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The use of plantations to manage extensive tracks of deforested lands in the tropics is a conservation strategy that has recently received considerable attention. Plantation trees can promote seed dispersal by attracting dispersers and creating favorable site conditions, leading to increased germination and establishment of indigenous trees. Subsequently, plantation trees can be harvested for profit or left to senesce, leaving a native tree community. We evaluated the effect of vine, grass, and shrub cutting (weeding) over a 3‐year period on regeneration of indigenous trees subsequent to the removal of plantation softwoods in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Counter to what would be expected if weeding released trees from competition, we found no difference in the total number of stems or in the stems greater than 10 cm diameter at breast height between control and weeded plots; there were more stems greater than 1 cm diameter at breast height in the control plots. For species found in both control and weeded plots, the maximum size of individuals did not differ. At the end of the study, 61 species were found in the control plots and 43 species were found in the weeded plots, and in both types of plots the three most abundant species were the same. The number of species and stems classified as early or middle successional species did not differ between weeded and control plots. The fact that weeding did not promote regeneration of indigenous trees after the removal of plantation trees illustrates the importance of evaluating and field‐testing potential management options.  相似文献   
A. F. Richter 《Aquatic Ecology》1986,20(1-2):165-172
Biomanipulation as a tool for lake restoration is discussed mainly using literature data. It is based on the exploitation of the interactions both within and between the trophic levels in an aquatic ecosystem. Important among the interactions are: competition for light and nutrients between aquatic macrophytes and phytoplankton and among different phytoplankton species; grazing by planktonic and benthic filter feeders; and size-selective predation by fish. In several case studies biomanipulation has proved to be successful in restorating mildly eutrophic small waterbodies. However, for long-term stability of the restored ecosystems supplementary measures like reducing the external nutrient loadings are needed. The feasibility of the different biomanipulation measures to improve the water quality in shallow Dutch lakes is discussed. Preliminary results on biomanipulation experiments in enclosures withOscillatoria agardhii and the benthic filter feederDreissena polymorpha are given.  相似文献   
Summary Differences in fertility restoration and mitochondrial nucleic acids permitted division of 25 accessions of S-type male sterile cytoplasm (cms-S) of maize into five subgroups: B/D, CA, LBN, ME, and S(USDA). S cytoplasm itself (USDA cytoplasm) was surprisingly not representative of cms-S, since only two other accessions, TC and I, matched its mitochondrial DNA pattern. CA was the predominant subgroup, containing 18 of the 25 accessions. The B/D and ME subgroups were the most fertile and LBN the most sterile. The exceptional sterility of LBN cytoplasm makes it the most promising of the 25 cms-S accessions for the production of hybrid seed. The most efficient means of quantifying the fertility of the subgroups was analysis of pollen morphology in plants having cms-S cytoplasm and simultaneously being heterozygous for nuclear restorer-of-fertility (Rf) genes. This method took advantage of the gametophytic nature of cms-S restoration. The inbred NY821LERf was found to contain at least two restorer genes for cms-S. Fertility differences were correlated with mitochondrial nucleic acid variation in the LBN, ME, and S (USDA) subgroups.Paper No. 9498 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC  相似文献   
Water level regulation causes large-scale ecological changes in the littoral areas of lakes in northern Finland. If the summertime water level is raised, intensive erosion processes begin, causing a sudden decline in shore vegetation. The need for shore protection is obvious in areas of high recreational value. At lake Ontojärvi, planting experiments with littoral helophytes and bushes were carried out during the years 1990–92. All the experiments were carried out in the eroded sandy areas, which were partly protected by mechanical barriers. Several plant species were planted on the shore which had been treated with different peat mixtures, etc. The frequencies of the different species were followed monthly. After the first summer, the average survival rates were about 45 % due to the drying of seedlings. A rapid decrease in the survival rates took place during the high water level period in 1991 at which point only 20% of the planted individuals were alive. The best results were obtained for the helophyte Carex rostrata Stokes, of which 30% had survived erosion. Tall willows (Salix phylicifolia L.) were also erosion-resistant with a survival rate of 80%.  相似文献   
We employed grass and forest versions of the CENTURY model under a range of N deposition values (0.02–1.60 g N m–2 y–1) to explore the possibility that high observed lake and stream N was due to terrestrial N saturation of alpine tundra and subalpine forest in Loch Vale Watershed, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Model results suggest that N is limiting to subalpine forest productivity, but that excess leachate from alpine tundra is sufficient to account for the current observed stream N. Tundra leachate, combined with N leached from exposed rock surfaces, produce high N loads in aquatic ecosystems above treeline in the Colorado Front Range. A combination of terrestrial leaching, large N inputs from snowmelt, high watershed gradients, rapid hydrologic flushing and lake turnover times, and possibly other nutrient limitations of aquatic organisms constrain high elevation lakes and streams from assimilating even small increases in atmospheric N. CENTURY model simulations further suggest that, while increased N deposition will worsen the situation, nitrogen saturation is an ongoing phenomenon.  相似文献   
This study used a plant bioassay to investigate the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) inoculum potential of soil from three vegetation types (fern, secondary forest, and grass) in an abandoned pasture in the tropical humid lowlands at La Selva, in northeastern Costa Rica. Growth, measured as seedling height, number of leaves, and total (above- and belowground) biomass, of Stryphnodendron microstachyum Poepp. et Endl. (Synon. S. excelsum Harms) seedlings was significantly lower when grown in soil inoculum from the fern areas than in soil inoculum from the forest and grass areas. However, S. microstachyum seedlings grown in the fern inoculum had significantly greater VAM colonization than seedlings grown in the forest and grass inoculum. In addition, roots collected from a dominant plant species from each of the three vegetation types showed that the fern (Nephrolepsis biserrata) had significantly greater mycorrhizal colonization than the tree (Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze or the grass (Brachiaria spp.). The results of this study suggest that differences in mycorrhizal inoculum potential among vegetation types and its effects on seedling growth may have important implications for the restoration and management of degraded lands.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the importance of growth of mosses in controlling evaporative water loss, the evaporation rates of some subalpine moss species of various growth forms were compared with each other. The growth forms of the xerophytic species examined were large cushion and compact mat, while those of the mesophytic species in the coniferous forest floor were smooth mat, weft and tall turf. The evaporation rate per moss dry weight (Ew) was much smaller in the xerophytic species than in the mesophytic species. However, the evaporation rate per basal area of moss colony (Ea) was not necessarily smaller in the xerophytic species. The relation between Ea and dry weight per basal area of the colony (Wa) had a close correlation with the growth form. It was concluded that the difference in the evaporation rate per weight between the exerophytic species and the mesophytic species was largely due to the difference in Wa, and that the growth forms of the xerophytic species were suitable for increasing Wa without increasing surface roughness.  相似文献   
P. E. O'Sullivan 《Hydrobiologia》1993,251(1-3):351-361
In the period since 1945, Slapton Ley, a small, coastal lake in Southwest England, has been eutrophccated by nutrient inputs generated both by the intensification of agriculture, and the discharge of sewage effluent. Two simple models have been used to identify the main sources of catchment outputs, and to evaluate historical changes in land use, and their likely effect on lake trophic status.Restoration strategies may also be evaluated using the same models. They suggest that in order to reduce loads upon the Ley to within OECD permissible limits, not only will all sewage and phosphate detergent inputs need to be prevented, but also losses from agricultural land must be reduced. This could take the form of the zoning of the catchment so that riparian zones are used, not as at present, for the grazing of livestock, but are converted to woodland, and more particularly eg to buffer strips sensu Mander (1985, 1992).This policy, if implemented comprehensively, would reduce external phosphorus loads to within permissible limits. Eventually, however, some kind of internal control, such as manipulation of the fish populations, may also have to be attempted, in order to remove the memory of five decades of eutrophication.  相似文献   
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