear to have evolved. However, many fundamental aspects of the evolution, development, and even the structure and function of the avian respiratory system still remain uncertain.  相似文献   
Comparative anatomical studies of 12 species from 10 genera (Callopora, Tegella, Amphiblestrum, Parellisina, Corbulella, Crassimarginatella, Valdemunitella, Bryocalyx, Concertina, Cauloramphus) belonging to one of the largest and most diverse bryozoan taxa, the Calloporidae, and one species from the genus Akatopora belonging to the related taxon Antroporidae, were undertaken to elucidate the morphological diversity of brooding structures and to recognize main trends in their evolution. Most of the species studied possess ovicells (specialized brooding receptacles) formed by the distal and maternal (egg-producing) autozooids. The distal zooid can be an autozooid, a vicarious avicularium or a kenozooid. The calcified protective hood (ooecium) is an outgrowth from the distal zooid. Hyperstomial or prominent ovicells are most common. They were found in species of the genera Callopora, Tegella, Amphiblestrum, Parellisina, Corbulella, Bryocalyx and Concertina. Subimmersed ovicells were found in Valdemunitella, and immersed ovicells in Crassimarginatella and Akatopora. Cauloramphus has an internal brooding sac and a vestigial kenozooidal ooecium, budded by the maternal zooid. Based on the structure of the brooding organs, the following evolutionary trends can be recognized within the group: (1) reduction of the distal (ooecium-producing) zooid, (2) immersion of the brooding cavity correlated with a reduction of the ooecium and ooecial vesicle and with changes in the ovicell closure and the structure of the brood chamber floor, (3) reduction of the calcification of the ectooecium, and (4) transition from bilobate to entire ooecium. The trend towards immersion of the brooding cavity could have evolved repeatedly within the Calloporidae. Transition from bilobate to entire ooecium is characteristic of the related taxon Cribrilinidae, showing a good example of parallel evolution of the ooecium in two closely related clades. Possible causes for the transformations described are discussed.  相似文献   
为建立适合红肉蜜柚发育过程中汁胞蛋白质组学的研究体系,以着色初始时期的红肉蜜柚汁胞为试材,摸索最适合的蛋白质双向电泳体系参数。结果表明,酚提取法比TCA-丙酮法更适合于红肉蜜柚汁胞总蛋白质的提取,提取得率高,双向电泳图谱清晰。采取18 cm、线性pH 3~10 和18 cm、线性pH 4~7 相结合的分析策略,可获得更为完整的蛋白质组信息,其第一向等电聚焦最佳参数(总伏小时数)分别为30 000 Vhs和43 000 Vhs。  相似文献   
Nestlings of most avian species produce faecal sacs, which facilitate the removal of nestlings’ excrements by parents, thereby reducing proliferation of potentially pathogenic microorganisms and/or detectability by predators and parasites. The nest microbial environment that birds experience during early life might also affect their development and thus, faecal sacs facilitating parental removal may be a strategy to decrease bacterial contamination of nests that could harm developing nestlings. Here, we tested this hypothesis by experimentally broken faecal sacs and spreading them in nests of spotless starlings Sturnus unicolor, thereby avoiding their removal by adults. In accordance with the hypothesis, experimental nests harboured higher bacterial density than control nests. Nestlings in experimental nests were of smaller size (tarsus length) and experienced lower probability of survival (predation) than those in control nests. Moreover, nestlings in experimental nests tended to suffer more from ectoparasites than those in control nests. We discuss the possible pivotal role of bacteria producing chemical volatiles that ectoparasites and predators might use to find avian nests, and that could explain our experimental results in starlings.  相似文献   
The Drosophila Dorsal Air Sac Primordium (ASP) is a tracheal tube that grows toward Branchless FGF-expressing cells in the wing imaginal disc. We show that the ASP arises from a tracheal branch that invades the basal lamina of the disc to juxtapose directly with disc cells. We examined the role of matrix metalloproteases (Mmps), and found that reducing Mmp2 activity perturbed disc-trachea association, altered peritracheal distributions of collagen IV and Perlecan, misregulated ASP growth, and abrogated development of the dorsal air sacs. Whereas the function of the membrane-tethered Mmp2 in the ASP is non-cell autonomous we find that it may have distinct tissue-specific roles in the ASP and disc. These findings demonstrate a critical role for Mmp2 in tubulogenesis post-induction, and implicate Mmp2 in regulating dynamic and essential changes to the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   
Early foliar spray treatments containing gibberellic acid(GA3) significantly lower the concentration ofthe bitter flavonoid naringin in fruit tissues. Sprayscontaining a surfactant and different levels ofGA3 (5, 50, 100, and 500 ppm) or abscisic acid(ABA) (5, 25, and 50 ppm) were applied to young,developing fruit on mature grapefruit (Citrusparadisi) trees during the period from April to June,beginning just after fruit set. The fruit were allowedto mature and were harvested early the following year.Harvested fruit were evaluated for weight, juicecharacteristics, and flavonoid concentrations.GA3 application resulted in larger mature fruit,which yielded juice with the same soluble solids valueas juice from control fruit, but with slightly loweracid percentages and lower concentrations of naringin.ABA treatment had little effect on juice solublesolids, acid content and naringin content except atthe highest concentration of 50 ppm, which lowerednaringin levels slightly in juice.  相似文献   
In this paper, the acoustic-perceptual effects of air sacs are investigated. Using an adaptive hearing experiment, it is shown that air sacs reduce the perceptual effect of vowel-like articulations. Air sacs are a feature of the vocal tract of all great apes, except humans. Because the presence or absence of air sacs is correlated with the anatomy of the hyoid bone, a probable minimum and maximum date of the loss of air sacs can be estimated from fossil hyoid bones. Australopithecus afarensis still had air sacs about 3.3 Ma, while Homo heidelbergensis, some 600 000 years ago and Homo neandethalensis some 60 000 years ago, did no longer. The reduced distinctiveness of articulations produced with an air sac is in line with the hypothesis that air sacs were selected against because of the evolution of complex vocal communication. This relation between complex vocal communication and fossil evidence may help to get a firmer estimate of when speech first evolved.  相似文献   
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