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Control Analysis has been carried out in the first steps of a rat liver glycolytic system. Attention has been focused on the effect of several glucose concentrations on the control, particularly regarding the role of glucokinase. From kinetic studies of the whole metabolic system we have obtained information on the flux variation under different glucose concentrations. This information together with the kinetics of glucokinase has allowed us to calculate Flux Control and Elasticity Coefficients for glucokinase and the Response Coefficient of the system with respect to glucose. The changes in of the value of Flux Control Coefficients demonstrates that in conditions of low glucose concentration, glucokinase is the main enzyme in controlling the flux through the pathway, but at high glucose concentration the control moves to phosphofructokinase. Next, we have compared our results with those obtained with the shortening and titration method, previously described (Torres, N.V., Mateo, F., Mélendez-Hevia, E. and Kacser, H., (1986) Biochem. J. 234, 169–174; Torres, N.V. and Meléndez-Hevia, E. 1991. Molec. Cell. Biochem. 101, 1–10). Furthermore, from knowledge of the enzyme kinetics of the system we have been able to build a model of the pathway that allows us computer similation of its behavior and calculation of the Flux Control Coefficient profile at different glucose concentrations. By the three methods the results correlate, supporting the use of the pathway substrate as external modulator of the metabolic system as a tool for practical application of Control Analysis.  相似文献   
Summary A marginal fitness theorem is derived for the allocation of a limited resource among alternative activities that have effects on the fitness of an individual. The marginal advantage theorem states that at the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), the marginal gains from increasing each of the allocations (expressed as partial derivatives of the fitness advantage of a rare mutant) are equal. The theorem is true for all proportional allocations (a + b + c + ...=j), regardless of the number of allocations, the nature of the response curves describing the direct effects of the allocations [f(a), etc.], or the way the effects of different allocations combine into fitness. The theorem is extended to size-number compromises and packaging strategies. The marginal advantage theorem is used to derive general theorems about the marginal effects of allocations [f (a), etc.] at the ESS and matching rules concerned with the total fitness to cost ratios of allocations at the ESS. The marginal advantage theorem is applicable to diverse allocation strategies, and provides a method for obtaining ESS allocations for any number of allocations and their components.  相似文献   
The selection mutation equation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fisher's Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection is extended to the selection mutation model with mutation rates ij=ii.e. depending only on the target gene, by constructing a simple Lyapunov function. For other mutation rates stable limit cycles are possible.  相似文献   
Summary It has been previously recognized that a number of protocols may cause breakage of the triad junction and separation of the constituent organelles of skeletal muscle. We now describe a fraction of triad junctions which is refractory to the known protocols for disruption. Triads were passed through a French press and the dissociated organelles were separated on a sucrose density gradient, which was assayed for PN200-110, ouabain and ryanodine binding. Ryanodine binding showed a single peak at the density of heavy terminal cisternae. On the other hand, the PN200-110 and ouabain, which are external membrane ligands, bound in two peaks: one at the free transverse tubule region and the other at the light terminal cisternae. Similarly, a two peak pattern of PN200-110 and ouabain binding was observed when triad junctions were broken by the Ca2+-dependent protease, calpain, which selectively hydrolyzes the junctional foot protein. The light terminal cisternae vesicles were subjected to three different procedures of junctional breakage: French press, hypertonic salt treatment, and protease digestion using calpain or trypsin. The treated membranes were then centrifuged on density gradients. Only extensive trypsin digestion caused a partial shift of ouabain activity into the free transverse tubule region. These observations suggest that the triads are a composite mixture of breakage susceptible, weak, and breakage resistant, strong, triads. Scatchard analysis of PN200-110 suggests that the transverse tubules of strong triads contain a relatively high number of dihydropyridine receptors compared to those of weak triads. Thin section electron microscopic images of the strong triads comparable to those of intact muscle are presented.  相似文献   
The evolution of phage lysis timing   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Summary The effect of host quantity and host quality on the evolution of phage lysis timing is analysed using marginal value theorem of optimal foraging theory. Both factors have been shown to strongly influence the latent period. A high host density selects for short latent period, which is the same result as previous investigators have found. A good host quality also promotes a short latent period. However, elasticity analysis shows that these two factors exert their influences under different sets of conditions. When host density is low, the host density is more important in determining the length of latent period, whereas when host density is high, the host quality is more important.  相似文献   
本文对一类广义捕食系统生物种群生态常微模型建立几组无闭轨的充分条件,为开拓涉及该类模型制作参考类作全局制图定性的研究.  相似文献   
In this paper, the author studies the quartic bioecology differential system:Here n and q are positive constants, l、m and p are constants. The author also proves some theorems of existence and uniqueness of limit cycles of this differential system.  相似文献   
The stress sensitivity, determined in copper exposureexperiments and in survival in air tests, and thegenetic structure, measured by means of isoenzymeelectrophoresis, were assessed in populations of theBaltic clam Macoma balthica (L.) from itssouthern to its northern distribution limit, in orderto test the hypotheses that near the distributionlimit the clams would be more stress sensitive andwould have a lower genetic variability. Thepopulations in west and north Europe show a stronggenetic resemblance. The populations in the sub-ArcticWhite Sea are genetically slightly different, and showa low stress sensitivity. The populations in theArctic Pechora Sea are genetically very distant fromthe other populations, and show the lowest stresssensitivity. Near the southern distribution limit, inagreement with the hypotheses, genetic variability islow and stress sensitivity high. On the other hand, incontrast to expectation, near the northerndistribution limit, in the populations of the PechoraSea, the genetic variability was higher, thus notreduced, and the stress sensitivity was low comparedto all other populations. Yet, it remains a questionif such is due to gradual physiologicalacclimatization (and ongoing differential selection)or to genetic adaptation.  相似文献   
The effects of periodic pulsatile stimulation on a simple mathematical model of biological oscillations, called the radial isochron clock (RIC), are investigated as a function of stimulus frequency and amplitude. This system can be reduced to a two parameter, one-dimensional circle map. Numerical and topological methods are used to give a very detailed picture of the observed bifurcations over the complete range of parameters. The bifurcations are generic for a class of models which generalize the RIC.  相似文献   
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