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Because there is some evidence that June Yellows (JY) of strawberry may be caused by a pathogenic agent, combinations of heat treatment and meristem-tip culture that are known to eliminate some viruses from tissues were used in attempts to cure affected Cambridge Favourite strawberry plants from JY. None of 397 propagants derived from JY-affected plants subjected to various combinations of these treatments were freed from JY. Indeed, all propagants showed more obvious JY symptoms than the parent plants from which they were derived, suggesting that such treatments may be useful for detecting incipient JY in symptomless strawberry stocks.  相似文献   
Polyamines in normal and auxin-induced strawberry fruit development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The possible involvement of polyamines during strawberry ( Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) fruit development was investigated. Putrescine, spermidine, and spermine were identified in strawberry receptacles and achenes at all stages of development. Total (free) polyamine levels decreased from a maximum of 485 nmol g−1 fresh weight at pollination to a minimum of 55 nmol g−1 fresh weight in ripe receptacles. Total polyamine concentrations during corresponding stages of development were consistently higher in achenes than in receptacles, and ranged from 891 to 203 nmol g−1 fresh weight. Removal of achenes from the surface of developing receptacles 10 days after pollination reduced receptacle growth, and re-initiation of growth by application of 1 m M α-naphtaleneacetic acid (α-NAA) was accompanied by a rapid increase in polyamine concentrations 24 h after treatment. Polyamine content per receptacle increased >3-fold in normally developing receptacles and in de-achened, auxin-treated receptacles 10 days after removal of achenes, but did not increase during this period in de-achened receptacles not treated with exogenous auxin. α-NAA increased growth and polyamine levels to a greater extent than the structurally related, but less effective auxin, β-NAA. Polyamine concentrations in receptacles with intact achenes remained similar to those of auxin depleted (de-achened) receptacles, implying that the concentration of these compounds may not be limiting following achene removal.  相似文献   
Strawberry tissues infected with Phytophthora cactorum were comminuted and plated in a selective antibiotic agar medium to determine levels of tissue colonisation as indicated by the number of colony forming units (CFU) recovered per gramme of infected tissue. The number of CFU recovered per gramme of tissue increased logarithmically with the amount of necrosis in infected crown, leaf and petiole tissues. Under the conditions of enhanced susceptibility to infection and colonisation caused by cold storage treatments, this relationship between colonisation and necrosis was not significantly altered in the susceptible cv. Tamella. A recovery index was used to determine the effect of infected tissues on the recovery of CFU. This indicated that increasing levels of host colonisation stimulated CFU recovery and may partly explain the large increase in CFU g-1 with larger amounts of necrosis. The amount of tissue colonisation was greater in inoculated plants of the susceptible cv. Tamella than in less susceptible cv. Cambridge Favourite, although the necrotic tissues of the latter contained more CFU g-1, indicating a greater level of tolerance to colonisation. In cv. Tamella small amounts of colonisation were capable of causing wilt symptoms, although no wilted plants contained less than 200 CFU g-1. Conversely, plants containing more than 1000 CFU g-1 always wilted. In the early stages of infection, low levels of colonisation could be detected in strawberry crowns in the absence of symptoms. Dormant strawberry plants of cv. Tamella were readily infected by P. cactorum zoospore inoculations but, unlike actively growing plants, the majority of infections remained latent. These latent infections exhibited little or no symptoms and CFU recoveries from infected tissues were always below 100 CFU g-1.  相似文献   
Cold-stored plants of strawberry cultivars Tamella, Cambridge Favourite and Redgauntlet were more susceptible to pathogenic isolates of Phytophthora cactorum than similar plants which had not been cold-stored. Indigenous nonpathogenic isolates of P. cactorum did not cause crown rot in cold-stored plants, although a small number of symptomless latent infections occurred. The majority of P. cactorum isolates causing crown rot symptoms were taken from infected strawberry crowns, although two isolates from gooseberry plants, but of uncertain origin, were also pathogenic. Outbreaks of crown rot in areas with no previous history of the disease therefore probably result from the importation of non-indigenous inoculum with planting material. Assessments of the timing of infection in relation to cold storage revealed that a high incidence of death in the cold store and chronic wilt symptoms on planting from the store resulted from initiating symptomless infections prior to cold storage. However, infection during the period immediately after cold storage resulted in rapid wilt symptoms of Phytophthora crown rot. When plated in sterile distilled water for 24 h, pieces of tissue from infected plants which had died during cold storage produced large numbers of sporangia and zoospores. This indicates that such plant material could provide a potent source of inoculum for infections in the post storage thawing environment. It is proposed that a combination of heightened host susceptibility resulting from cold storage and the presence of scatted latent infections or infected debris among the plants could result in a sudden, large scale appearance of crown rot, as sometimes is seen with cold-stored plantings of strawberries.  相似文献   
Light and electron microscopy was used to study the ultrastructural effects of June Yellows (JY) in leaves of strawberry. Four cultivars of strawberry, affected to different extents by JY, were compared with healthy (JY-free) cv. Cambridge Favourite and with strawberry infected with strawberry crinkle rhabdovirus, Fragaria vesca infected with strawberry mottle virus (SMotV), raspberry and black currant showing virus-induced yellowing and with strawberry and raspberry showing chaemeric yellow sectors in the leaves. Except for isometric virus-like particles detected in SMotV-infected F. vesca, no virus-like particles or structures of other pathogenic agents were found in any of the tissues examined. Leaf cells of JY-affected strawberry showed severe disruption of chloroplasts and plasmalemma, whorls of membranous vesicles and decreased vacuole size. The extent and severity of these abnormalities increased with increased severity of JY symptoms but, even in leaves with mild JY symptoms, chloroplast abnormalities were obvious. In the most severely affected leaves, the cells lacked discrete vacuoles and extensive hypertrophy was seen in other organelles such as nuclei and mitochondria. Few, if any, ultrastructural abnormalities were observed in virus-infected strawberry or F. vesca, or in chaemeric leaves of strawberry and raspberry. By contrast, in raspberry and black currant with yellowed leaves caused by virus infection, the cells showed enlarged chloroplasts, decreased vacuole size and vesicle formation. However, chloroplast enlargement and disruption in this material seemed due to increased size of starch grains which were largely absent from swollen chloroplasts of JY-affected strawberry. The ultrastructural abnormalities observed in JY-affected strawberry are, therefore, not inconsistent with the possibility that a pathogenic agent may be involved in the condition.  相似文献   
长期施肥对双季稻区红壤性水稻土质量的影响及其评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为量化27年连续施用化肥及其与猪粪、稻草配施处理对双季稻区土壤质量的影响,选择土壤容重、最大持水量、孔隙度、标准化平均质量直径、pH、阳离子交换量、有效养分、土壤有机质、微生物生物量碳、土壤酶和作物生产力等项目作为评价指标,并根据不同指标所具有的功能归纳为:抗物理退化的能力、养分供应和贮藏的能力、抗生物化学退化的能力、保持作物生产力的能力4项功能,以这4项功能为基础划分土壤质量指数(SQI).结果表明:SQI等级范围为0.544(CK)~0.729(施氮磷钾肥+稻草处理).与施氮磷钾肥(NPK)处理土壤相比,长期非均衡施肥的PK、NP、NK处理土壤质量发生了退化.土壤缺磷和缺钾是限制水稻生产力的主要因素,即使每年施用30 t·hm-2猪粪或4.2 t·hm-2稻草也不能达到满足高产水稻所需要的土壤磷、钾含量水平.长期施用石灰对红壤水稻土质量的提升效果不明显.在南方红壤水稻种植区,氮、磷、钾与有机肥配施是提升土壤质量的最佳措施.  相似文献   
富含多糖草莓果实总RNA提取方法的改进   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
以草莓果实为模式实验材料,将Chomczynski提出的常规RNA提取方法与Kenneth等提出的改进方法相结合,并做了进一步改进,建立了一种简单实用的从富舍多糖的植物材料中提取总RNA的方法。先利用冷的丙酮去除色素类物质,再利用乙二醇丁醚去除多糖,从而有效克服了从富含色素和多糖娄物质的植物材料中提取RNA的困难;获取的RNA样品在纯度和浓度上都可以满足PCR及Northern杂交等分子生物学实验的要求。  相似文献   
Despite its value as a crop and potential utility as an experimental system, relatively little is known about the molecular-genetic aspects of inheritance or physiology in the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria xananassa). This lack of information exists at a time when biotechnology may offer important remedies to address traditional and contemporary challenges that growers face. An improved understanding of genome structure will hasten the development of molecular markers and unveil clues to the composition of this unique, octoploid genome. Definition of gene function will guide the generation of transgenic resources for research use and possibly toward cultivar development. This review seeks to compile and present the current knowledge state of the molecular-genetic basis of cultivated strawberry genomic form and function. Ongoing studies promise to expand the use of genomic tools and appropriate model systems to rapidly discern the structural and functional basis for traits of interest to agriculture, such as those associated with disease, ripening, and volatile production. Together these studies bring new molecular tools to dissect complex traits, implement marker-assisted selection and address important physiological questions in the cultivated strawberry, the Fragaria genus, and the Rosaceae family.  相似文献   
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